Releases: joaovitoriasilva/endurain
Releases · joaovitoriasilva/endurain
v0.5.0 - .fit file support
⚠️ Warning:
- The DB has schema changes, however no impacts are expected. Nevertheless backup your DB before applying the update.
- Please instruct your users to logout and login after upgrade.
- There is a new volume needed to store processed activity files on container updates.
- Please read the README file for further information.
New Features:
- .fit files are now supported, including multi activity files.
- New health zone starting with the capability of logging weight.

What's Changed Backend
- Added support for .fit files.
- Added support for weight logging.
- Files used to import activities are now stored in a specific processed folder.
- New specific log for migrations.
- Dependencies bump.
- Bug fixes.
What's Changed Frontend
- Toast logic now uses Notivue.
- Added support for .fit files.
- Added support for weight logging.
- Activity summary data now displays the correct data and is adapted for each activity type.
- Change theme now works using the general settings.
- flag-icons added to navbar.
- Fixed dropdown not closing on theme change in navbar.
- Bug fixes.
What's Changed General
- Updated README, docker-compose and screenshot files
New Contributors
- @movassaghi6 made their first contribution in #27
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #26
v0.4.0 - Bulk import, redesigned settings integrations zone and retrieve Strava activities now lets users define number of days
ℹ️ Info:
- There is a new volume needed to be configured to allow bulk import. Please read the README file for further information.
What's Changed Backend
- Added bulk import capability
- Bumped dependencies
What's Changed Frontend
- Added bulk import capability
- Redesigned settings integration zone from card to list view
- Retrieve Strava activities button now allows user to specify number of days prior to retrieve #23
- Minor fixes
- Bumped dependencies
What's Changed General
- Updated README, docker-compose and screenshot files
v0.3.3 - Fixed margins mobile & removed alpha version banner
What's Changed Frontend
- Fixed margins on home page on mobile
- Removed alpha version banner
v0.3.2 - Fixed Strava token refresh and hardcoded client ID, walk and hike activities not correctly tagged
⚠️ Warning:
- There is a new env variable for the frontend needed for Strava integration.
- Walk and hike activities were not correctly tagged in the DB. It is fixed and it is possible to change the activity type in the frontend
What's Changed Backend
- Fixed Strava token not being refreshed
- Fixed walk and hike activities were not correctly tagged in the DB
What's Changed Frontend
- Fixed hardcoded Strava client ID 20
- Fixed walk and hike activities were not properly represented
- It is now possible to change activity type
- Minor fixes
What's Changed General
- Updated README and docker-compose files
v0.3.1 - Password complexity, Strava and minor fixes
What's Changed Backend
- On access token not present/not valid 403 was returned instead of 401
- Token validity on token refresh endpoint was not properly done
- Docker file FRONTEND_HOST default value is localhost:8080 instead of frontend:8080
- Password complexity validation added to backend logic
What's Changed Frontend
- Password complexity should now allow all characters described here #19
- Fixed Strava linked value not being updated after successful Strava link
What's Changed General
- Fixed typo in docker-compose.yml.example
v0.3.0 - OAuth scopes, frontend fixes and theme/lang switchers
⚠️ Warning:
- There was changes on how the password hash is generated, stored and validated. Your users password will be broken on this release. The alembic script will automatically fix the password for the admin account with the default password.
- The DB has schema changes, however no impacts are expected. Nevertheless backup your DB before applying the update.
What's Changed Backend
- Added poetry for dependency management
- Added multi client support (web and mobile)
- Added OAuth Scopes
- Added additional routes for user profile for better segregation
- Reworked project structure
- Minor fixes
- Python bumped to 3.12
- Bumped dependencies
What's Changed Frontend
- Added PWA support
- Frontend fixes (user could see unwanted components on other activities, minor UI tweaks)
- Theme and language switchers
- Pagination is now used on gears and users views
- Fixed week activities on profile page not showing correct values
- Fixed week stats on home and profile page not showing correct values
- Minor fixes
- Bumped dependencies
What's Changed General
- Updated README, docker-compose and screenshot files
- Fixed typos in README by @schwier-xyz in #17
- Added multi arch Docker image (arm64 and amd64) #16
New Contributors
- @schwier-xyz made their first contribution in #17
v0.2.0 - Frontend is now built with Vue.js 3
- [frontend] Now built with Vue.js 3
- [frontend] Search logic moved to the footer, and is now possible to search Gear, User or Activity
- [frontend] Activity page now only shows one metric at a time in the graph
- [frontend] Alerts are now displayed using toasts
- [backend] New route to support activity search
- [backend] Dependencies bump
v0.1.5 - Fixed user authentication and some exceptions not being handled by backend
- [backend] Fixed an issue where user authentication SQLAlchemy query was not correct, resulting in a user being able to login with a wrong password
- [backend] Fixed an issue where alembic config file would overlap existing loggers configured
- [backend] Fixed an issue where if Strava was not linked it raised an exception. Now it logs it instead
- [backend] Fixed an issue on not closing properly the .gpx files after processing them
v0.1.4 - Backend revamp, change password flow and sync Strava gear
Warning: Alembic is now used to create and manage DB migrations. I recommend for you to drop DB tables and let Alembic create the DB structure from scratch for this new version.
- Backend revamp from scratch
- Settings page revamp
- User can now reset account password
- Admin can reset users passwords
- It is now possible to retrieve gear from Strava
- Backend now uses Alembic to manage DB migrations and DB creation on first use
v0.1.3 - Remove streams from activities DB table
Warning: The schema DB changes has breaking changes. You will need to import your activities again to have them display correctly.
- Removed waypoints column on activities DB table
- Added strava_gear_id column to activities DB table in order to prepare DB schema to store this value
- Added new DB table activities_stream
- Adapted code to support new DB schema