(This library is not finished yet, it could be not working well in some environments)
Productivy and easy way to clear your local branches
- Setup to run using
ornpx clear-branches
- Setup to run cross environment (unix or windows) platforms, shelljs could be a good solution
- Code improvement, it's a messy today, sorry.
- Security improvement using Deno.
- Node equal or greater than
If you don't want to install globaly, you can just execute into your git project:
$ npx clear-branches
Or installing:
$ yarn global add clear-branches
$ cd your-git-project/
$ clear-branches
$ npm i -g clear-branches
$ cd your-project/
$ clear-branches
Inside your project:
$ cd your-git-project/
$ clear-branches
You will see all branches that will be deleted to confirm if everything is alright. It automatically ignores master, develop and release branches.
But, if you want to ignore more banches:
clear-branches --ignore=chore/bump-version,feat/finish-scheduling-treatment