Meteor-M2 signal analysis: supporting material to presented at FOSDEM2019. All development completed on Debian GNU/Linux, compilation using gcc
and signal processing using GNU/Octave
extrait.s is a sample data acquisition: soft bits encoded as signed 8-bit integers (char)
(GNU/Octave) will search for all possible permutation of the header bits to identify the QPSK phase rotation in the dataset
The output should look like
with correlation peaks every 16384 samples for one of the constellation rotation/permutation state.
aims at demonstrating how the synchronization header is encoded (demonstrated with some dummy sentence to justify the correlation word used in go_viterbi1.m)
viterbi.m convolutional encoding decoder taken from
Various C programs linking with KA9Q's libfec library at are used to demonstrate functionalities with increasing complexity:
: decoding the synchronization word (manually encoded) to demonstrate how to use Vitervi decoding2jmf_libfec_long.c
: same as 1. but on the sample file, reading the whole file at once and the processing the whole dataset at once. Notice the dynamic memory allocation (malloc) since a static memory allocation would not fit on the Linux stack.3jmf_libfec_blocks.c
: same as 2. but reading successive blocks from file rather than the whole dataset at once4jmf_rs.c
: getting familiary with Reed Solomon error correction on synthetic data with the introduction of a known number of errors at known positions5jmf_libfec_blocks_rs.c
: complete decoding using Viterbi for convolutional code removal and Reed Solomon for error correction.
Once convolutional code decoding has been completed and optionally Reed Solomon correction applied,
aims at decoding sentences within each message block.