A resource for residents or businesses looking to move to Austin, TX. Let the app calculate a livability score for the area of your interest.
Relocal is a Mithril/Express/Postgres/Browserify web application that taps into various Austin Open Data APIs using data from the [City of Austin Data Portal] (http://data.austintexas.gov). Each address will produce a livability score based on an algorithm which uses the available data. The end user will be able to compare the results of particular data for an address entered with Austin averages. In addition, the user will be able to scale the importance of each element to receive a weighted result depending on the user's own priorities.
├── index.js - main view and routes
├── components
│ ├── *.js
├── models
│ │
│ ├── Auth.js
│ ├── Location.js
│ └── Searches.js
├── public
│ └── index.html - main html file
│ └── style.css - compiled styles (don't touch)
│ └── sass
└── .scss - write your styles here to be compiled to style.css
│── data
| └── crimes, restaurants.js - the json data that populates the database
│── lib
| └── search.js
│── models
│ └── *.js
└── index.js - node server file
Install Postgres:
brew install postgres
Set up the database & compile CSS for the first time (from the Relocalc root directory):
Repopulate the database tables (only needs to be done if rows are deleted from all tables):
node server/db/populateDb.js
Start the server:
gulp start
To recompile css, you must stop the server and run:
gulp sass
- Highcharts - used for displaying the search results data.
- Knex - used to migrate data when adding new tables.
- [GeoLib] (https://github.com/manuelbieh/Geolib) - used for geospatial calculations (e.g. comparing database entries within a geographic radius.)
- [Firebase] (https://www.firebase.com/docs/) - used for user authentication, storing user sessions, and storing a user's previous searches.