Whenever installing a new linux desktop, I always find myself installing the same pieces of software over, and over again.
My first stab at automating setup was a bash script. It quickly became too complicated and difficult to maintain. Enter chef, specifically chef-solo. Chef allows you to quickly, cleany provision your machine with minimal effort.
In order to bootstrap the system, you will need to install some pieces of software.
What we will install is RVM, chef, berkshelf.
$ make setup
- rvm
- chef
- berkshelf
If you are planning to install right after the setup command, you will need to source RVM from your current terminal with:
echo "source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc
Once the requirements have been met, simply run the install command.
$ make install
Below is a list of all software installed during the chef run.
software | reason |
vim | development |
git | development |
chromium | browse all the internets |
keepassx | password manager |
nfs-common | vm shared folder setup |
nfs-kernel-server | vm shared folder setup |
gnome-encfs-manager | gnome encfs manager |
hipchat | chat software |
java | oracle java |
spotify | music |
sublime | development |
vagrant | manage vms |
guake | terminal |
indicator-multiload | visual display of resources |
hamster-indicator | track how you utilize your time |
indicator-cpufreq | control cpu utilization |
google-talkplugin | google hangouts |
my-weather-indicator | weather applet |
variety | rotate wallpaper |
plex | stream video via DLNA |
steam | video games |
zsh | terminal |