Display system statistics in tmux status bar.
tmux-sys-stat is still in early stage of development. It displays system statistics such as memory usage and cpus usage.
It is not configurable (yet) and work only on Mac OS X. It should be pretty easy to implement and add new system specific classes in order to make it work on other systems (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD...etc.).
This project is largerly inspired from tmux-mem-cpu-load from Matt McCormick. However, it has been reimplemented in order to work on Mac OS X.
Moreover, MenuMeters's code has been used in order to gather MacOSX system statistics. Thanks to Alex Harper for his great project!
By default, tmux-sys-stat wait 1 second between reading system statistics. We must set tmux-interval with the same value.
cd ~/src/
git clone https://github.com/jlc/tmux-sys-stat.git
cd tmux-sys-stat
Symlink somewhere (e.g. $HOME/bin):
ln -s ~/src/tmux-sys-stat/tmux-sys-stat ~/bin/tmux-sys-stat
Add to PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
Add in .tmux.conf:
set -g status-interval 1
set -g status-right "#[fg=black,bg=yellow]#(tmux-sys-stat)#[default] - #h %H:%M %d-%b-%y"
set -g status-right-length 130
80.27% [#### ]73% [# ]05% [## ]36% [# ]04% [### ]44% [# ]04% [# ]20% [# ]02% - buddy 16:32 02-Jul-12