Venice allows you to write shell scripts without a hassle. The 'io' functions are pretty powerful when dealing with files. You're not going to miss Unix tools like 'awk, 'sed'.
The REPL let's you interactively run and test commands.
- os−type, os−type?
- os−arch, os−name, os−version
- system-env
- current−time−millis
- sleep
- host−name, host−address
- io/file
- io/file−parent, io/file−name
- io/file−path, io/file−absolute−path, io/file−canonical−path
- io/mkdir, io/mkdirs
- io/slurp, io/slurp−lines, io/spit
- io/copy−file, io/move−file
- io/delete−file, io/delete−file−tree
- io/list−files, io/list−files−glob, io/list−file−tree
- io/exists−file?, io/exists−dir?, io/file−can−read?, io/file−can−write?, io/file−can−execute?
- io/temp−file, io/tmp−dir, io/user−dir, io/user−home−dir
- ...
- io/zip, io/zip−file
- io/zip−list, io/zip−list−entry−names
- io/zip−append, io/zip−remove
- io/unzip, io/unzip−to−dir
- io/unzip−first, io/unzip−all
- io/gzip, io/gzip−to−stream
- io/ungzip, io/ungzip−to−stream
- io/download
- io/internet−avail?
The sh
function is the swiss army knife to deal with the native processes of the
underlying operating system (see the Venice cheatsheet for details).
(sh "kill" "-9" 56789 :throw-ex true)
;; printing
(println (sh "ls" "-l"))
(sh "ls" "-l" :out-fn println :err-fn println)
;; run background process
(println (sh "/bin/sh" "-c" "sleep 30 >/dev/null 2>&1 &"))
(println (sh "/bin/sh" "-c" "nohup sleep 30 >/dev/null 2>&1 &"))
;; working directory
(println (with-sh-dir "/tmp" (sh "ls" "-l") (sh "pwd")))
(println (sh "pwd" :dir "/tmp"))
;; list files in a directory with a glob pattern
(->> (io/list-files-glob "." "*.png")
(docoll println))
The Shell Extension Module offers OS agnostic functions to manage processes or open files with the platform specific application.
- shell/open
- shell/open-macos-app
- shell/diff
- shell/alive?
- shell/process-handle
- shell/process-info
- shell/current-process
- shell/pid
- shell/processes
- shell/parent-process
- shell/descendant-processes
- shell/kill, shell/kill-forcibly
- shell/wait-for-process-exit
For details see: The Shell Extension Module
A larger example that zips Tomcat log files
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Zips the last month's Tomcat log files
;; > java -jar venice-1.10.11.jar -file zip-tomcat-logs.venice ./logs
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn tomcat-log-file-filter [prefix year month]
(let [regex (str/format "%s[.]%d-%02d-[0-9][0-9][.]log" prefix year month)]
(fn [f] (match? (io/file-name f) regex))))
(defn tomcat-log-file-zip [prefix dir year month]
(io/file dir (str/format "" prefix year month)))
(defn zip-files [dir zip files]
(with-sh-dir dir
(apply sh (concat ["zip" (:name zip)] (map #(:name %) files))))))
(defn zip-tomcat-logs [prefix dir year month]
(let [zip (tomcat-log-file-zip prefix dir year month)
filter (tomcat-log-file-filter prefix year month)
logs (io/list-files dir filter)]
(printf "Compacting %s ...\n" prefix)
(printf " Found %d log files\n" (count logs))
(when-not (empty? logs)
(zip-files dir zip logs)
(printf " Zipped to %s\n" (:name zip))
(apply io/delete-file logs)
(printf " Removed %d files\n" (count logs))))
(catch :com.github.jlangch.venice.ShellException ex
(printf "Error compacting %s: %s" prefix (:message ex)))))
(defn first-day-of-month [offset]
(-> (time/local-date)
(time/plus :month offset)))
(let [dir (io/file (nth *ARGV* 2))
date (first-day-of-month -1)
year (time/year date)
month (time/month date)]
(if (io/exists-dir? dir)
(printf "Compacting %d-%02d logs from '%s' ...\n" year month dir)
(zip-tomcat-logs "localhost_access_log" dir year month)
(zip-tomcat-logs "host-manager" dir year month)
(zip-tomcat-logs "manager" dir year month)
(zip-tomcat-logs "localhost" dir year month)
(zip-tomcat-logs "catalina" dir year month)
(println "Done."))
(printf "Error: The Tomcat log dir '%s' does not exist" dir))))