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The Venice sandbox allows a program to execute Venice in a restricted sandbox environment regarding Java interop and Venice functions. It is useful for applications that want to provide some degree of scriptability to users, without allowing them to read/write files, execute System.exit(0), or any other undesirable operations.


The sandbox is local to a thread. This allows multi-threaded applications to isolate execution properly.

When using Venice' built-in Concurrency features like futures, agents, delays, schedulers, ..., Venice ensures that the underlying threads inherit the configured sandbox and are operating properly within the sandbox.

However if you create your own, unmanaged threads, given the sandbox allows it, these threads have always a restricted sandbox attached rejecting all Java calls and Venice I/O functions and prohibiting access to stdin, stdout and stderr.

The "Dining Philosophers" example in the Concurrency section demonstrates how to use Venice futures instead of bare Java threads.

No blacklisting for Java interop

Unlike a sandbox provided by Java SecurityManager, this sandboxing is only a skin deep. In other words, even if you prohibit Venice from executing a Java operation X, if an attacker finds another Java method Y that calls into X, he can execute X.

This in practice means you have to whitelist what's OK, as opposed to blacklist things that are problematic, because you'll never know all the static methods that are available to the script in the JVM!


  • whitelist Java classes down to individual methods and fields
  • whitelist Java system property access down to individual properties
  • whitelist Java environment variables access down to individual vars
  • whitelist individual Venice extension modules like :shell, :maven, ...
  • blacklist all Venice I/O functions like spit, slurp, ...
  • blacklist individual Venice functions like time/date, ...
  • prohibit calls to all Venice I/O functions and Java fully
  • limiting the execution time of a script


Customized sandbox

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.javainterop.*;

// for details see javadoc of class "com.github.jlangch.venice.javainterop.SandboxRules"
final IInterceptor interceptor =
    new SandboxInterceptor(
        new SandboxRules()
              // Java interop: whitelist rules
              .withSystemProperties("", "db.port")
              .withSystemEnvs("SHELL", "HOME")

              // Venice extension modules: whitelist rules

              // Venice functions: blacklist rules
              // Venice functions: whitelist rules to offset 
              // blacklist rules by individual functions

              // Generic rules	

final Venice venice = new Venice(interceptor);

// rule: "java.lang.Math:PI"
// => OK (whitelisted static field)
venice.eval("(. :java.lang.Math :PI)"); 

// rule: "java.lang.Math:min"
// => OK (whitelisted static method)
venice.eval("(. :java.lang.Math :min 20 30)"); 
// rule: "java.time.ZonedDateTime:*
// => OK (whitelisted constructor & instance method)
venice.eval("(. (. :java.time.ZonedDateTime :now) :plusDays 5))"); 
// rule: "java.util.ArrayList:new" and "java.util.ArrayList:add"
// => OK (whitelisted constructor & instance method)
    "(doto (. :java.util.ArrayList :new)  " +
    "      (. :add 1)                     " +
    "      (. :add 2))                    ");
// rule: "java.awt.**:*"
// => OK (whitelisted)
    "(-<> (. :java.awt.color.ColorSpace :CS_LINEAR_RGB)      " +
    "     (. :java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace :getInstance <>) " +
    "     (. <> :getMaxValue 0))                             ");

// => FAIL (invoking non whitelisted static method)
venice.eval("(. :java.lang.System :exit 0)"); 

// => FAIL (invoking blacklisted Venice I/O function)
venice.eval("(io/slurp \"/tmp/file\")"); 

// => OK (invoking whitelisted Venice I/O function 'println')
venice.eval("(println 100)"); 

// => FAIL exceeded max exec time of 5s
venice.eval("(sleep 30000)"); 

// => FAIL (accessing non whitelisted system property)
venice.eval("(system-prop \"db.password\")"); 

// => FAIL (accessing non whitelisted system environment variable)
venice.eval("(system-env \"USER\")"); 

// => FAIL (accessing non whitelisted classpath resources)
venice.eval("(io/load-classpath-resource "resources/images/img.tiff")"); 

Sandbox rejecting all I/O related functions

Prohibit Venice I/O functions, Venice I/O extension modules, and Java Interop for completely safe scripting:

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;
import com.github.jlangch.venice.javainterop.*;

final Venice venice = new Venice(new RejectAllInterceptor());


To verify which functions / modules are prohibited check the reject-all sandbox in the REPL:

venice> !sandbox reject-all
venice> !sandbox config
[reject-all] SAFE restricted sandbox
Java calls:
   All rejected!
Whitelisted Venice modules:
Blacklisted Venice functions:

Sandbox turned off

Run Venice scripts with no restrictions:

import com.github.jlangch.venice.Venice;

final Venice venice = new Venice();


Creating your own unmanaged threads

As mentioned above you can create your own threads if the configured sandbox allows it.

However what you can do within these threads is very limited because a restricted sandbox is attached to this unmanaged threads.

This means:

  • No access to Java Calls
  • No access to Venice I/O functions
  • No access to 'load-file' and 'load-resource'
  • No access to stdin, stdout, and stderr
  • Access only to a few extension modules ("crypt", "kira", "xml")
  (defn async [f] (-> (. :java.lang.Thread :new f) 
                      (. :start)))

  (def fruits (atom ()))

  (async #(swap! fruits conj :apple))
  (async #(swap! fruits conj :mango))
  (async #(swap! fruits conj :orange))

  (sleep 2 :seconds)

Sandbox with the REPL

The sandbox can be managed and tested from within the REPL: managing the sandbox