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Sequential Destructuring

Sequential destructuring breaks up a sequential data structure as a Venice list or vector within a let binding

   (let [[x y z] [1 2 3]]
      (println x y z))
      ;=> 1 2 3

   (let [[x y z] '(1 2 3)]
      (println x y z))
      ;=> 1 2 3

   (let [[k v] (map-entry "a" 100)]
      (println k v))
      ;=> "a" 100
   ;; for strings, the elements are destructured by character.
   (let [[x y z] "abc"]
     (println x y z))
     ;=> a b c

or within function parameters

   (defn position [[x y]]
      (println "x:" x "y:" y))
   (position [1 2]) ;=> x: 1 y: 2

The destructured collection must not be of same size as the number of binding names

   (let [[a b c d e f] '(1 2 3)]
      (println a b c d e f))
      ;=> 1 2 3 nil nil nil
   (let [[a b c] '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)]
      (println a b c))
      ;=> 1 2 3

Working with tail elements & and ignoring bindings _

   (let [[a b c & z] '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)]
      (println a b c z))
      ;=> 1 2 3 (4 5 6 7 8 9)

   (let [[a _ b _ c & z] '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)]
      (println a b c z))
      ;=> 1 3 5 (6 7 8 9)

Binding the entire collection with :as

   (let [[a b c & z :as all] '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)]
      (println a b c z all))
      ;=> 1 2 3 (4 5 6 7 8 9) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

Nested bindings

   (def line [[5 10] [10 20]])
   (let [[[x1 y1][x2 y2]] line]
      (printf "Line from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d)%n" x1 y1 x2 y2))
      ;=> "Line from (5,10) to (10,20)"

:as or & can be used at any level

   (def line [[5 10] [10 20]])
   (let [[[a b :as group1] [c d :as group2]] line]
      (println a b group1)
      (println c d group2)))
      ;=> 5 10 [5 10]
      ;=> 10 20 [10 20])

Lazy sequences

   (let [[x y & z] (lazy-seq 1 inc)]
      (println x y (doall (take 5 z)))))
      ;=> 1 2 (3 4 5 6 7)
   (let [[x _ y _ z] (lazy-seq 1 inc)]
      (println x y z)))
      ;=> 1 3 5

Associative Destructuring

Associative destructuring breaks up an associative (key/value) data structure as a Venice map within a let binding.

   (let [{a :a, b :b, c :c} {:a "A" :b "B" :d "D"}]
      (println a b c))
      ; => A B nil
   (def map_keyword {:a "A" :b "B" :c 3 :d 4})
   (def map_strings {"a" "A" "b" "B" "c" 3 "d" 4})
   (let [{:keys [a b c]} map_keyword]
      (println a b c))
      ; => A B 3
   (let [{:strs [a b c]} map_strings]
      (println a b c))
      ; => A B 3

Binding the entire collection with :as

   (def map_keyword {:a "A" :b "B" :c 3 :d 4})

   (let [{:keys [a b c] :as all} map_keyword]
      (println a b c all))
      ; => A B 3 {:a A :b B :c 3 :d 4}

Binding with defaults :or

  (defn configure [options]
     (let [{:keys [port debug verbose] :or {port 8000, debug false, verbose false}} options]
     (println "port =" port " debug =" debug " verbose =" verbose)))
     ;=> port 8000, debug false, verbose false

  (configure {:debug true})

Nested destructuring

Associative destructuring can be nested and combined with sequential destructuring

   (def users
      {:peter {:role "clerk"
               :branch "Zurich"
               :age 40}
       :magda {:role "head of HR"
               :branch "Bern"
               :age 45}
       :kurt  {:role "assistant"
               :branch "Lucerne"
               :age 32}})

   (let [{{:keys [role branch]} :peter} users]
      (println "Peter is a" role "located at" branch))
      ;=> Peter is a clerk located at Zurich