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225 lines (160 loc) · 3.82 KB

File metadata and controls

225 lines (160 loc) · 3.82 KB

Control Flow

Venice like any other lisp dialect does not have any explicit flow control operators as imperative languages do. Everything in Venice is an expression and returns a value.


do blocks sequentially execute multiple expressions. The value of the last expression is returned.

(do (println "1000")
    (println "2000")
; => 20


if takes three expressions, a condition, a "then", and an "else" expression. The "else" expression is optional:

(str "2 is " (if (number? 2) "a number" "not a number"))
; => "2 is a number"

(if (pos? 100) "positive")
; => "positive"

(if (pos? -100) "positive")
; => nil

To handle larger blocks with multiple expressions presumable for side effects use do

(if (number? 5)
  (do (println "5 is number")
  (do (println "5 is not a number")
; => false


when is an if with only a then branch. It checks a condition and then evaluates any number of statements as a body in an implicit do. The value of the last expression is returned. If the condition is false, nil is returned.

(let [x 6]
  (when (pos? x)
    (println x "is positive")


cond is a series of tests and expressions with an optional else part. Each test is evaluated in order and the expression is evaluated and returned for the first true test.

  (defn test [x]
      (> x 0) "x is positive"
      (< x 0) "x is negative"))
  (test 10)   ; => "x is positive"
  (test -10)  ; => "x is negative"
  (test 0)    ; => nil

with an else part:

  (defn test [x]
      (> x 0) "x is positive"
      (< x 0) "x is negative"
      :else   "x is zero"))
  (test 10)   ; => "x is positive"
  (test -10)  ; => "x is negative"
  (test 0)    ; => "x is zero


case takes an expression and a list of clauses. Each clause takes the form of a test constant and a result expression.

  (defn test [x]
    (case (* x 10)
      10 :ten
      20 :twenty 
      30 :thirty))

  (test 1)  ; => :ten
  (test 2)  ; => :twenty
  (test 3)  ; => :thirty
  (test 4)  ; => nil

with a default:

  (defn test [x]
    (case (* x 10)
      10 :ten
      20 :twenty 
      30 :thirty 

  (test 1)  ; => :ten
  (test 2)  ; => :twenty
  (test 3)  ; => :thirty
  (test 4)  ; => :dont-know


(dotimes binding & body)

dotimes repeatedly executes a body with a name bound to integers from 0 through n-1. Returns nil.

(dotimes [n 3] (println "n is" n))

; "n is 0"
; "n is 1"
; "n is 2"
; => nil


(list-comp seq-exprs & body-expr)

List comprehensions take a vector of one or more binding-form or collection-expr pairs, each followed by zero or more modifiers, and yields a collection of evaluations of expr.

(list-comp [x (range 5)] x) 

;; => (0 1 2 3 4)
(list-comp [x (seq "abc") y [0 1]] [x y])

;; => (["a" 0] ["a" 1] ["b" 0] ["b" 1] ["c" 0] ["c" 1])
(list-comp [x (range 10) :when (odd? x)] (* x 2))

;; => (2 6 10 14 18)


(doseq seq-exprs & body)

doseq repeatedly executes body (presumably for side-effects) with bindings and filtering as provided by "list-comp". Does not retain the head of the sequence. Returns nil.

(doseq [x (range 10)] (print x))

;; 0123456789
;; => nil
(doseq [x (seq "abc") y [0 1 2]] (print (pr-str [x y])))

;; ["a" 0]["a" 1]["b" 0]["b" 1]["c" 0]["c" 1]
;; => nil
(doseq [x (range 10) :when (odd? x)] (print (* x 2) " "))

;; 2  6  10  14  18
;; => nil


(docoll f coll)

Applies f to the items of the collection presumably for side effects. Returns nil.

(docoll #(println %) [1 2 3])

; 1
; 2
; 3
; => nil