- Fixed WEBVTT subtitles parsing.
- Updated ExoPlayer version.
- Refactored ExoPlayer code.
- Added missing controller dispose from BetterPlayer widget dispose.
- Added fix for iOS aspect ratio issue.
- Fixed auto play issue where player starts video after load initialization process and player is not visible.
- Updated texts in examples.
- Added missing widevine DRM parameters (by https://github.com/FlutterSu)
- Added overflowModalColor and overflowModalTextColor in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration.
- Disabled picture in picture in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed enabled parameter for skip back and forward.
- Fixed notification configuration null issue (by https://github.com/bounty1342)
- Added token based and widevine DRM support.
- Updated documentation.
- Fixed iOS HLS initialization issue.
- Fixed issue where video plays after resume even if it's not visible.
- Updated User-Agent picking for Android.
- Added auto option for quality selection.
- Fixed empty data source notification issue.
- Fixed WebVTT subtitles parsing issue.
- Fixed memory data source issue on iOS.
- Added videoExtension parameter for memory data source (works only with memory data source).
- Added videoFormat parameter to network data source.
- Fixed controls visible all time on live stream.
- Fixed potential iOS notification crash.
- Dart analysis fix
- Refactored BetterPlayerPlaylist feature.
- Added new BetterPlayerPlaylistController which is accessible from BetterPlayerPlaylist's current state. Playlist video can be changed with setupDataSource method and current video index can be accessed with currentDataSourceIndex getter.
- Fixed iOS availableDuration index issue.
- Added arabic translations (by https://github.com/mohamed-Etman).
- Added headers to HLS data request (by https://github.com/mohamed-Etman).
- Added fullScreenAspectRatio to copyWith method in BetterPlayerConfiguration (by https://github.com/njlawton)
- Fixed fullscreen issue.
- Fixed HLS tracks selection.
- Removed HLS parser package and included HLS parser package in Better Player.
- Removed unused player observer in iOS.
- Fixed cache issue in Android where multiple Better Player instances uses same directory.
- Fixed HLS parsing issue.
- Added HLS Audio example.
- Fixed unregister listener issue in iOS.
- Updated documentation.
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] BetterPlayerState visibility changed to private.
- Fixed HLS audio tracks playlist selection issue.
- Added enableProgressBarDrag in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration.
- Fixed audio track picking in ExoPlayer (Android).
- Changed default loadingColor.
- Fixed lint issues.
- Fixed subtitles setup issue.
- Fixed deprecated resizeToAvoidBottomPadding
- Fixed playing large videos in iOS.
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed autoPlay and errorBuilder from BetterPlayerController. These can be accessed via betterPlayerController.
- Added HLS Audio track support.
- Added setAudioTrack method in BetterPlayerController.
- Added useHlsAudioTrack parameter in BetterPlayerDataSource.
- Added enableAudioTracks and audioTracksIcon, backgroundColor in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration.
- Fixed HLS loading speed.
- Fixed finished event creation.
- Fixed player pause issue when player notification is displayed.
- Fixed player not pausing/resuming automatically correctly.
- Fixed fullscreen dispose issue.
- Added videoFormat parameter in BetterPlayerDataSource (should be used when data source url has no extension).
- Added retry feature after video failed to load.
- Added enableRetry in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration.
- Changed BetterPlayerEventType.openFullscreen and BetterPlayerEventType.hideFullscreen events behavior (now events trigger after route change).
- Removed closed caption support from original video_player codebase.
- Fixed chinese translation typo (fixed by https://github.com/Big7lion)
- Fixed loading large videos in iOS.
- Fixed partly progress bar jumping when seek issue in iOS.
- Added forceDispose parameter to dispose method in BetterPlayerController.
- Fixed Android notification vibration issue (fixed by https://github.com/marcusforsberg).
- Fixed Android loading indicator issue.
- Added setControlsAlwaysVisible in BetterPlayerController.
- Added absolutePosition feature (added by https://github.com/FlutterSu)
- Fixed iOS AVPlayer observer issue.
- Fixed iOS headers not applied issue.
- Added Picture in Picture support.
- Added new parameters in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration: pipMenuIcon and enablePip.
- Added new methods in BetterPlayerController: enablePictureInPicture, disablePictureInPicture, isPictureInPictureSupported, setBetterPlayerGlobalKey.
- Added Picture in Picture icon in player controls.
- Added Picture in Picture example.
- Updated ExoPlayer version.
- Added pipStart and pipStop events.
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed skipsTimeInMilliseconds. Added forwardSkipTimeInMilliseconds and backwardSkipTimeInMilliseconds.
- Updated notification service in android example.
- Fixed event play/pause event not triggered when controlling video with PiP or remote notification.
- Fixed playerTheme not set correctly.
- Fixed progress bar able to drag over other buttons.
- Fixed iOS player last second issue (player did not complete on last second of resource).
- Added placeholder until play example
- Added playback stalled feature in iOS. iOS version should behave same as Android once video failed to load.
- Added BetterPlayerTheme to controls configuration (added by https://github.com/maine98).
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Changed custom controls builder in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration. Now it accepts BetterPlayerController.
- Exposed BetterPlayerPlaylistState and betterPlayerController getter within.
- Added overriddenDuration to BetterPlayerDataSource.
- Added autoDispose flag in BetterPlayerConfiguration
- Added removeEventsListener in BetterPlayerController
- Video list examples update
- Fixed Android native build warnings
- Fixed placeholder until play issues
- Added placeholderOnTop to the BetterPlayerConfiguration
- Lint fixes
- Fixed resolution issue
- Fixed type of BetterPlayerDataSource for file type
- Added audio notify on dispose (iOS) (fixed by https://github.com/kingiol)
- Fixed loadingColor and loadingWidget for cupertino player
- Increased size of cupertino buttons
- Fixed setControlsEnabled in cupertino/material player
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed startAt, looping, placeholder, overlay, fullScreenByDefault, allowedScreenSleep, systemOverlaysAfterFullScreen, deviceOrientationsAfterFullScreen from BetterPlayerController
- Exposed VideoPlayerValue in export
- Fixed log issue
- Added loadingColor and loadingWidget in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration
- Added lint library for dart analysis
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Changed constant names to lowerCamelCase in BetterPlayerDataSourceType
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Changed constant names to lowerCamelCase in BetterPlayerEventType
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Changed constant names to lowerCamelCase in BetterPlayerSubtitlesSourceType
- Added support for player notifications
- Added handleLifecycle to BetterPlayerConfiguration
- Added notificationConfiguration to BetterPlayerDataSource
- Added setControlsEnabled to BetterPlayerController
- Fixed example video list widget buttons not rendering correctly in small resolutions
- Added setOverriddenAspectRatio to BetterPlayerController
- Fixed crash connected with setSpeed in Android platform
- Fixed deviceOrientationsOnFullScreen for iOS
- Fixed CH translations (fixes by https://github.com/JarvanMo)
- Click to show/hide controls (fixed by https://github.com/mtAlves)
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed future from isPlaying. Now it's sync method (https://github.com/hongfeiyang)
- Added INITIALIZED event
- Added autoDetectFullscreenDeviceOrientation in BetterPlayerConfiguration
- Fixed autoPlay background issue
- Removed open_iconic_flutter icons used in Cupertino controls
- Added cupertino_icons for icons used Cupertiono controls
- Fixed progress bar not working correctly for iOS 12 with file datasource
- Removed yellow line below progress text (fixed by https://github.com/mtAlves)
- Fixed iOS black screen issue
- Fixed full screen placeholder issue
- Fixed event not firing in enterFullScreen and exitFullScreen
- Fixed subtitles parsing issues
- Added memory data source
- Added factories: network, file, memory for BetterPlayerDataSource
- Fixed missing useHlsTracks implementation
- Fixed placeholder showing after full screen when using showPlaceholderUntilPlay
- Added setControlsVisibility to BetterPlayerController
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed showControlsOnInitialize from BetterPlayerConfiguration. Use BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration to set showControlsOnInitialize parameter.
- Fixed cupertino controls issue with hasError
- Fixed BetterPlayerEvent visibility
- Fixed lazy initialization, when first data source is passed after player finishes first render
- Added selectedByDefault to BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration
- Fixed HLS tracks android native code
- Updated example
- Fixed locale picking when context is not mounted anymore
- Added cache feature (based on https://github.com/sanekyy/plugins/tree/caching and https://github.com/vikram25897/flutter_cached_video_player solutions)
- Added BetterPlayerCacheConfiguration to BetterPlayerDataSource
- Refactored Android's native code
- Added showPlaceholderUntilPlay in BetterPlayerConfiguration
- Fixed exception event not being triggered
- Fixed controls not displaying on video finished
- Fixed issue when full screen was triggered twice if autoPlay and fullScreenByDefault were enabled
- Removed flutter_widgets, since it's not maintained anymore. Added instead visibility_detector package (by https://github.com/espresso3389)
- Added rewind and forward buttons for android player.
- Fixed player UI's jank
- Added enableSkips and skipsTimeInMilliseconds in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration
- Changed middle play button behavior (now it's only used for restart player).
- Updated BetterPlayerControllerProvider visibility.
- Override invalid dependency from wakelock library.
- Updated readme
- Fixed routePageBuilder usage from BetterPlayerConfiguration
- Added overflowMenuIcon, playbackSpeedIcon, qualitiesIcon, subtitlesIcon, overflowMenuIconsColor to BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration
- Added double tap to play/pause video (original idea by https://github.com/r6c)
- Fixed subtitles overflow issue when transitioning between fullscreen and normal state
- Added alignment and backgroundColor in BetterPlayerSubtitlesConfiguration
- Added enableOverflowMenu option in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration (enable/disable overflow menu)
- Added overflowMenuCustomItems in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration (show custom menu items in overflow menu)
- [BREAKING_CHANGE] Removed defaultErrorText, loadingNextVideoText, liveText from BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration. To change these values, please use translations in BetterPlayerConfiguration.
- Added BetterPlayerTranslations in BetterPlayerConfiguration. You can use it to setup translations of the player.
- Added fullScreenAspectRatio and deviceOrientationsOnFullScreen to handle different full screen scenarios
- Updated wakelock version
- [BREAKING_CHANGE]: changed API in BetterPlayerControlsConfiguration: enableQualities replaces enableTracks.
- Added support for different video resolutions
- Fixed issue when full screen is being dismissed on changing subtitles
- Added possibility to set multiple subtitles to video
- [BREAKING_CHANGE]: changed API in BetterPlayerDataSource. Instead of one subtitles object, list of subtitles is required.
- General bug fixes.
- Added playerVisibilityChangedBehavior in BetterPlayerConfiguration.
- Changed player behavior when player is not visible in viewport: if player was playing before leaving viewport it will be paused and if user views player again it will start playing automatically.
- Added BetterPlayer.network and BetterPlayer.file methods.
- Changed iOS & Android native classes name to prevent conflict issues with video_player.
- Added support for hls tracks (quality of the videos).
- Added useHlsTracks and hlsTrackName in BetterPlayerDataSource.
- Added CHANGED_TRACK event.
- You can choose track from overflow menu. When there's no tracks to select "Default" will be selected.
- Added enableSubtitles parameter.
- Added rotation parameter in BetterPlayerConfiguration.
- Added support for hls subtitles (BetterPlayer will handle them automatically).
- [BREAKING_CHANGE]: changed API in BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource. To use old API, please use factory: BetterPlayerSubtitlesSource.single.
- Added useHlsSubtitles parameter in BetterPlayerDataSource.
- User can choose subtitles from overflow menu, when there's no subtitles selected, "none" options will be chosen.
- Fixed loading issue when auto play video feature is enabled in playlist.
- Fixed placeholder not following video fit options (fixed by https://github.com/nicholascioli).
- Updated dependencies.
- Added overflow menu.
- Added playback speed feature (based on https://github.com/shiyiya solution).
- User can choose playback speed from overflow menu.
- Added SET_SPEED event.
- Added fit configuration option (based on https://github.com/shiyiya solution).
- Better player list video player state is preserved on state changed.
- Fixed manual dispose issue.
- Fixed playlists video changing issue (fixed by https://github.com/sokolovstas).
- Added tap to hide feature for iOS player (by https://github.com/gazialankus).
- Fixed CONTROLS_VISIBLE and CONTROLS_HIDDEN events not triggered for ios player (fixed by https://github.com/gazialankus).
- Added seek method to BetterPlayerListVideoPlayerController.
- Changed channel name of video player plugin.
- Fixed dispose issue in cupertino player.
- Fixed duration called on null (fixed by https://github.com/ganeshrvel).
- Added new control events (fixed by https://github.com/ganeshrvel).
- Fixed .m3u8 live stream issues in iOS.
- Fixed iOS crash on dispose.
- Added player headers support.
- Updated dependencies.
- Dart Analysis refactor.
- Added BetterPlayerListVideoPlayerController to control list video player.
- Fixed setState called after dispose.
- General bugfixes.
- Fixed buffering indicator issue on Android.
- Fixed progress bar scroll lag.
- Fixed video duration issue.
- Added HTML subtitles.
- Added reusable video player.
- Bug fixes.
- Changed 'settings' to 'configuration'.
- Removed unused parameters from configuration.
- Documentation update.
- Updated documentation.
- Moved example project from better_player_example to example.
- Initial release.