A Homeassistant custom component to monitor LG Washer, Dryer, DishWasher and Refrigerators using ThinQ API
based on WideQ project.
Important Version note:
From version 0.3.x component name changed from
If you are upgrading to version 0.3.x from previous version, you must remove component configuration and uninstall component from Home Assistant before upgrade. -
From version 0.5.x devices state labels are loaded from "language pack" and shown in the language related to your account. This change should solve all case of "unknown state" warning, due to the big change some sensors may not work as expected. Please open an issue with all possible details to help me to fix possible new issues introduced.
Important: The component will not work if you have logged into the ThinQ application and registered your devices using a social network account (Google, Facebook or Amazon). In order to use the component you need to create a new independent LG account and make sure you log into the ThinQ app and associate your devices with it. If during configuration you receive the message "No SmartThinQ devices found", probably your devices are still associated with the social network account. To solve the problem perform the following step:
- remove your devices from the ThinQ app
- logout from the app and login again with the independent LG account
- reconnect the devices in the app
Note: some device status may not be correctly detected, this depends on the model. I'm working to map all possible status developing the component in a way to allow to configure model option in the simplest possible way and provide update using Pull Requests. I will provide a guide on how update this information.
You can install this component in two ways: via HACS or manually.
If you have HACS, just go in the Integration Tab and search the "SmartThinQ LG Sensors" component to install it.
Clone the git master branch.
Unzip/copy the smartthinq_sensors direcotry within the
directory of your homeassistant installation. Thecustom_components
directory resides within your homeassistant configuration directory. Usually, the configuration directory is within your home (~/.homeassistant/
). In other words, the configuration directory of homeassistant is where the configuration.yaml file is located. After a correct installation, your configuration directory should look like the following.└── ... └── configuration.yaml └── secrects.yaml └── custom_components └── smartthinq_sensors └── __init__.py └── config_flow.py └── const.py └── ...
Note: if the custom_components directory does not exist, you need to create it.
Reboot HomeAssistant
Once the component has been installed, you need to configure it in order to make it work. There are two ways of doing so:
- Using the web interface (Lovelace) [recommended]
- Manually editing the configuration.yaml file
Simply add a new "integration" and look for "SmartThinQ LGE Sensors" among the proposed ones and
follow setup worflow.
Important: use your country and language code: SmartThinQ accounts are associated with a specific locale, so be sure to use the country you originally created your account with.
Follow these steps only if the previous configuration method did not work for you.
Note: with this configuration the integration will use APIv1 that cannot connect to new LG devices.
This configuration option is deprecated and will be removed in future versions
Enable the component by editing the configuration.yaml file (within the config directory as well). Edit it by adding the following lines:
smartthinq_sensors: token: my_smartthinq_token region: my_smartthinq_region #(e.g. US) language: my_smartthinq_language #(e.g. en-US)
Reboot HomeAssistant
In this example, "My [insert thing]" will just be the placeholder
Entity ID | Entity Name | Description |
sensor.my_washer | My Washer | Washer, turns On when on, turns Off when off |
binary_sensor.my_washer_wash_completed | My Washer Wash Completed | Turns On when washer completed wash. You can use it in automations by triggering them when it goes from Off to On. |
binary_sensor.my_washer_error_state | My Washer Error State | Off/OK means that it's fine. On/Error means there's an error. |
sensor.my_dryer | My Dryer | Dryer, turns On when on, turns Off when off |
binary_sensor.my_dryer_dry_completed | My Dryer Dry Completed | Turns On when dryer completed wash. You can use it in automations by triggering them when it goes from Off to On. |
binary_sensor.my_dryer_error_state | My Dryer Error State | Off/OK means that it's fine. On/Error means there's an error. |
Note: When something doesn't apply and/or is off, it may have a -
as its value. Also, these are for my washer, values may differ for yours. Feel free to open an issue/PR.
Hidden, click to expand
Attribute ID | Description |
model | Model ID of washer |
mac_address | Mac address of washer |
run_completed | Turns On when washer completed wash, just like binary_sensor.my_washer_wash_completed. |
error_state | Off/OK means that it's fine. On/Error means there's an error, just like binary_sensor.my_washer_error_state. |
error_message | When there is an error, this is what it is. (Format unknown) |
run_state | Current state of washer in words |
pre_state | Previous state of washer in words |
current_course | Current washing cycle in words |
spin_option_state | Current spin mode in words |
watertemp_option_state | Current option for water temperature in words |
drylevel_option_state | Unknown attribute |
tubclean_count | Unknown attribute, number |
remain_time | How much more time is remaining, H:MM |
initial_time | The orgiinal amount of time, H:MM |
reserve_time | Unknown attribute, H:MM |
doorlock_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
doorclose_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
childlock_mode | Child lock, on/off |
remotestart_mode | Whether remote start is enabled or not |
creasecare_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
steam_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
steam_softener_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
prewash_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
turbowash_mode | Whether or not Turbowash is enabled |
Note: When something doesn't apply and/or is off, it may have a -
as its value. Also, these are for my dryer, values may differ for yours. Feel free to open an issue/PR.
Hidden, click to expand
Attribute ID | Description |
model | Model ID of dryer |
mac_address | Mac address of dryer |
run_completed | Turns On when dryer completed dry, just like binary_sensor.my_dryer_dry_completed. |
error_state | Off/OK means that it's fine. On/Error means there's an error, just like binary_sensor.my_dryer_error_state. |
error_message | When there is an error, this is what it is. (Format unknown) |
run_state | Current state of dryer in words |
pre_state | Previous state of dryer in words |
current_course | Current drying cycle in words |
tempcontrol_option_state | Current option for dryer temperature in words |
drylevel_option_state | Current level for how much to dry |
remain_time | How much more time is remaining, H:MM |
initial_time | The orgiinal amount of time, H:MM |
reserve_time | Unknown attribute, H:MM |
doorlock_mode | Unknown attribute, on/off |
childlock_mode | Child lock, on/off |
- Get a notification when the clothes are done drying (or when the clothes are done washing, automation)
- id: 'dry_clothes_notification'
alias: Dry clothes notification
description: Alert when dryer finishes
- entity_id: binary_sensor.my_dryer_dry_completed
platform: state
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data:
title: 'The clothes are dry!'
message: 'Get them while they're hot!'
service: notify.notify
Substitute "dry" and "dryer" for "wet" and "washer" if you want to use with a washer.
Hidden, click to expand
custom JS module for card:
// card-tools for more-info. MIT license (This isn't a substantial portion)
function lovelace_view() {
var root = document.querySelector("hc-main");
if(root) {
root = root && root.shadowRoot;
root = root && root.querySelector("hc-lovelace");
root = root && root.shadowRoot;
root = root && root.querySelector("hui-view") || root.querySelector("hui-panel-view");
return root;
root = document.querySelector("home-assistant");
root = root && root.shadowRoot;
root = root && root.querySelector("home-assistant-main");
root = root && root.shadowRoot;
root = root && root.querySelector("app-drawer-layout partial-panel-resolver");
root = root && root.shadowRoot || root;
root = root && root.querySelector("ha-panel-lovelace");
root = root && root.shadowRoot;
root = root && root.querySelector("hui-root");
root = root && root.shadowRoot;
root = root && root.querySelector("ha-app-layout #view");
root = root && root.firstElementChild;
return root;
function fireEvent(ev, detail, entity=null) {
ev = new Event(ev, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false,
composed: true,
ev.detail = detail || {};
if(entity) {
} else {
var root = lovelace_view();
if (root) root.dispatchEvent(ev);
function moreInfo(entity, large=false) {
const root = document.querySelector("hc-main") || document.querySelector("home-assistant");
fireEvent("hass-more-info", {entityId: entity}, root);
const el = root._moreInfoEl;
el.large = large;
return el;
class LgLaundryCard extends HTMLElement {
set hass(hass) {
const entityId = this.config.entity;
const state = hass.states[entityId];
if (!state) {
throw new Error('Entity not found. Maybe check to make sure it exists.');
const stateStr = state ? state.state : 'unavailable';
const friendlyName = state.attributes.friendly_name;
const friendlyNameStr = friendlyName ? " " + friendlyName : "";
const courseName = state.attributes.current_course;
const courseNameStr = courseName ? " " + courseName : "an unknown cycle";
const stageName = state.attributes.run_state;
const stageNameStr = stageName ? " " + stageName : "unknown";
const iconName = state.attributes.icon;
const iconNameStr = iconName ? iconName : "";
const remainTime = state.attributes.remain_time;
const remainTimeStr = remainTime ? remainTime : "unknown";
const totalTime = state.attributes.initial_time;
const totalTimeStr = totalTime ? totalTime : "unknown";
var worked;
var percentDone;
try {
const minRemain = (parseInt(remainTimeStr.split(":")[0]) * 60) + parseInt(remainTimeStr.split(":")[1]);
const minTotal = (parseInt(totalTimeStr.split(":")[0]) * 60) + parseInt(totalTimeStr.split(":")[1]);
percentDone = String(Math.round((minTotal - minRemain) / minTotal * 100)) + "%";
worked = !isNaN(Math.round((minTotal - minRemain) / minTotal * 100));
} catch(err) {
worked = false;
if (!this.content) {
this.contenta = document.createElement('a');
this.contenta.href = "#";
this.contenta.style.textDecoration = "unset";
this.contenta.style.color = "unset";
function laundryinfo() {
window.history.pushState({}, "", window.location.href.split("#")[0]);
this.contenta.onclick = laundryinfo.bind({entityId: entityId});
this.content = document.createElement('div');
this.content.style.padding = '0 16px 16px';
this.content.style.display = 'flex';
const card = document.createElement('ha-card');
card.header = friendlyNameStr;
var conthtml = '';
conthtml = `
<ha-icon icon="${iconNameStr}" style="transform: scale(3,3); color: ${stateStr == 'on' ? "var(--sidebar-selected-icon-color)" : "var(--secondary-text-color)"}; display: block; padding: 8px 5px 12px 5px; margin: 15px;"></ha-icon>
<div>${friendlyNameStr} is currently ${stateStr}.
if (stateStr == 'on') {
conthtml += `
<br/>The ${courseNameStr} progress is ${stageNameStr}.
<br/>There's ${remainTimeStr} remaining out of ${totalTimeStr} total.
if (worked) {
conthtml += `
<div style="width: 100%; height: 30px; background-color: #8f89; display: inline-block;">
<div style="max-width: 0; min-width: 0; max-width: ${percentDone} !important; min-width: ${percentDone} !important; height: 30px; background-color: #09d9; display: inline-block;">
<b style="line-height: 30px; margin: 0 10px; display: block;">${percentDone}</b>
conthtml = conthtml.replace("8px 5px 12px 5px", "16px 5px 12px 5px");
} else {
conthtml += "</div>";
} else {
conthtml += "</div>";
this.content.innerHTML = conthtml;
setConfig(config) {
if (!config.entity) {
throw new Error('You need to define a laundry entity');
this.config = config;
getCardSize() {
return 3;
static getStubConfig() {
return { entity: "sensor.my_washing_machine" };
customElements.define('lg-laundry-card', LgLaundryCard);
window.customCards.push({type: "lg-laundry-card", name: "LG laundry card", description: "Card for LG laundry machines."});
type: 'custom:lg-laundry-card'
entity: 'sensor.the_dryer_dryer' # Washers work too!
- Alternative: Washer picture status card (LG전자 / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0) for image. Find the images here)
Hidden, click to expand
- platform: template
value_template: '{{state_attr(''sensor.my_washer'', ''remain_time'')}}'
friendly_name: Washer Cycle State
icon_template: 'mdi:washing-machine'
- type: conditional
- entity: sensor.my_washer
state: "on"
aspect_ratio: '1'
entity: sensor.washer_cycle_state
image: /local/washerrunning.gif
type: picture-entity
- type: conditional
- entity: sensor.my_washer
not_state: "on"
aspect_ratio: '1'
entity: sensor.my_washer
image: /local/washer.jpg
type: picture-entity
type: vertical-stack
If you like the component, why don't you support me by buying me a coffee? It would certainly motivate me to further improve this work.
This component is developed by Ollo69 based on WideQ API.
Original WideQ API was developed by Adrian Sampson under license MIT.