A Custom Prediction Routine for Google AI Platform that can be used to deploy TensorFlow models with custom operators.
Certain TensorFlow models make use of custom operators, e.g. Google's Universal Sentence Encoder. These models can not be deployed on Google Cloud AI Platform using the standard TensorFlow runtime.
This repository contains a Custom Prediction Routine which mimics the API of the standard runtime and can be used to install and load libraries with custom operator code.
to install and load the necessary library. -
Build a package.
python setup.py sdist
Upload the package to Google Cloud storage.
gsutil cp dist/custom-op-tf-predictor-0.1.tar.gz $GS_BUCKET/
Create a model version using the custom predictor.
gcloud beta ai-platform versions create $VERSION_NAME\ --model=$MODEL_NAME\ --origin=$MODEL_DIR\ --python-version=3.5\ --runtime-version=1.13\ --package-uris=$GS_BUCKET/custom-op-tf-predictor-0.1.tar.gz\ --prediction-class=predictor.CustomOpTfPredictor