Print directly to printers using Javascript.
WebPrint is a fork of QZ-print:
It uses postMessage API and/or ajax calls to communicate with the Java applet. This differs from QZ-print, that uses Java Web Start and the Java deployment framework for communication.
The Java deployment framework is set to be removed in early 2015, I wanted to find another way to use QZ-print, which provides a seamless printing experience for web applications.
See an example.html/webprint.js for usage or click here for a live version of the example.
If WebPrint has helped with your project, please donate to support it's future development.
The main Webprint applet (hosted here) is compatible with Windows, OSX and Linux.
Android support is provided via the Android app: NOTE: Serial and HTML printing is not currently supported on Android.
The javacript library will prompt you to install or open the correct applet if it is not running.
If you site uses HTTPS, requests to HTTP server are almost certainly blocked by default due to mixed-content restrictions. Thankfully, WebPrint uses an innovative solution to avoid this by using an intermediary browser tab/window and the postMessage API. This negates the need for end-users to change their browser settings. For an example on how to use this feature, see example.html in the project. Note that the example prints ESC/P formatted data which may not be compatible with all printers.
Mid last year I developed an android applet that essentially accepts http requests and forwards them to the specified socket or network printer.
After a few months I found this solution stopped working due to stronger mixed-content restrictions in most browsers. Thanks to the postMessage API I was able to securely avoid these restrictions.
After that WebPrint was just a matter of time.
A big thanks to the qz-print guys for allowing this project to happen and EJ Technologies for providing their excellent cross platform installer.
Install4j: Multi-platform installer builder
- First, install dependencies (jdk, git, ant, nsis/makeself) per Install Dependencies
JDK7 is sufficient for building QZ Tray/QZ Print 1.9
Download and extract Apache Ant:
Setup environment variables JAVA_HOME, PATH, etc:
Assume Ant is installed in c:\ant. The following commands set up the environment:
set ANT_HOME=c:\ant
set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.7.0_51
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin
Install NSIS 3.0+:
Install git:
Install command line tools for OS X (installation methods vary)
Install homebrew via:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install brew dependencies via:
brew install ant makeself nsis
Install git:
Install all dependencies (:warning:jdk7, ant, nsis, makeself) via:
sudo apt-get install git openjdk-7-jdk ant nsis makeself
Install all dependencies (:warning:jdk, ant, nsis, makeself) via:
sudo yum install git java-1.?.0-openjdk-devel java-1.?.0-openjdk-openjfx-devel ant nsis makeself
Clone the source code per Clone Source Code
Pull in the latest source code
cd tray
git pull
- Compile
Optional: Start the software up using this command.
Basic syntax (after closing all instances of QZ Tray)
java -Xms512M -jar qz-tray.jar
Windows (after closing all instances of QZ Tray)
java -Xms512M -jar "%PROGRAMFILES%\QZ Tray\qz-tray.jar"
Mac OS X (after closing all instances of QZ Tray)
/Applications/QZ\\ Tray
Linux/Other (after closing all instances of QZ Tray)
java -Xms512M -jar /opt/qz-tray/qz-tray.jar
QZ Tray launches with 512MB of memory. We must specify -Xms512M in the command in order to prevent unexpected behavior and crashing. This unnecessary for Mac unless following the basic syntax (java -jar qz-tray.jar) . More memory can be allocated but should not be necessary.
- Package
ant nsis # <-- Windows installer
ant pkgbuild # <-- Apple installer
ant makeself # <-- Linux installer
- QZ Tray places log files in the following locations:
Windows: %APPDATA%\qz Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/qz Linux: ~/.qz
Note: The installer will be placed in ./out/qz-tray-x.x.x.x, (i.e. .exe, .run, .pkg)