- Name : James Long
- Twitter : @jlongster
- Github : jlongster
- Website : jlongster.com
- Job : Mozilla, Apps Engineering
Asm.js is a technology to unlock high performance in today's JavaScript engines, but it's only meant as a compilation target for C/C++ applications and is not easily accessible to JavaScript developers.
Low-Level JavaScript (LLJS) is an experimental language from Mozilla that mixes C-like language constructs with JavaScript. In this talk I will explain how I ported LLJS to run on asm.js, allowing web developers to tap into the huge performance gains with asm.js. Using LLJS, you can integrate low-level code that runs on asm.js with JavaScript apps easily. I will explore a high-performance WebGL app that uses this.
LLJS is in its infancy, and I will also discuss our plans for the future.
I work for Mozilla. I created and maintain several node projects like Nunjucks, which is a templating system used by several big sites like the Mozilla Marketplace. I love games and hacking around with canvas/WebGL, and low-level gritty coding.