Name: Nick Fitzgerald
Twitter: @fitzgen
Github: fitzgen
Website: fitzgeraldnick.com
JavaScript is the x86 of the web, and it's important that JavaScript developers can take advantage of source maps as the popularity of transpiled languages like CoffeeScript and TypeScript grows. My presentation begins with an overview of source maps: what they are, and why they're cool. Then, moves into a quick tutorial overview on generating proper source maps for your language that compiles to JavaScript. Finally, I demonstrate painlessly debugging the original source language without dealing with the unnecessary mental overhead of wrangling with the generated JS code output from your compiler.
I am a firm believer in the open web. I work for Mozilla, hacking on Firefox
Developer Tools. I co-authored the source map specification, and authored the
NPM library used by UglifyJS, browserify, CoffeeScriptRedux,
ESCodeGen, and more.