WanPy requires the following packages to be installed:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- sympy
- h5py
- mpi4py
- fortio
- spglib
- matplotlib (optional)
- phonopy (optional)
- To install WanPy, create a Conda environment with the required packages:
conda create -n wanpy python numpy scipy pandas sympy h5py mpi4py fortio spglib matplotlib
- Uncompress wanpy package in personal computer or clusters:
tar zxvf wanpy.tar.gz
git clone https://github.com/jincao2013/wanpy.git
- Setup environment variables:
For debug in personal computer:
export PYTHONPATH="path_of_wanpy:$PYTHONPATH"
export PATH="path_of_wanpy/scripts:$PATH"
export WANPY_ROOT_DIR="your_work_dir"
export PYGUI="True"
For deployment in clusters:
export PYTHONPATH="path_of_wanpy:$PYTHONPATH"
export PATH="path_of_wanpy/scripts:$PATH"
# show usage
wanpy -h
# collect Wannier TB data to a single .h5 file
wanpy htb
# Collect Wannier TB data to a single .h5 file
wanpy wannier
# Write _hr.dat and _r.dat (optional) from .h5 file
wanpy write_dat
# Twist the order of .amn (uudd or udud)
wanpy twist_amn
# compare Wannier and VASP band structure. support HSE type calculation.
# check job status
statistic_cores ...
WanPy need to collect necessary Wannier TB data into a single .h5
file as the input for further calculations. This can be done by:
Method 1 (recommended): from wanpy wannier
, this will need POSCAR .nnkp, .wout, .chk, .eig
if --spn
. The nnkp
file can be obtained by:
$ wannier90.x -pp wannier90.win
To start collecting dat:
# start to collect Wannier TB data
wanpy wannier [options]
# For detail of options, see
wanpy wannier -h
Method 2: from wanpy htb
, this will need at least POSCAR, .wout, _hr.dat
. The files .nnkp
, _r.dat
, _wsvec.dat
, and _spin.dat
are optional.
# start to collect Wannier TB data
wanpy htb [options]
# For detail of options, see
wanpy htb -h
Symmetric Wannier tight-binding models (SWTB)
The SWTB can be obtained during collecting Wannier TB data. Set symmetry related parameters in symmetry.in
, then start to get SWTB with an additional tag --symmetry
wanpy wannier --symmetry [options]
See Comput. Phys. Commun. 270, 108153 (2022) (arXiv:2012.08871) for detail.
Important notice:
WanPy uses uudd order of Wannier orbitals for its internal calculations, which is the default setting when using v1.2 of
. If a higher version vasp2wannier interface was used, one should utilizewanpy twist_amn
to reorganize the .amn file into the uudd order and then redo the disentanglement. -
must be specified to excutewanpy wannier
. The available options areposcar
. By usingwannier_center_def = poscar
, the wannier centers will align withPOSCAR
. Forwannier_center_def = ws
, the wannier centers will be refined in range of[-0.5, 0.5)
. For example, if.amn
file is generated by VASP 5.4.4, setwannier_center_def = poscar
. If.amn
file is generated by VASP 6.4.3, setwannier_center_def = ws
Template input file for generating htb.h5:
This template file can also be produced by executing wanpy wannier --temp
# Input file for building symmetric Wannier TB model
# Choose method, default is kspace
symmetric_method = rspace # Options: {rspace, kspace}
rspace_use_ngridR = F # use ngridR to resample the TB model, default is False
# Choose between manually setting symmops or automatically detecting symmops from magmoms
parse_symmetry = man # Options: {man, auto}
# Choose how wannier centers are defined in calculating .amn
# Options: {poscar, ws}
# poscar: the same as poscar. Use this if amn is generated by VASP 5.4.4 (see mlwf.F for details).
# ws: refined in range of [-0.5, 0.5). Use this if amn is generated by VASP 6.4.3 (see mlwf.F for details).
wannier_center_def = poscar
ngridR = 12 12 1 # in kspace method, use a slightly larger value than the original TB model
# Parameters used when parse_symmetry = auto
symprec = 1e-5
0 0 1
0 0 -1
# Parameters used when parse_symmetry = man
# TR det alpha nx ny nz taux tauy tauz
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 # e
0 1 180 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 0 # c2z
# Anti-unitary symmetry operations
1 1 0 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 0 # T
1 1 180 0 0 1 0 0 0 # Tc2z
WanPy is released under the GNU General Public License. See LICENSE for details.