🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.
Pipeline for CNV detection in targeted exome NGS data
CABANA is an intuitive visualization tool for copy number changes from NGS data. Core algorithms for academic researchers are available from GitHub (, and for comme…
RETFound - A foundation model for retinal image
Segmented HAPlotype Estimation and Imputation Tool
Toolkit for calling structural variants using short or long reads
Tool to find regions of homozygosity (ROHs) from sequencing data.
Provides mode of inheritance prediction for all possible missense variants in the human genome.
RNAseq analysis notes from Ming Tang
Splice site prediction using deep neural networks.
gagneurlab / RNAseq-ASHG
Forked from c-mertes/RNAseq-ASHG19RNA-seq for Mendelian disease diagnostics: A hands-on tutorial through bioinformatic tools and workflows
SciLifeLab / Sarek
Forked from nf-core/sarekDetect germline or somatic variants from normal or tumour/normal whole-genome or targeted sequencing
Super Resolution for images using deep learning.
Official code repository for GATK versions 4 and up