Releases: jilavsky/SAXS_IgorCode
Beta version of Irena 2.66, Indra 1.94 and Nika 1.79 release December 2017
This is beta version for RSoXS support code testing and with many improvements in Indra (USAXS) support. Minimal changes to Irena, but some GUI behavior changes which should impact most users.
Irena 2.65, Indra 1.93 and Nika 1.78 release November 2017
New versions of all packages: Irena 2.65, Indra 1.93 and Nika 1.78. Number of changes per change log. Note: Igor 7.05 now required due to bug in HDF5 support in lower Igor versions. Updated also GitHub Installer to version 1.05.
Beta versions of Irena 2.65, Indra 1.93 and Nika 1.78
This is beta versions of all packages: Beta versions of Irena 2.65, Indra 1.93 and Nika 1.78. Number of changes per change log. Note: Igor 7.05 now required due to bug in HDF5 support in lower Igor versions.
May 2017 release, Irena 2.64, Nika 1.77, and Indra 1.92
Irena 2.64, Nika 1.77, and Indra 1.92 releases for Igor 7 only. Version check is now using Github and I added to Nika and Irena buttons which point users to manuals. Sinigficant improvements in irena (including fixing regression in MaxEnt in prior version).
March 2017 beta release
Beta releases for Irena 2.63 and Nika 1.76. Added sensible check for screen size for panels in Windows. Significant changes to Irena, no changes to Nika. But added buttons to each tool/panel to open the correct page from web based manuals.
Minor fix for February 2017 release. Fixed screen resolution check for high resolution displays.
Irena version 2.62, Nika 1.75, and Indra 1.80 releases
Beta versions January 2017
Irena 2.62beta, Nika 1.75Beta and Indra 1.90Beta, January 2017
Igor 7 re-release of 6/28/2016 versions
This is mostly 6/28/2016 versions of packages with included Igor 7 64 bit (and 32 bit) xop versions. This should be possible to install using GHInstaller_IrenaNika_v0.6beta.pxp from my SAXS_IgorInstaller Github depository.
This is test release for Installer developement
This release is for testing purposes, do not use for installation