I'm showing someone git!
The main concept we're using for DBRC are the idea of remotes and screens. A remote is a device that sets up a broadcast, a screen can subscribe to one or more broadcasts to be controller by the remote. The API is very straightforward.
connection info refers to: {'bssid': <bssid>, 'ssid': <ssid>, 'strength': <signal strength>}
For pairing using remote.py you'll need to create a "~/.dbrc_config" file with the following sections:
create a new broadcast channel
data: {'remote_id': remote id, <optional>'connected': connection info}
headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response: broadcast_id
post something to a broadcast channel. returns list of screen_ids successfully published to (mostly for debug purposes)..
uses a message type. valid types: "pairing", "url"
pairing is for sending app token information to the TV, url is for putting an image url on a screen.
data: json.dumps({"type": "url", "url": some_url})
data: json.dumps({"type": "pairing", "app_key": app_key, "app_secret": app_secret, "access_token": access_token, "access_token_secret": access_token_secret})
headers: `{'content-type': 'application/json'}
response: {'screen_ids': [screen_id1,...]}
get the list of screens subscribed to the broadcast
data: nothing
response: {"<screen_id>": <subscription_timestamp>, "<screen_id>", <subscription_timestamp>, ...}
subscribe a screen to a broadcast
data: {"screen_id": screen_id}
response: <status code>
remove a screen from a broadcast
data: nothing
response: {"broadcast_id": broadcast_id, "screen_id": screen_id}
get a list of screens have previously paired with the remote that created this broadcast. known is True/False, depending on whether we have explicitly paired with this device in the past.
data: nothing
response: [{"screen_id": screen_id, "device_name": device_name, "known": True/False}, ...]
subscribe a screen to a broadcast
data: {"screen_id": screen_id}
response: <status code>
create a new screen, and associate it with a unique device_id
data: `{"device_id": device_id, "device_name": device_name,
"pairing_info": {"connected": connection info, "nearby": [... connection info]}}`
headers: {"content-type": "application/json"}
response: {"broadcast_id": broadcast_id}
long poll: listen for a message
data: <optional> {"timeout": seconds}
response: a (stringified) JSON ball posted to /broadcasts/<int:id>
by a remote. right now, the json dict is guarenteed to have a "method_type" field set to "link" or "action"
gets all broadcast streams this screen is subscribed to
data: nothing
response: {"<broadcast_id>": <subscription_timestamp>, "<broadcast_id>", <subscription_timestamp>, ...}
subscribe a screen to a broadcast
data: {"broadcast_id": broadcast_id}
response: (status code)
remove a screen from a broadcast
data: nothing
response: {"broadcast_id": broadcast_id, "screen_id": screen_id}