DialogsList xml attributes:
Attribute | Description |
dialogTitleTextColor |
Sets dialog title text color |
dialogTitleTextSize |
Sets dialog title text size |
dialogTitleTextStyle |
Sets dialog title text style (normal, bold, italic) |
dialogUnreadTitleTextColor |
Sets dialog title text color when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadTitleTextSize |
Sets dialog title text size when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadTitleTextStyle |
Sets dialog title text style (normal, bold, italic) when has unread messages |
dialogMessageTextColor |
Sets dialog last message text color |
dialogMessageTextSize |
Sets dialog last message text size |
dialogMessageTextStyle |
Sets dialog last message text style (normal, bold, italic) |
dialogUnreadMessageTextColor |
Sets dialog last message text color when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadMessageTextSize |
Sets dialog last message text size when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadMessageTextStyle |
Sets dialog last message text style (normal, bold, italic) when has unread messages |
dialogDateTextColor |
Sets dialog last message date (time) text color |
dialogDateTextSize |
Sets dialog last message date (time) text size |
dialogDateTextStyle |
Sets dialog last message date (time) text style (normal, bold, italic) |
dialogUnreadDateTextColor |
Sets dialog last message date (time) text color when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadDateTextSize |
Sets dialog last message date (time) text size when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadDateTextStyle |
Sets dialog last message date (time) text style ( normal, bold, italic) when has unread messages |
dialogUnreadBubbleEnabled |
Show/hide(true/false) bubble with unread messages count (default true) |
dialogUnreadBubbleTextColor |
Sets bubble with unread messages count text color |
dialogUnreadBubbleTextSize |
Sets bubble with unread messages count text size |
dialogUnreadBubbleTextStyle |
Sets bubble with unread messages count text style (normal, bold, italic) |
dialogUnreadBubbleBackgroundColor |
Sets background color for bubble with unread messages count |
dialogAvatarWidth |
Sets dialog avatar width |
dialogAvatarHeight |
Sets dialog avatar height |
dialogMessageAvatarEnabled |
Show/hide (true/false) avatar of last message author. Only for goups chat. |
dialogMessageAvatarWidth |
Sets width for avatar of last message author |
dialogMessageAvatarHeight |
Sets height for avatar of last message author |
dialogDividerEnabled |
Show/hide (true/false) divider between dialogs items |
dialogDividerColor |
Sets color of divider between dialogs items |
dialogDividerLeftPadding |
Sets left padding for divider between dialog items |
dialogDividerRightPadding |
Sets right padding for divider between dialog items |
dialogItemBackground |
Sets background of dialogs items |
dialogItemBackground |
Sets background of dialogs items when has unread messages |
Attribute | Description |
textAutoLink |
Enables links highlighting in messages with allowable modes (none, all, email, map, phone, web) |
incomingTextLinkColor |
Sets color for incoming links highlight |
outcomingTextLinkColor |
Sets color for outcoming links highlight |
incomingAvatarWidth |
Sets width of avatar view in incoming message |
incomingAvatarHeight |
Sets height of avatar view in incoming message |
incomingBubbleDrawable |
Sets custom drawable for incoming message bubble. You can set drawable selector with preseed and selected states |
incomingDefaultBubbleColor |
Sets color for default incoming message bubble |
incomingDefaultBubblePressedColor |
Sets color for default incoming message bubble on state pressed |
incomingDefaultBubbleSelectedColor |
Sets color for default incoming message bubble on state selected |
incomingImageOverlayDrawable |
Sets overlay drawable for incoming image message (use it for selector) |
incomingDefaultImageOverlayPressedColor |
Sets color for selected state for default outcoming image message overlay |
incomingDefaultImageOverlaySelectedColor |
Sets color for selected state for default incoming image message overlay |
incomingBubblePaddingLeft |
Sets left padding for incoming message bubble |
incomingBubblePaddingRight |
Sets right padding for incoming message bubble |
incomingBubblePaddingTop |
Sets top padding for incoming message bubble |
incomingBubblePaddingBottom |
Sets bottom padding for incoming message bubble |
incomingTextColor |
Sets incoming message text color |
incomingTextSize |
Sets incoming message text size |
incomingTextStyle |
Sets incoming message text style (normal, bold, italic) |
incomingTimeTextColor |
Sets incoming text message time color |
incomingTimeTextSize |
Sets incoming text message time size |
incomingTimeTextStyle |
Sets incoming text message time style (normal, bold, italic) |
incomingImageTimeTextColor |
Sets incoming image message time color |
incomingImageTimeTextSize |
Sets incoming image message time size |
incomingImageTimeTextStyle |
Sets incoming image message time style (normal, bold, italic) |
outcomingBubbleDrawable |
Sets custom drawable for incoming message bubble. You can set drawable selector with pressed and selected states |
outcomingDefaultBubbleColor |
Sets color for default outcoming message bubble |
outcomingDefaultBubblePressedColor |
Sets color for default outcoming message bubble on state pressed |
outcomingDefaultBubbleSelectedColor |
Sets color for default outcoming message bubble on state selected |
outcomingImageOverlayDrawable |
Sets overlay drawable for outcoming image message (use it for selector) |
outcomingDefaultImageOverlayPressedColor |
Sets color for pressed state for default outcoming image message overlay |
outcomingDefaultImageOverlaySelectedColor |
Sets color for selected state for default outcoming image message overlay |
outcomingBubblePaddingLeft |
Sets left padding for outcoming message bubble |
outcomingBubblePaddingRight |
Sets right padding for outcoming message bubble |
outcomingBubblePaddingTop |
Sets top padding for outcoming message bubble |
outcomingBubblePaddingBottom |
Sets bottom padding for outcoming message bubble |
outcomingTextColor |
Sets outcoming message text color |
outcomingTextSize |
Sets outcoming message text size |
outcomingTextStyle |
Sets outcoming message text style (normal, bold, italic) |
outcomingTimeTextColor |
Sets outcoming text message time color |
outcomingTimeTextSize |
Sets outcoming text message time size |
outcomingTimeTextStyle |
Sets outcoming text message time style (normal, bold, italic) |
outcomingImageTimeTextColor |
Sets outcoming image message time color |
outcomingImageTimeTextSize |
Sets outcoming image message time size |
outcomingImageTimeTextStyle |
Sets outcoming image message time style (normal, bold, italic) |
dateHeaderTextColor |
Sets date header text color |
dateHeaderTextSize |
Sets date header text size |
dateHeaderPadding |
Sets date header view padding |
dateHeaderFormat |
Sets java date format for date header |
dateHeaderTextStyle |
Sets date text style (normal, bold, italic) |
MessageInput xml attributes:
Attribute | Description |
inputButtonBackground |
Sets background drawable for "submit" button |
inputButtonDefaultBgColor |
Sets normal color of default background drawable for "submit" button |
inputButtonDefaultBgPressedColor |
Sets pressed color of default background drawable for "submit" button |
inputButtonDefaultBgDisabledColor |
Sets disabled color of default background drawable for "submit" button |
inputButtonIcon |
Sets icon drawable for "submit" button |
inputButtonDefaultIconColor |
Sets normal color of default icon for "submit" button |
inputButtonDefaultIconPressedColor |
Sets pressed color of default icon for "submit" button |
inputButtonDefaultIconDisabledColor |
Sets disabled color of default icon for "submit" button |
inputButtonMargin |
Sets margin for "submit" button |
inputButtonWidth |
Sets width for "submit" button |
inputButtonHeight |
Sets height for "submit" button |
showAttachmentButton |
Shows/hides (true/false) the "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonBackground |
Sets background drawable for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonDefaultBgColor |
Sets normal color of default background drawable for "submit" button |
attachmentButtonDefaultBgPressedColor |
Sets pressed color of default background drawable for "submit" button |
attachmentButtonDefaultBgDisabledColor |
Sets disabled color of default background drawable for "submit" button |
attachmentButtonIcon |
Sets icon drawable for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonDefaultIconColor |
Sets normal color of default icon for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonDefaultIconPressedColor |
Sets pressed color of default icon for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonDefaultIconDisabledColor |
Sets disabled color of default icon for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonMargin |
Sets margin for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonWidth |
Sets width for "attachment" button |
attachmentButtonHeight |
Sets height for "attachment" button |
inputMaxLines |
Sets max lines for message input field |
inputHint |
Sets hint for message input field |
inputText |
Sets text in message input field |
inputTextSize |
Sets input message text size |
inputTextColor |
Sets input message text color |
inputHintColor |
Sets text color of hint in message input field |
inputBackground |
Sets background for input message view |
inputCursorDrawable |
Sets cursor drawable for input message EditText |