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Regression for LuaLaTeX: ligatures not suppressed anymore #9863




Explain the problem.

The selnolig package has previously been integrated into the default LaTeX template to automatically disable incorrect ligatures.

With #7604, the document's (babel) language is not passed as classoption anymore, on which selnolig relied on. Citing from its documentation:

  • If you load the package without an explicit language option, i.e., as


    but if one or more of the language options noted above are specified as options in the \documentclass instruction, LaTeX will pass these options on to the selnolig package.

Therefore, currently selnolig does not work for English or German documents.

Now, the alternative is to pass the (babel) language directly to selnolig:

  • If your document is in English and you want to enable a “basic” set of rules to suppress f-ligatures selectively, load the package by issuing the following instruction in the preamble of your document:


    Synonymous options are UKenglish, british, USenglish, american, canadian, australian, and newzealand.


  • If your document is written in German, load the package as follows:


    Synonymous language options are german, austrian, naustrian, swissgerman, and swiss.

Pandoc version?

pandoc 3.2




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