Pandoc version?
Explain the problem
If you accidentally forget to close a fenced div, the parser becomes extremely slow. Here's a minmal example:
# Here's an example
::: tag
This is a fenced div that's not closed.
echo >
for ((i=1;i<=100;i++)); do
echo "$base" >>
echo -n "# $i: "
/usr/bin/time pandoc --metadata title="title" -o test.html
On my computer I get this:
# 10: 0,14 real 0,13 user 0,00 sys
# 11: 0,28 real 0,27 user 0,00 sys
# 12: 0,53 real 0,52 user 0,00 sys
# 13: 1,07 real 1,05 user 0,00 sys
# 14: 2,08 real 2,06 user 0,00 sys
# 15: 4,15 real 4,13 user 0,01 sys
# 16: 8,31 real 8,28 user 0,01 sys
# 17: 16,66 real 16,61 user 0,02 sys
# 18: 33,37 real 33,28 user 0,03 sys
# 19: 68,65 real 68,49 user 0,07 sys
Solution suggestion
Any of these two should be fine:
- When you reach a new section title: auto-close the fenced div, or report an error, or a warning
- When you reach the end of the markdown file and there are still open fenced divs: auto-close, or report error/warning
Yes, sometimes you want section titles within a fenced div, but many times not. So perhaps a new cmd-line option where you can say how to handle nested fenced divs / sections. Perhaps a maximum nesting depth?