Consider the following Pandoc Markdown:
- This is the first item
- This is an item
with a double line break
Converting it with pandoc file.txt -f markdown -t dokuwiki -o output.txt
results in
<HTML><li></HTML><HTML><p></HTML>This is the first item<HTML></p></HTML><HTML></li></HTML>
<HTML><li></HTML><HTML><p></HTML>This is an item<HTML></p></HTML>
<HTML><p></HTML>with a double line break<HTML></p></HTML><HTML></li></HTML><HTML></ul></HTML>
which is overly complicated, because Dokuwiki's docs state that the following is recommended in this case (resulting in an output very similar to Pandoc's markdown):
* This is the first item
* This is an item \\ \\ with a double line break
which renders like this in native Dokuwiki:
Since allowing HTML in Dokuwiki is a potential security problem, I'd expect Pandoc to try to convert as much as possible without relying on native HTML tags.
Note: The file I'm originally starting from is a LaTeX file with a double line break in a list item, but the issue is reproducible with Pandoc's markdown format as well.
Pandoc version:
Compiled with pandoc-types 1.22, texmath 0.12.3, skylighting,
citeproc, ipynb
Ubuntu 20.04