I discovered a problem on the converter mediawiki to gfm (and all markdown destination)
It cuts off everything after the colspan
Pandoc version (ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
pandoc 2.5
Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath, skylighting 0.7.7
Source mediawiki
Block template creation can be influenced by various parameters:
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan=4|template request
! Key !! Required !! Type !! Description
| capabilities || No || Array of Strings || SHOULD contain a list of the following, to indicate client-side support: [[#Optional: Long Polling|"longpoll"]], "coinbasetxn", "coinbasevalue", [[bip-0023.mediawiki#Block Proposal|"proposal"]], [[bip-0023.mediawiki#Logical Services|"serverlist"]], "workid", and any of the [[bip-0023.mediawiki#Mutations|mutations]]
| mode || No || String || MUST be "template" or omitted
I run this command to transform my mediawiki file to a md file
pandoc -f mediawiki -t gfm ./mediawiki-file.mediawiki -o ./
Result provided by pandoc (gfm)
Block template creation can be influenced by various parameters:
| template request |
| ---------------- |
| Key |
| capabilities |
| mode |