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Pandoc file conversion RTF to PDF #10025

parithibang opened this issue Jul 24, 2024 · 11 comments

Pandoc file conversion RTF to PDF #10025

parithibang opened this issue Jul 24, 2024 · 11 comments


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Explain the problem.

I am trying to convert rtf to pdf using pandoc. I have installed textlive package too. While converting the images embedded inside rtf is not getting converted to pdf. To check an alternative approach I converted the same rtf file to docx and then used pandoc to convert docx to pdf. I can able to see images in pdf.

pandoc test.rtf -s --pdf-engine=pdflatex -o test.pdf

Pandoc version?

root@342de4184c7e:/app/rtf# pandoc --version
pandoc 3.2.1
Features: +server +lua
Scripting engine: Lua 5.4
User data directory: /root/.local/share/pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2024 John MacFarlane. Web:
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no
warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

root@342de4184c7e:/app/rtf# pdflatex --version
pdfTeX 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.26 (TeX Live 2024)
kpathsea version 6.4.0
Copyright 2024 Han The Thanh (pdfTeX) et al.
There is NO warranty.  Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the pdfTeX copyright and
the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the pdfTeX source.
Primary author of pdfTeX: Han The Thanh (pdfTeX) et al.
Compiled with libpng 1.6.43; using libpng 1.6.43
Compiled with zlib 1.3.1; using zlib 1.3.1
Compiled with xpdf version 4.04

I have also installed graphicx

root@342de4184c7e:/app/rtf# tlmgr list --only-installed | grep graphicx
i graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics
i graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
i graphicxbox: Insert a graphical image as a background
i graphicxpsd: Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package
i pst-graphicx: A PSTricks-compatible graphicx for use with Plain TeX

Since I can't attach rtf file I will share the link where I downloaded that file

This is the output converted file.

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jgm commented Jul 24, 2024

Try running with --verbose and check any error or warning messages.
That will give you a better idea what is happening.

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I am getting this as output

root@342de4184c7e:/app/rtf# pandoc test.rtf -s --pdf-engine=pdflatex -o test.pdf --verbose
[INFO] Extracting /tmp/tex2pdf.-4fde2e42ed5def70/567267a998ff7a1b10e0b6ddff2ce87bbed8272e.png...
[INFO] Extracting /tmp/tex2pdf.-4fde2e42ed5def70/f0fee71865babe4df97088370e44b7aa76d949d0.jpg...
[INFO] [makePDF] Temp dir:
[INFO] [makePDF] Command line:
  lualatex "-halt-on-error" "-interaction" "nonstopmode" "-output-directory" "/tmp/tex2pdf.-4fde2e42ed5def70" "/tmp/tex2pdf.-4fde2e42ed5def70/input.tex"
[INFO] [makePDF] Relevant environment variables:
[INFO] [makePDF] Source:
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    pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}



  \textbf{Lorem ipsum }

    \textbf{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc
    ac faucibus odio. }

  Vestibulum neque massa, scelerisque sit amet ligula eu, congue molestie
  mi. Praesent ut varius sem. Nullam at porttitor arcu, nec lacinia nisi.
  Ut ac dolor vitae odio interdum condimentum. \textbf{Vivamus dapibus
  sodales ex, vitae malesuada ipsum cursus convallis. Maecenas sed egestas
  nulla, ac condimentum orci. }Mauris diam felis, vulputate ac suscipit
  et, iaculis non est. Curabitur semper arcu ac ligula semper, nec luctus
  nisl blandit. Integer lacinia ante ac libero lobortis imperdiet.
  \emph{Nullam mollis convallis ipsum, ac accumsan nunc vehicula vitae.
  }Nulla eget justo in felis tristique fringilla. Morbi sit amet tortor
  quis risus auctor condimentum. Morbi in ullamcorper elit. Nulla iaculis
  tellus sit amet mauris tempus fringilla.

  Maecenas mauris lectus, lobortis et purus mattis, blandit dictum tellus.

    \textbf{Maecenas non lorem quis tellus placerat varius. }
    \emph{Nulla facilisi. }
    \ul{Aenean congue fringilla justo ut aliquam. }
    Nunc vulputate neque vitae justo facilisis, non condimentum ante
    Morbi viverra semper lorem nec molestie.
    Maecenas tincidunt est efficitur ligula euismod, sit amet ornare est

  In non mauris justo. Duis vehicula mi vel mi pretium, a viverra erat
  efficitur. Cras aliquam est ac eros varius, id iaculis dui auctor. Duis
  pretium neque ligula, et pulvinar mi placerat et. Nulla nec nunc sit
  amet nunc posuere vestibulum. Ut id neque eget tortor mattis tristique.
  Donec ante est, blandit sit amet tristique vel, lacinia pulvinar arcu.
  Pellentesque scelerisque fermentum erat, id posuere justo pulvinar ut.
  Cras id eros sed enim aliquam lobortis. Sed lobortis nisl ut eros
  efficitur tincidunt. Cras justo mi, porttitor quis mattis vel, ultricies
  ut purus. Ut facilisis et lacus eu cursus.

  In eleifend velit vitae libero sollicitudin euismod. Fusce vitae
  vestibulum velit. Pellentesque vulputate lectus quis pellentesque
  commodo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in egestas velit.
  Pellentesque fermentum nisl vitae fringilla venenatis. Etiam id mauris
  vitae orci maximus ultricies.

    >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\linewidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.2500}}
    >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\linewidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.2500}}
    >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\linewidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.2500}}
    >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\linewidth - 6\tabcolsep) * \real{0.2500}}@{}}
  & \begin{itemize}
    \textbf{Cras fringilla ipsum magna, in fringilla dui commodo a.}

  Lorem ipsum & Lorem ipsum & Lorem ipsum \\
  & & & \\
  1 & In eleifend velit vitae libero sollicitudin euismod. & Lorem & \\
  2 & Cras fringilla ipsum magna, in fringilla dui commodo a. & Ipsum & \\
  3 & Aliquam erat volutpat. & Lorem & \\
  4 & \textbf{Fusce vitae vestibulum velit. } & Lorem & \\
  5 & Etiam vehicula luctus fermentum. & Ipsum & \\
  & & & \\

  fermentum erat, id posuere justo pulvinar ut. Cras id eros sed enim
  aliquam lobortis. Sed lobortis nisl ut eros efficitur tincidunt. Cras
  justo mi, porttitor quis mattis vel, ultricies ut purus. Ut facilisis et
  lacus eu cursus.

    \textbf{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. }

  Nunc ac faucibus odio. Vestibulum neque massa, scelerisque sit amet
  ligula eu, congue molestie mi. Praesent ut varius sem. Nullam at
  porttitor arcu, nec lacinia nisi. Ut ac dolor vitae odio interdum
  condimentum. Vivamus dapibus sodales ex, vitae malesuada ipsum cursus
  convallis. Maecenas sed egestas nulla, ac condimentum orci. Mauris diam
  felis, vulputate ac suscipit et, iaculis non est. Curabitur semper arcu
  ac ligula semper, nec luctus nisl blandit. Integer lacinia ante ac
  libero lobortis imperdiet. Nullam mollis convallis ipsum, ac accumsan
  nunc vehicula vitae. Nulla eget justo in felis tristique fringilla.
  Morbi sit amet tortor quis risus auctor condimentum. Morbi in
  ullamcorper elit. Nulla iaculis tellus sit amet mauris tempus fringilla.

    \textbf{Maecenas mauris lectus, lobortis et purus mattis, blandit
    dictum tellus. }

[INFO] [makePDF] LaTeX run number 1
[INFO] [makePDF] LaTeX output
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[INFO] [makePDF] Rerun needed
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[INFO] [makePDF] LaTeX run number 2
[INFO] [makePDF] LaTeX output
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  Transcript written on input.log.

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jgm commented Jul 24, 2024

OK. Pandoc's rtf reader is not recognizing the images.
The image is encoded thus:

{\*\shppict{\pict{\*\picprop{\sp{\sn wzDescription}{\sv }}{\sp{\sn wzName}{\sv }}}\picscalex100\picscaley100\piccropl0\piccropr0\piccropt0\piccropb0\picw11383\pich5720\picwgoal6453\pichgoal3243\pngblip

When I removed the \*\shpict it worked, so I guess the fix is to change pandoc so it understands \*\shpict.

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jgm commented Jul 24, 2024

Actually the problem is not the \*\shpict; if I simply remove the {..} surrounding the whole thing, it works.

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@jgm Thanks for this. Can this be fixed in the next release?

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Is there a workaround to achieve the desired one?

By adding any arguments while running the CLI

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jgm commented Jul 26, 2024

You could modify the RTF manually along the lines suggested above, then it should work.
There's no workaround on the cli, sorry.
I'll see if I can fix this when I can find the time, hopefully before the next release but no promises.

@jgm jgm closed this as completed in 9cdc99c Jul 28, 2024
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The image in the original file is still not be converting. I tried with the latest version of the pandoc

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jgm commented Sep 3, 2024

It works for me. Check that you are using pandoc 3.3?
(I also see an image in the convert.pdf you uploaded...)

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parithibang commented Sep 3, 2024

On the last page there is an image that is not getting converted.

I am also using the latest version

root@8836c60d377f:/app/docs/pdf# pandoc --version
pandoc 3.3
Features: +server +lua
Scripting engine: Lua 5.4
User data directory: /root/.local/share/pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2024 John MacFarlane. Web:
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no
warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 9 32 59 PM

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jgm commented Sep 3, 2024

OK, I see the issue; it's a separate issue from the one I fixed before. I'll open a new issue for this.

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