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Julien GARINO edited this page Dec 21, 2013 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the php-pdo-lib wiki!

In order to use this simple php-pdo-library, please proceed this way :

require_once 'class.database.php';

//Fetch one record
$query = "SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE id=1";
$val = Database::GetInstance()->FetchOne($query);
echo $val['id'].' '.$val['email'];

//Fetch several records
$query = "SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE dateFetchOne($query);
 foreach($results as $val){
  echo $val['id'].' '.$val['email'].'
'; }//foreach }//if ?>

I hope this basic library will help you use PDO with PHP. If you have any suggestion, it is welcome to improve the lbrary on the go.

Enjoy ++

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