esign provides Go packages for interacting with DocuSign's eSignature RestApi and
has been created using the lastest published swagger definition.
Definitions for call payloads and return values are found in {VERSIONID}/model/model.go file.
Docusign has split the API into major categories, and each category has a corresponding package
in the v2 and v2.1 directory.
The package requires Go 1.7 or above and has been tested with Go 1.9-1.12.
The previous package is now deprecated.
eSignature v2.1 is now in beta release. Changes may still be made to future releases.
Click API will be release soon.
Official documentation:
All packages, excepte for gen-esign and legacy, are generated from DocuSign's OpenAPI(swagger) specification using the gen-esign package.
Corrections to field names and definitions are documented in gen-esign/overrides/overrides.go.
The package names correspond to the API categories listed on the DocuSign REST API Reference page. Each operation contains an SDK Method which corresponds to the package operation which you will find in operation definition.
Authentication is handled by the esign.Credential interface. OAuth2Credentials may be created via the OAuth2Config struct for 3-legged oauth and the JWTConfig struct for 2-legged oauth. Examples are shown for each in the esign examples.
UserID/Password login is available via the legacy.Config which may also be used to create non-expiring oauth tokens (legacy.OauthCredential). Examples are shown in the legacy package.
The model package describes the structure of all data passed to and received from API calls.
Each package has a service object which is initialized via the .New() call. The service methods define all operations for the package with corresponding options. An operation is executed via a Do(context.Context) function. A context must be passwed for all operation
Create envelope
sv := envelopes.New(credential)
f1, err := ioutil.ReadFile("letter.pdf")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f2, err := ioutil.ReadFile("contract.pdf")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
env := &model.EnvelopeDefinition{
EmailSubject: "[Go eSignagure SDK] - Please sign this doc",
EmailBlurb: "Please sign this test document",
Status: "sent",
Documents: []model.Document{
DocumentBase64: f1,
Name: "invite letter.pdf",
DocumentID: "1",
DocumentBase64: f2,
Name: "contract.pdf",
DocumentID: "2",
Recipients: &model.Recipients{
Signers: []model.Signer{
Email: email,
EmailNotification: nil,
Name: name,
RecipientID: "1",
Tabs: &model.Tabs{
SignHereTabs: []model.SignHere{
TabBase: model.TabBase{
DocumentID: "1",
RecipientID: "1",
TabPosition: model.TabPosition{
PageNumber: "1",
TabLabel: "signature",
XPosition: "192",
YPosition: "160",
DateSignedTabs: []model.DateSigned{
TabBase: model.TabBase{
DocumentID: "1",
RecipientID: "1",
TabPosition: model.TabPosition{
PageNumber: "1",
TabLabel: "dateSigned",
XPosition: "334",
YPosition: "179",
TextTabs: []model.Text{
TabBase: model.TabBase{
DocumentID: "2",
RecipientID: "1",
TabPosition: model.TabPosition{
PageNumber: "1",
TabLabel: "txtNote",
XPosition: "70",
YPosition: "564",
TabStyle: model.TabStyle{
Name: "This is the tab tooltip",
Width: 300,
Height: 150,
envSummary, err := sv.Create(env).Do(context.Background())