This project is about creating a website for the mighty Ping Pong contest.
It is based on the final team-project "ft_transcendence" of Ecole 42 Common Сore educational program.
PongTheGame App:
- includes user account and a real-time multiplayer online game;
- uses a PostgreSQL database;
- Backend is written in NestJS, Frontend - with React TypeScript.
The game is available on (or direct IP address)
PongTheGame is a single-page Web App with responsive design:
PongTheGame provides user interface:
- Any user is able to login using the OAuth system of 42 intranet or Github;
- Users are able to choose unique nicknames, delete and upload avatars, enable two-factor authentication and check their match history and achievement.
PongTheGame allowes users to train with Artificial Intelligence:
But the main purpose of this website is to play Ping Pong versus other players.
Users are able to play classic game with a random online player or invite a specific player to join customized game.
Users can follow, block or invite other users and see their current status (online, offline, playing, preparingToPlay):
Users are also able to spectate other players' games:
Game itself is a canvas game and it is also responsive:
- Internet
- installed Docker (to run production build on your machine)
- installed Makefile (to run in development mode)
Just proceed to the site
- Modify .env file into the root directory of the App
(follow the detailed setup instuction indoc/
) - Run cmd:
docker compose up --build
- Open http://SERVER_NAME:FRONTEND_PORT to play Pong The Game in your browser.
- To clean up the System of all files created by PongTheGame use cmd:
docker system prune --volumes --all --force
- Modify .env file into the root directory of the App
(follow the detailed setup instuction indoc/
) - Run cmd:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d --build
- Open http://SERVER_NAME:FRONTEND_PORT to play Pong The Game in your browser.
- To clean up the System of all files created by PongTheGame use cmd:
make fclean
docker-compose down --rmi all --volumes --remove-orphans
rm -rf ./backend/dist
rm -rf ./backend/node_modules
rm -rf ./frontend/node_modules