This template can be used for a simple node api project that can be run locally and also deployed on heroku
Heroku CLI
This is how to get the code up and running for your project
Get it locally & rename
1. Download zip file from & unzip
2. Rename folder and rename project and project description in package.json
3. cd <project_name>
4. npm install
Test it on local
5. heroku local web (this takes a few minutes the first time)
6. Test http://localhost:5000/ and http://localhost/api/self
Deploy to heroku
5. git init
6. git add .
7. git commit -m "Initial Commit"
8. heroku create <heroku-app-name> (might prompt for heroku login)
9. git push heroku master
10. heroku open
You can use this template to create your application quickly
The template supports management of keys seperately for production vs development environments. For any service that requires secure credentials, create the development and production credentials. .
1. Update the development keys in config/dev.js
2. git rm config/dev.js & commit
3. Update .gitignore file to not commit config/dev.js
3. Login to heroku dashboard to set up the production Key. Update config/prod.js to fetch the keys
4. Test locally vs deployed to heroku versions
Modify routes.js to add the api routes. Modify models to add new models and support functionality required for your application.