JaM is a PHP monitoring system that supports storing PHP errors (events) into different storage backends.
The events can later be retrieved from backends that implement PHP_JAM_GET_FUNC().
CREDIT line: JaM was initially forked from https://github.com/mkoppanen/php-aware which is no longer an active project.
php-aware was developed by Mikko Koppanen.
- PHP errors of all levels see [Predefined contants] (http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php)
- Slow requests
- Peak memory usage during request
- set_error_handler() will not capture FATAL errors
- With set_error_handler(), one needs to change each app so that it calls this method, JaM, since it is a PHP extension, will globablly catch all PHP errors at the Zend Engine level, no matter what app code generated them and no matter which SAPI the code was called from [Apache, CLI, FCGI, etc]
The jam extension overrides Zend's Engine zend_error_cb(), set_error_handler() and restore_error_handler() with a custom function that takes a copy of the current context, sends the error to the backends set in the jam.storage_modules directive and then calls the original error handler(s).
Each backend storage is a separate PHP extension and additional backends can therefore easily be added, see [Creating additional storage backends] (https://github.com/jessp01/jam#creating-additional-storage-backends).
The backend will receive a zval * containing information about the current error which it then stores based on it's own configuration.
It is possible to chain the backends to store the event in multiple backends, i.e: send an email and then log to Elasticsearch, for example.
The basic flow is:
JaM startup overrides zend_error_cb() with interceptor and stores a pointer to the original callback
PHP error happens:
- Zend Engine calls zend_error_cb() which passes the event to our callback
- JaM main ext loops through all configured backends and passes the following:
const char *uuid; // uniq ID
zval *event; // struct containing info about the event
const char *error_filename; // filename in which the error occured
long error_lineno; // line in which the error occured
long type; // error type, see [Predefined Constants] (http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php)
const char *appname; // app identifier string, configured with the jam.appname directive but can be overridden from PHP code
* the backend stores the event as defined in its PHP_JAM_STORE_FUNC()
* call Zend Engine's original error callback
For Ubuntu 14.04 and any other deb based distro that uses php5 = 5.5.n, binary packages are available from Kaltura's CE repo:
# wget -O - http://installrepo.kaltura.org/repo/apt/debian/kaltura-deb.gpg.key|apt-key add -
# echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://installrepo.kaltura.org/repo/apt/debian kajam main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kaltura.list
# aptitude update
# aptitude install php5-jam php5-jam-elasticsearch php5-jam-email php5-jam-files
Then edit /etc/php5/mod-enabled/jam*ini and set directives per your configuration.
To build debs for your deb based distribution, enter the debian dir under the root source dir and run:
$ dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc
The JaM extensions are available from Kaltura's CE repo. To add the RHEL/CentOS 6 repo, add this to /etc/yum.repos.d/jam.list:
name = Kaltura Server
baseurl = http://installrepo.origin.kaltura.org/releases/latest/RPMS/$basearch/
gpgkey = http://installrepo.origin.kaltura.org/releases/RPM-GPG-KEY-kaltura
gpgcheck = 1
enabled = 1
To add the RHEL/CentOS 7 repo, add this to /etc/yum.repos.d/jam.list:
name = Kaltura Server
baseurl = http://installrepo.origin.kaltura.org/rhel7/latest/RPMS/$basearch/
gpgkey = http://installrepo.origin.kaltura.org/releases/RPM-GPG-KEY-kaltura
gpgcheck = 1
enabled = 1
To install the main JaM ext:
# yum install php-jam
To install the backends:
# yum install php-jam-email php-jam-elasticsearchi php-jam-snmp php-jam-files
Then set proper values in /etc/php.d/jam*.ini and reload Apache if needed.
If you use a different distro that supports RPM, you can build the packages from php-jam.spec:
$ rpmbuild -bb --with email --with files --with snmp --with elasticsearch php-jam.spec
JaM depends on libuuid, make sure you install the relevant headers and shared objects for it.
On deb based systems:
# aptitude install uuid-dev
On RHEL based systems:
# yum install libuuid-devel
Other Linux and Unices distros should also have it in one format or another.
$ cd /path/to/jam/root/dir
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
See [Core INI settings] (https://github.com/jessp01/jam#core-ini-settings) for the available directives.
By itself JaM will do pretty much nothing for you, next, select the backends you are interested in and cd into their dir under storage, for instance, if you are interested in the elasticsearch backend:
$ cd storage/elasticsearch
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
See [elasticsearch->INI settings] (https://github.com/jessp01/jam#ini-settings) for the relevant directives.
All available backends are under the storage dir, config and build instructions are the same for all.
Name | Type | Description | Mode |
jam.enabled | boolean | enable JaM (Default: On) | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
jam.use_cache | boolean | Use serialization cache (Default: On) | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.error_reporting | integer | Error reporting level (which events are stored) | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.module_error_reporting | string | Override error reporting on backend module basis (Format: elasticsearch=E_ALL,email=E_ERROR) | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.depth | integer | How many levels to serialize | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_get | boolean | Whether to include _GET values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_post | boolean | Whether to include _POST values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_session | boolean | Whether to include _SESSION values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_cookie | boolean | Whether to include _COOKIE values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_env | boolean | Whether to include _ENV values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_server | boolean | Whether to include _SERVER values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_files | boolean | Whether to include _FILES values in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.log_backtrace | boolean | Whether to include backtrace in the serialized event | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.enable_event_trigger | boolean | Whether to log events generated with jam_event_trigger | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.storage_modules | string | Comma separated list of storage backend modules to enable (i.e jam.storage_modules="elasticsearch,email") | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.slow_request_threshold | integer | Setting > 0 activates slow request monitor (milliseconds) | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.memory_usage_threshold | integer | Setting > 0 activates memory usage monitor (bytes) | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.error_page | string | Error page filename. This page is displayed in case of a fatal error when display_errors is off | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam.appname | string | report the appname in which the err was triggered | PHP_INI_ALL |
jam_event_trigger(int error_level, string message)
Trigger an event. The event gets sent into configured storage backends but the internal error handler is not invoked.
You can use this from your PHP code to send messages to the backend storage module.
jam_event_get(string mod_name, string uuid)
Get an event from storage backend module. Supported in 'files' and 'tokyo' backends.
jam_event_get_list(string mod_name[, int start, int limit])
Returns a list of events from the storage backend module. Supported in 'files' and 'tokyo' backends.
jam_event_delete(string mod_name, string uuid)
Deletes an event from storage backend module. Supported in 'files' and 'tokyo' backends.
Returns a list of currently configured storage backend modules.
Uses JSON-C and CURL libs to send an event to an ElasticSearch server.
NOTE: Because it basically just sends a JSON with the event info using CURL, it can be used to send event to any URL, not only to an elasticsearch server. You can therefore use it to send events to any other system you may have.
JaM stores its event under the 'jam' index. See jam_mappings.json
To create initial fields mappings for it, use:
$ curl -X PUT 'jam_elasticsearch.host:9200/jam' -d @jam_mappings.json
Assuning the [default jam_mappings.json] (jam_mappings.json) is used, then the value for the jam_elasticsearch.host should be:
Name | Type | Description | Mode |
jam_elasticsearch.host | String | The ElasticSearch URL to send the event to | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
jam_elasticsearch.timeout | Int | The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute. | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
Sends an email containing information about the error
Name | Type | Description | Mode |
jam_email.to_address | String | Email recipient address. For example php_errors@example.com | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
Sends the event as an SNMP trap
Name | Type | Description | Mode |
jam_snmp.trap_host | String | hostname:port of the snmptrapd | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
jam_snmp.trap_community | String | snmp community for the trap | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam_snmp.trap_oid | String | OID for the trap | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam_snmp.name_oid | String | OID for holding the script name | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam_snmp.error_msg_oid | String | OID for holding the error message | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
jam_snmp.uuid_oid | String | OID for holding the uuid | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
Stores the information in files
Name | Type | Description | Mode |
jam_files.storage_path | String | Path to store the events to | PHP_INI_PERDIR |
Sends the event to a spread network
This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread toolkit.
For more information about Spread see http://www.spread.org
jam_spread.spread_name | String | port@hostname format of the spread daemon to connect to |
jam_spread.group_name | String | In which group to send the message to |
jam_spread.user_name | String | Username of the sender, must be unique to the machine |
Sends the event to stomp message queue
jam_stomp.server_uri | String | Uri of the server in tcp://hostname:port format |
jam_stomp.queue_name | String | Name of the queue to send the message to |
jam_stomp.username | String | Username to the queue (optional) |
jam_stomp.password | String | Password to the queue (optional) |
Stores into tokyo cabinet or tokyo tyrant
jam_tokyo.backend | String | Can be 'cabinet' or 'tyrant' |
jam_tokyo.tyrant_host | String | Hostname if 'tyrant' is chosen as the backend |
jam_tokyo.tyrant_port | Integer | Port if 'tyrant' is chosen as the backend |
jam_tokyo.cabinet_file | String | Location of the cabinet file if cabinet is chosen |
jam_tokyo.cabinet_block | Boolean | Set to 'on' to use non-blocking locks |
Sends events to zeromq2
jam_zeromq2.dsn | String | Where to connect the publisher socket (Default: tcp:// |
jam_zeromq2.topic | String | Topic to publish the messages in (Default: jam) |
- run:
./storage/create_backend_ext_skeleton.php <new-backend-ext-name>
This will create a dir with all needed skeleton files for you.
- In, yourext/jam_yourext.c, implement the needed functions for your backend, minimum is to implement PHP_JAM_STORE_FUNC(yourext), other functions are not mandatory.
- If your extension has any directives, add them to PHP_INI_BEGIN() and init them in php_jam_yourext_init_globals()
- If your extension depends on additional C/C++ libs, edit yourext/config.m4 accordingly.
- run the standard PHP configuration and build commands, i.e:
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install