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jesse-gallagher/XPages-Scaffolding Framework

The Framework is the successor project to the original "XPages Scaffolding" NTF. It is intended to provide a set of foundational and utility classes for developing XPages applications with improved structure without imposing a great deal of performance or programmatic overhead.

There is an overview of the Framework's functionality available in NotesIn9 158. Additionally, there is a tutorial series available on


The Framework requires Domino 9.0.1+ and the OpenNTF Domino API 2.0.0+. Additionally, to use the model framework, the plugin must be given access to reflection via Java policy. The quickest (and time-tested) method to do this is to create a file named java.pol in your jvm/lib/security directory in your Domino installation with the following contents:

grant {


There are several primary components, each of which can be used separately as desired:

Controller Classes

"Controller" classes (though admittedly an inaccurate name) are classes meant to be paired with a single XPage in your application. Their primary purpose is to get business logic that would otherwise be expressed in SSJS on the page into a consistently-named Java class, simplfying the XSP structure and making it easier to share and refactor page code.

Classes in your NSF that extend frostillicus.xsp.controller.BasicXPageController (or implement the XPageController interface), are in the controller package, and are named with the case-sensitive name of your XPage (e.g. controller.home) will be automatically instantiated on page load and will be available to the page as controller.

Note: due to the way XPages are initialized, in order to bind the controller class to the beforePageLoad and afterPageLoad events, they must be explicitly bound in the XSP source. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlns:xe="" xmlns:xc=""
    beforePageLoad="#{controller.beforePageLoad}" afterPageLoad="#{controller.afterPageLoad}">

There is an overview of controllers as a concept in NotesIn9 106.

Model Objects

The model-object framework is intended to be a straightforward way to build model logic in an XPage in a way that doesn't sacrifice the flexibility and ease of use of normal Domino document data sources.

A model object definition consists of a model class, which extends AbstractDominoModel for the Domino implementation (which is currently the only implementation), and a "manager" class, which extends AbstractDominoManager<...>. For example:

package model;

import javax.persistence.Table;

import frostillicus.xsp.bean.ApplicationScoped;
import frostillicus.xsp.bean.ManagedBean;
import frostillicus.xsp.model.domino.AbstractDominoModel;
import frostillicus.xsp.model.domino.AbstractDominoManager;

public class Note extends AbstractDominoModel {

	@NotEmpty String title;
    Date posted;
    String body;

    public static class Manager extends AbstractDominoManager<Note> {

        protected String getViewPrefix() {
            return "Notes\\";

Note: The use of the model package and an embedded class for the manager are conventions, not required by the framework.

Getting and setting values on a model object is done through the #getValue and #setValue methods from DataObject, which will in turn reference properties and getter/setter methods on the object for extra logic and validation is present, and will otherwise pass the value through to the underlying Domino document directly.

For validation, it uses Hibernate Validator, which provides a superset of the standard javax.validation annotations.

For a mostly-detailed explanation of how to use these objects, see the tutorial on

Model objects can be bound to normal XPages controls, including file upload/download and rich text controls (though currently uploading an inline image in CKEditor does not work). The collections provided by the manager objects can be bound to normal repeat/iterator controls as well as xp:viewPanel and xe:dataView.

Simple Servlets

The Framework provides an abstract class and basic servlet factory to ease the process of writing FacesContext-aware servlets inside your NSF. By creating a class that extends frostillicus.xsp.servlet.AbstractXSPServlet in the servlet package in your NSF, the servlet will be available via /yourapp.nsf/xsp/servletClassName.

JSF Backports

The Framework includes a handful of JSF 2.x annotation backports for specifying managed beans inline in classes, without the need to add them in faces-config.xml. To declare a class as a managed bean, add an annotation of @ManagedBean(name="yourBeanName") to the class declaration, along with either @ApplicationScoped, @SessionScoped, @ViewScoped, @RequestScoped, or @NoneScoped.

Utility Class

The frostillicus.xsp.util.FrameworkUtils class provides a number of utility functions for dealing with the XPages environment and Domino data. In particular, the getDatabase, getSession*, and get*Scope methods are preferable to the ExtLibUtil equivalents because they are ODA-aware and will also work in OSGi servlet contexts (though the scope objects are not persistent).

Implementation notes:

Specially-supported Model Field Types
  • Enums
  • java.sql.Time and java.sql.Date for specifying DateTime values as only Time or Date, respectively
  • Validation is done via Hibernate Validator
  • @NotNull, @NotEmpty, and @Size(min=1+) cause the component map to set required=true for input components
  • frostillicus.xsp.controller.ComponentMapAdapterFactory: this service type defines a factory to produce objects implementing frostillicus.xsp.controller.ComponentMapAdapter; these are used in the controller class to add validators/converters/etc. to components based on model type
  • The component map attempts to load a bundle named "model_translation" (e.g. "", "", etc.) in the app and look for keys matching enum-class literal names (e.g. "model.Task$TaskType.Normal=Normal (en)")