Built the binaires using docker. The resulting image exports a data volume containing the apiserver, kubecfg, proxy, kubelet, and controller-manager binaries under /kubernetes.
git clone https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-coreos.git
cd kubernetes-coreos
docker build -t kelseyhightower/kubernetes-binaries:latest docker/build
Run a named container and copy the binaries using the docker cp command.
docker run --name kubernetes-binaries kelseyhightower/kubernetes-binaries:latest /bin/sh
docker cp kubernetes-binaries:/kubernetes/ .
At this point the binaries should be uploaded to a central storage location.
Build a Docker container for each Kubernetes binary. The dockerfiles used in this step pull binaries from Google Cloud Storage.
for i in apiserver controller-manager kubecfg kubelet proxy
do docker build -t kelseyhightower/kubernetes-${i} docker/${i}