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Duration for PHP

Working with durations made easy.

Current version Supported PHP version Build Status

Do you like to use DateInterval to compute and work with durations? Me neither, so let's fix that!


You can install the package with Composer:

composer install gamez/duration

You can then use Duration:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Gamez\Duration;

$duration = Duration::make('13 minutes 37 seconds');
// or start with nothing
$duration = Duration::none();


Supported input values


Duration::make(new DateInterval('P13M37S'));

Colon notation

Duration::make('13:37'); // minutes:seconds
Duration::make('13:37:37'); // hours:minutes:seconds

Textual notation

A textual notation is any value that can be processed by DateInterval::createFromDateString()

Duration::make('13 minutes 37 seconds');


When transformed, a Duration will be

  • converted to a DateInterval representation
  • optimized in the sense that an input value of 60 seconds would result in an output value of "1 minute", for example "PT60S" would be converted to "PT1H"
$duration = Duration::make('8 days 29 hours 77 minutes');

echo (string) $duration; // P9DT6H17M
echo json_encode($duration); // "P9DT6H17M"
echo get_class($duration->toDateInterval()); // DateInterval


$oneSecond = Duration::make('1 second');
$sixtySeconds = Duration::make('60 seconds');
$oneMinute = Duration::make('1 minute');
$oneHour = Duration::make('1 hour');

$oneSecond->isSmallerThan($oneMinute); // true
$oneHour->isLargerThan($oneMinute); // true
$oneMinute->equals($sixtySeconds); // true

$durations = [$oneMinute, $oneSecond, $oneHour, $sixtySeconds];


Results will always be rounded by the second.

$thirty = Duration::make('30 seconds');

echo $thirty->withAdded('31 seconds'); // PT1M1S
echo $thirty->withSubtracted('29 seconds'); // PT1S
echo $thirty->multipliedBy(3); // PT1M30S
echo $thirty->dividedBy(2.5); // PT12S

$thirty->multipliedBy(-1); // InvalidArgumentException
$thirty->withSubtracted('31 seconds'); // InvalidArgumentException

Extending Gamez\Duration

Are you missing a feature in the Gamez\Duration class? Please consider making a pull request if you think others would benefit from this feature as well.

Otherwise, you can dynamically add methods to the class with the help of spatie/macroable:

Duration::macro('shuffle', function () {
    return str_shuffle((string) $this);

$duration = Duration::make('30 seconds');
echo $duration->shuffle(); // This doesn't make sense


  • Support more input formats
  • Add "output for humans" (like colon notation)
  • Support flags to configure the handling of edge cases (e.g. negative operation results)
  • ...