Codility Lesson Solutions My collection of solutions in JavaScript for Codility lessons. Started as a reference for students on my coding course. Lesson 1 - Iterations BinaryGap Lesson 2 - Arrays OddOccurrencesInArray CyclicRotation Lesson 3 - Time Complexity FrogJmp PermMissingElem TapeEquilibrium Lesson 4 - Counting Elements MissingInteger FrogRiverOne PermCheck MaxCounters Lesson 5 - Prefix Sums CountDiv PassingCars GenomicRangeQuery MinAvgTwoSlice Lesson 6 - Sorting Distinct MaxProductOfThree Triangle NumberOfDiscIntersections Lesson 7 - Stacks and Queues Brackets Fish Nesting StoneWall Lesson 8 - Leader EquiLeader Dominator Lesson 9 - Maximum slice problem MaxDoubleSlice