Find the index S such that the leaders of the sequences A[0], A[1], ..., A[S] and A[S + 1], A[S + 2], ..., A[N - 1] are the same.
The first step is to calculate the dominator, using hte same technique as the previous we can use a stack to remove the items in pairs, what is left is the candidate and if it occurs more than half it is a dominator. The second step is to then return an index of one of the occurances.
function solution(A) {
let dominator = null
let stackSize = 0
let dominatorIndex = -1
A.forEach( (elem, index) => {
if ( stackSize === 0 ) {
dominator = elem
dominatorIndex = index
} else if ( elem === dominator ) {
// increase stack size as we have another indentical item
} else {
// here we effectively discard this current element with the top from the stack
let dominatorCount = A.reduce( (sum, cur) => {
return dominator === cur ? ++sum : sum
}, 0 )
if (dominatorCount <= A.length / 2) return -1
return dominatorIndex