Leap seconds are corrections applied irregularly so that the UTC day stays fixed to the earth's rotation.
This module provides a class for parsing and validating the standard
file. Once parsed, it is possible to retrieve the
full list of leap seconds, or find the TAI-UTC offset for any UTC time.
Access leap second data from the command line.
Usage: leapsecond [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Access leap second database information
--url TEXT URL for leap second data (unspecified to use default
--debug / --no-debug
--help Show this message and exit.
convert Convert timestamps between TAI and UTC
info Show information about leap second database
next-leapsecond Get the next leap second after a given UTC timestamp
offset Get the UTC offset for a given moment, in seconds
previous-leapsecond Get the last leap second before a given UTC timestamp
table Print information about leap seconds