scNOVA : Single-Cell Nucleosome Occupancy and genetic Variation Analysis - summarized in a single Snakemake pipeline.
PART0. Extract single-cell and subclonal copy-number variations
PART1. Infer transcriptome with pseudo-bulk population
- Feature1 : samtools merge for pseudo-bulk NO
- Create folders/subclone and copy single-cell libraries to the clonality, merge bam files in each folders, run for merged libraries
- For normalization total mapped read needs to be calculated (
- Make_ML_Features_BCLL01 (processing and normalization to make Feature1)
- Output: Features_reshape_BCLL01_P1P2_C3_orientation_norm.txt
- Feature2 : single-cell variance
- For each folders of subclone, run for single-cell libraries
- Deeptool_matrix_CNN.R to calculate coefficient of variation of each bins
- Make_ML_Features_sc_var_BCLL01 (processing and normaliization to make Feature2)
- Output: Features_reshape_BCLL01_C3_Resid_orientation.txt
- Combine five layers of feature sets
- Make_ML_Features_BCLL01_combine.R
- For NO, copy-number normalization will be performed
PART2. Infer transcriptome at the single-cell level
- R_ML_Features_sc.R (This is for normalization)
- Combine four layers of feature sets
PART3. Infer transcriptome using CNN -
For information on scTRIP see
Sanderes et al., 2019 (doi: