The simplest way to know what has changed on your Jenkins builds!
Last Changes is a Jenkin plugin that shows rich VCS diffs between builds.
Only Git and Svn based projects are supported.
The plugin uses diff2html to show last changes of a given build, example:
Or using side-by-side configuration:
Last changes means compare current repository revision with an old revision . By default the plugin will diff current and previous revision.
The main objective of this plugin is to have fast access to what has changed on a Jenkins build.
Another interesting aspect is that it can easily help to find the root cause
of a failing build
by highlighting what has changed.
And finally the plugin shines in a continuous delivery environment, where each commit generates a release candidate.
This plugin expects
folders present on your build workspace and will use it to retrieve repository information . -
While your job runs the plugin reads your build workspace to retrieve the current VCS revision;
The diff between
and aprevious
revision will be stored; Note that theprevious revision
can be:-
A provided revision id;
Revision of
Last successful build
; -
Revision of
Last tag
;ℹ️By default previous revision is current revision -1
.💡You can use parameters in specificRevision
parameter. In case of git, expressions likeHEAD^{tree}
can be used.
for each build can be viewed later in html format.
To get most from this plugin use periodically SCM pooling to trigger your builds, more details here.
The setup is done via build configuration
The possible values for Since attribute is Previous revision
(the default), Last successful build
and Last tag
If SpecificRevision parameter is provided then Since configuration will be ignored and the diff will be done with provided revision id. |
Advanced configuration reflects diff2html options:
Following is an example of pipeline step using this plugin:
node { stage ('Build') { svn '' step([$class: 'LastChangesPublisher', since:'PREVIOUS_REVISION',specificRevision: '', format: 'LINE', matchWordsThreshold: '0.25', matching: 'NONE', matchingMaxComparisons: '1000', showFiles: true, synchronisedScroll: true]) } }
Since version 1.0.10
it is possible to use the lastChanges() shortcut in pipeline DSL:
node { git '' lastChanges() //will use defaults }
Parameters should be declared as key: 'value'
as example below:
node { git '' lastChanges format:'SIDE',matching: 'WORD', specificRevision: 'c546ec31e854de3f27755273d3e1db6185aee4b4' }
Or using declarative pipeline:
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { git '' lastChanges since: 'LAST_SUCCESSFUL_BUILD', format:'SIDE',matching: 'LINE' } } } }
Or using build params for specificRevision
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { git '' lastChanges format:'SIDE',matching: 'WORD', specificRevision: "${REV}" } } } }
Refer to parameterized builds to use parameters. |
An easy way to test this plugin is using a docker container, here are the steps (assuming you have docker installed):
Run the image:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 rmpestano/jenkins-last-changes
Access localhot:8080/ and create a job
Configure this svn repository:
Add the Publish last changes post build action;
Just run the job
Job output should look like:
Following are the steps to run, debug and test
this plugin on your machine:
Clone this repository
git clone
Import it on your IDE
Run the command mvnDebug hpi:run -DskipTests
Configure the remote debugging on your IDE to use port 8000, as in image below:
Now create jobs using last-changes and debug them.
For testing run any class on src/test/java
folder as JUnit test.
Tests with IT sulfix will start a Jenkins instance before the test.