- Handle 64-bit commit status id with github-api 1.90
- Remove the hard dependency on Jenkins 2.68
- Disable register hooks on startup via property
- Remove ssh-agent dependency (#520)
- Startup optimization. Startup for ghprb will be split into a pool size of 5 threads, which can be overridden via JVM args.
- Add ability to decide whether to build based on regions (or repository file paths as defined by regex)
- Add user blacklist capability
- Small but powerful docs cleanup
- Revert pipeline support for the upstream status capability (only). See #506.
- Consume the --none-- argument for GitHub comment configuration. (See #462)
- Support Jenkins pipelines
- Upgrades for Jenkins 2.0 support
- Fix issue #354. (Multiple queued builds would be squashed into one.)
Add whitelisting and blacklisting of labels
- Note: This enhancement does not include ingesting webhooks from label events
- Don't use if you have queued builds; see v 1.35.0.
- Fix for issue #441. That required a revert of label support.
- Don't use this version if you have queued builds; see v 1.35.0.
Fix for issue #441 (it didn't work so don't use this hpi)
- Fix for issue #352 / JENKINS-34762
- Update pom
- Add ability to ignore PRs based on label
- Add job DSL extensions for build status messages
- Fix some typos, harden some tests
- Handle 'edited' pull request hooks
- Fix NPE when creating hooks
- Ability to blacklist branches
- Setting a TODO on getting comment counts
- Some NPE fixes, some doc fixes
- Simpler ingestion of environment variables
- Set the pull request after updating the updated timestamp. [See PR 368]
- Pull new data in the case of a mergeability check
- Don't check for comments when a new PR is opened.
- Set the parameters again.
- Remove adding parameters action from the env contributor; just add them all.
- Allow for manual managing of webhooks
- Various fixes, like:
- Avoid overwriting test results when there's a race condition
- Reduce API calls
- Skip build phrase fix and improvements (PR#339)
- Security 170
- Downstream job fixes
- Update Github API version
- Avoid NPE if cause is null
- Refactoring around thread usage:
- Updated core Jenkins version used in order to fix an issue with Matrix job types
- The trigger regex is something the admin configures. Handle regex issues gracefully to avoid a build queue blockage.
- Handle webhooks in separate threads
- Handle triggers with threads
- Catch configuration errors made by user
- Expand merge comment
- Fixes for bugs related canceled builds and global overrides
- Various changes to support mvn & java library upgrades
- Other refactors
- These were rolled back
- Fix "no test results found". Interpreting test results is now avaiable as a configuration setting, and is off by default.
- If user is whitelisted after his/her PR was opened, allow testing on the PR going forward.
- README fixes
- Fix NPE when last build has been deleted
- Inherit some global configuration to individual projects
- Add extension: when a new build is queued, it will abort any running builds for that pull request, and remove any older ones from the queue. (This is the default but comes with a configuration setting to override it.)
- Fix NPE for Ghprb.extractTrigger
- Use
instead ofis*
as a convention for methods
- Don't run through all the builds for changelog, track it in the PR object instead
- Synchronization around the PR object fields
- Moved pull request state into build/pullrequests directory.
- Dynamic state is no longer kept as part of the trigger
- Merged #258 ignore comments on issues that aren't pull requests
- Merged #253, cleaning up code.
- WebHooks are refactored to be closer to the variables it depends on
- PR data is now local per job instead of global
- The config.xml is only saved when there is a change to a PR the job is watching
- GitHub connections are now shared.
- Shouldn't run into rate limits on startup
- Pull Requests are only updated when the trigger runs, instead of on startup.
- Merged #246 adding job dsl features and updating docs
- Remove quoting of trigger phrase
- Merged #242 replaces newline and quoted quotes
- Merged #229 Add job dsl
- Merged #238 Update github-api version
- Merge #232 fixes erroneous no test cases found
- Add secret when auto creating the web hook
- Accomodate Jenkins being behind a firewall
- Fix for recursive repo initializations.
- Fix NPE for triggers without a project
- Add back default URL if env variables are missing
- Reduced the size of the plugin .xml file drastically.
- Fixed issues with persistance store credentials.
- Reduced the noise caused by webhook logic, and reduced amount of work for webhooks
- Fixed [JENKINS-29850] Add author github repo URL
- Fixed NPE and other errors in merge logic
- Removed only trigger phrase, trigger is expected always now
- Fixed [JENKINS-30115] Downstream jobs can now attach GitHub status messages
- Fixed SHA1 for Matrix builds
- Global defaults are now used if the local value isn't set.
- Fixed issues with CSR protection
- Commit updates can be skipped all together or individual steps can be skipped using --none--
- Trigger is now a regex term
- Phrases are no matched agains multiple lines properly
- All regex patterns use ignore case and dotall
- Added variables to the parameters
- Extend the checking for own code.
- Fail build only when desired if we can't merge the build.
- Add option to delete branch when merge succeeds.
- Fix condition where admin can't run tests #60 JENKINS-25572, JENKINS-25574, JENKINS-25603
- Check for when webhook encoding is null and default to UTF-8
- Add configurable build message #36
- NullPointerException in GhprbTrigger.run() jankinko/ghprb#256
- Webhook repo checking now case insensitive #141
- Fixed issues with new credential implementation.
- Fixed other issues.
- Signature checking for webhooks
- Added fields to status updates for custom messages and a custom URL
- Credentials are now handled by the jenkins credentials plugin
- Bug fixes due to switch to groovy config files.
- Fix issue where if a project was disabled the Jenkins Trigger process would crash
- Fix commit status context
- Add one line test results for downstream builds
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
- Move commit status over to extension form. It is now configurable, satisfying #81, #73, and #19 at least.
- Move all commenting logic out into extensions.
- Null Pointer fix for trigger.
- Added clarity to error message when access is forbidden.
- PullRequestMerger now notifies the taskListener of failures.
- AutoCloseFailedPullRequest has been extracted from the published URL check.
- More work for disabled builds.
- Unified tabs to spaces.
- Updates to the tests, and added some tests.
- Add support for folder projects.
- Correcting issue with default credentials.
- Correcting issue with ghRepository being null when it shouldn't be.
- Ignoring case when matching repo to url.
- Changing the wording for pull requests that are mergeable.
- Change requestForTesting phrase to a textArea.
- Check if project is disabled, if it is then don't do anything.
- A comment file can be created during the build and added to any comment made to the pull request. podarok#33
- Added a
[skip ci]
setting, that can be changed. Adding the skip statement to the pull request body will cause the job not to run. sathiya-mit#29 - Escaping single quotes in log statements tIGO#38
- Fixed owner name deduction from url on github hook handling nikicat#40
- Removed unused Test field from the config
- Replacing deprecated Github.connect method. tIGO#39
- Added a merge plugin for post build. If the build is successful, the job can specify conditions under which the pull request "button" will be pressed.
In version 1.8 the GitHub hook url changed from http://yourserver.com/jenkins/job/JOBNAME/ghprbhook
to http://yourserver.com/jenkins/ghprbhook/
. This shouldn't be noticeable in most cases but you can have two webhooks configured in you repository.
When updating to versions 1.4 phrases for retesting on existing pull requsts can stop working. The solution is comment in pull request with ok to test
or remove and create the job. This is caused because there was change in phrases.