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BlueOcean JWT Plugin

This plugin provides JWT authenticated related APIs. JWT token is signed using RSA256 algorithm. This is asymmetric algorithm, this means the token is signed using the private key and Client must use corresponding public key to verify the claims.



JWT token is generated for the user in session. In Jenkins there is always a user in context, that is if there is no logged in user then the generated token will carry the claim for anonymous user.

Default expiry time of token is 30 minutes.

JWT token is return as X-BLUEOCEAN-JWT HTTP header.

GET /jwt-auth/token

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-BLUEOCEAN-JWT: eyJraWQiOiI2M2ZhMTY0ZWRhMDk0NjNjOGZlZTI2Njg4ZjgxOTZmZCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJqdGkiOiJiMGVmMjJiNDliNWM0N2JjODU4YTg2MDdkM2Y0NGQzMyIsImlzcyI6ImJsdWVvY2Vhbi1qd3Q6Iiwic3ViIjoiYWxpY2UiLCJuYW1lIjoiQWxpY2UgQ29vcGVyIiwiaWF0IjoxNDcwMzMxNjA1LCJleHAiOjE0NzAzMzM0MDUsIm5iZiI6MTQ3MDMzMTU3NSwiY29udGV4dCI6eyJ1c2VyIjp7ImlkIjoiYWxpY2UiLCJmdWxsTmFtZSI6IkFsaWNlIENvb3BlciIsImVtYWlsIjoiYWxpY2VAamVua2lucy1jaS5vcmcifX19.H1iZAR2ajMeWRhh1VDdbqOtD7Wo0e0FZx8JDDNzphLu2DaLlxVRzBbhZ5TllvPx787kbNeK2tymFu_2Y_59qkq7YxZkrJctZTeiHVlTlHIxf2woBBggkIgoSvzNSsCcX73vjH5A5e54T5e8rUjF56XP05d5-WDvvheLo_Sqn4j19_lXkogCC2-JhDfc7sb8Xnw5PwYNZs29JYSSLOuUWm8UnD3AnBeFBhPfY2bR8-BjPXxdRWAyrZ-bz1CITfOm1xHZ-8NCGsfsUUGlcB_ijPVBt5T_29JWWFnougM1qZ_CEO56xu1572LMUmBYi8ynl75frzoSL_PvZYMXF47zcdg

JSON presentation of this token:




   "name" : "Alice Cooper",
   "iss" : "blueocean-jwt:",
   "sub" : "alice",
   "exp" : 1470333405,
   "nbf" : 1470331575,
   "context" : {
      "user" : {
         "id" : "alice",
         "fullName" : "Alice Cooper",
         "email" : ""
   "jti" : "b0ef22b49b5c47bc858a8607d3f44d33",
   "iat" : 1470331605

Change expiry time

JWT tokens expires after 30 minutes (Default). exp claim header gives the time at which token expires. It is unix time in seconds. Default 30 minutes can be changed by sending expiryTimeInMins query parameter. This parameter value must be less than maximum expiry time allowed (8 hours or 480 minutes).

This parameter must be used carefully, it has security implications.

GET /jwt-auth/token?expiryTimeInMins=15

Change maximum allowed expiry time

Use query maxExpiryTimeInMins to change default 8 hours maximum allowed expiry time.

This parameter must be used carefully, it has security implications.

GET /jwt-auth/token?maxExpiryTimeInMins=15

Json web key (jwk) API

Client can call this API to get public key using the key id received as part of JWT header field 'kid'. This public key must be used to verify the JWT token.

GET /jwt-auth/jwks/bab71d7b184548a6b93480721d352ba1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
   "alg" : "RS256",
   "e" : "AQAB",
   "kty" : "RSA",
   "n" : "AMmWNNrmWzJXik7K7gmDkPumxqPzxc/JnxWsZ3CrhJGSO8hIgfsN6M5UHWSwkAoBHyNIaaPXhubWpcWCRewiI0U2Aw4jO3vzxNndRB9YaDPrrWDjvKBaqMC08IePPxmxXCj3ZS0QoEpf6rczdm2f9Of6Fro0TufXf2EYjLndBH7ep6iDQ4/TG7FkD7o39/GXuHAin0sz7atrPun3tlkuxllu5XNV+yW6WusrNIz3txyvKKEyQX950eW/6mMD0hS6yT7TbAwfrxkTnq4SiagCTllV+ct4wfnONDrao3WYgZnNgohsX/nEnYMHYq592n2WZW/i2+PNaFZlL2+3QgWO4qc=",
   "use" : "sig",
   "key_ops" : [
   "kid" : "bab71d7b184548a6b93480721d352ba1"