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Travis CI: Run black, doctest, flake8, mypy, and pytest (TheAlgorithm…
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history

* Travis CI: Add type checking with mypy

* Create requirements.txt

* script: mypy --ignore-missing-stubs=cv2,numpy .

* Delete requirements.txt

* script: mypy --ignore-missing-imports .

* Run doctests

* Disable doctest -v other/

* Pytest

* No |

* pytest || true

* Run black doctest flake8 mypy pytest

* after_success: Build

* Typo in filename: Dictionary.txt --> dictionary.txt'

Discovered via doctest run in TheAlgorithms#964

* python -m doctest -v

* pip install black flake8 mypy pytest

* pytest --doctest-glob='*.py'

* pytest --doctest-modules

* pytest --doctest-modules ./sorts

* pytest --doctest-modules ./ciphers ./other ./searches ./sorts ./strings || true

* if __name__ == "__main__":

* if __name__ == "__main__":

* if __name__ == '__main__':

* if __name__ == '__main__':

* if __name__ == '__main__':

* Create requirements.txt

* Update requirements.txt

* if __name__ == "__main__":

* Lose the doctests

* if __name__ == '__main__':

* Remove print-a-tuple

* doctest: Added missing spaces

* Update

* The >>> are not doctests so change to >>)

* Travis CI: Run black, doctest, flake8, mypy, and pytest

* Link to the separate file

* Update
  • Loading branch information
cclauss authored and poyea committed Jul 8, 2019
1 parent 2b36528 commit b7f13d9
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 11 changed files with 56 additions and 365 deletions.
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
language: python
dist: xenial # required for Python >= 3.7
python: 3.7
install: pip install flake8
script: flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
cache: pip
install: pip install -r requirements.txt
- black --check . || true
- flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
- mypy --ignore-missing-imports .
- pytest --doctest-modules ./ciphers ./other ./searches ./sorts ./strings
- python ./
- cat
339 changes: 4 additions & 335 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ These implementations are for learning purposes. They may be less efficient than

Anup Kumar Panwar

Chetan Kaushik

## Contribution Guidelines
Expand All @@ -28,337 +28,6 @@ Read our [Contribution Guidelines]( before you contribute.

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# Algorithms
## Algorithms

## Hashes

- [Md5](./hashes/
- [Chaos Machine](./hashes/
- [Sha1](./hashes/

## File Transfer Protocol

- [Ftp Client Server](./file_transfer_protocol/
- [Ftp Send Receive](./file_transfer_protocol/

## Backtracking

- [N Queens](./backtracking/
- [Sum Of Subsets](./backtracking/
- [All Subsequences](./backtracking/
- [All Permutations](./backtracking/

## Ciphers

- [Transposition Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Atbash](./ciphers/
- [Rot13](./ciphers/
- [Rabin Miller](./ciphers/
- [Transposition Cipher Encrypt Decrypt File](./ciphers/
- [Affine Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Trafid Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Base16](./ciphers/
- [Elgamal Key Generator](./ciphers/
- [Rsa Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Prehistoric Men.txt](./ciphers/prehistoric_men.txt)
- [Vigenere Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Xor Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Brute Force Caesar Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Rsa Key Generator](./ciphers/
- [Simple Substitution Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Playfair Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Morse Code Implementation](./ciphers/
- [Base32](./ciphers/
- [Base85](./ciphers/
- [Base64 Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Onepad Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Caesar Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Hill Cipher](./ciphers/
- [Cryptomath Module](./ciphers/

## Arithmetic Analysis

- [Bisection](./arithmetic_analysis/
- [Newton Method](./arithmetic_analysis/
- [Newton Raphson Method](./arithmetic_analysis/
- [Intersection](./arithmetic_analysis/
- [Lu Decomposition](./arithmetic_analysis/

## Boolean Algebra

- [Quine Mc Cluskey](./boolean_algebra/

## Traversals

- [Binary Tree Traversals](./traversals/

## Maths

- [Average](./maths/
- [Abs Max](./maths/
- [Average Median](./maths/
- [Trapezoidal Rule](./maths/
- [Prime Check](./maths/
- [Modular Exponential](./maths/
- [Newton Raphson](./maths/
- [Factorial Recursive](./maths/
- [Extended Euclidean Algorithm](./maths/
- [Greater Common Divisor](./maths/
- [Fibonacci](./maths/
- [Find Lcm](./maths/
- [Find Max](./maths/
- [Fermat Little Theorem](./maths/
- [Factorial Python](./maths/
- [Fibonacci Sequence Recursion](./maths/
- [Sieve Of Eratosthenes](./maths/
- [Abs Min](./maths/
- [Lucas Series](./maths/
- [Segmented Sieve](./maths/
- [Find Min](./maths/
- [Abs](./maths/
- [Simpson Rule](./maths/
- [Basic Maths](./maths/
- [3n+1](./maths/
- [Binary Exponentiation](./maths/

## Digital Image Processing

- ## Filters

- [Median Filter](./digital_image_processing/filters/
- [Gaussian Filter](./digital_image_processing/filters/

## Compression

- [Peak Signal To Noise Ratio](./compression/
- [Huffman](./compression/

## Graphs

- [BFS Shortest Path](./graphs/
- [Directed And Undirected (Weighted) Graph](<./graphs/Directed_and_Undirected_(Weighted)>)
- [Minimum Spanning Tree Prims](./graphs/
- [Graph Matrix](./graphs/
- [Basic Graphs](./graphs/
- [Dijkstra 2](./graphs/
- [Tarjans Strongly Connected Components](./graphs/
- [Check Bipartite Graph BFS](./graphs/
- [Depth First Search](./graphs/
- [Kahns Algorithm Long](./graphs/
- [Breadth First Search](./graphs/
- [Dijkstra](./graphs/
- [Articulation Points](./graphs/
- [Bellman Ford](./graphs/
- [Check Bipartite Graph Dfs](./graphs/
- [Strongly Connected Components Kosaraju](./graphs/
- [Multi Hueristic Astar](./graphs/
- [Page Rank](./graphs/
- [Eulerian Path And Circuit For Undirected Graph](./graphs/
- [Edmonds Karp Multiple Source And Sink](./graphs/
- [Floyd Warshall](./graphs/
- [Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal](./graphs/
- [Prim](./graphs/
- [Kahns Algorithm Topo](./graphs/
- [BFS](./graphs/
- [Finding Bridges](./graphs/
- [Graph List](./graphs/
- [Dijkstra Algorithm](./graphs/
- [A Star](./graphs/
- [Even Tree](./graphs/
- [DFS](./graphs/

## Networking Flow

- [Minimum Cut](./networking_flow/
- [Ford Fulkerson](./networking_flow/

## Matrix

- [Matrix Operation](./matrix/
- [Searching In Sorted Matrix](./matrix/
- [Spiral Print](./matrix/

## Searches

- [Quick Select](./searches/
- [Binary Search](./searches/
- [Interpolation Search](./searches/
- [Jump Search](./searches/
- [Linear Search](./searches/
- [Ternary Search](./searches/
- [Tabu Search](./searches/
- [Sentinel Linear Search](./searches/

## Conversions

- [Decimal To Binary](./conversions/
- [Decimal To Octal](./conversions/

## Dynamic Programming

- [Fractional Knapsack](./dynamic_programming/
- [Sum Of Subset](./dynamic_programming/
- [Fast Fibonacci](./dynamic_programming/
- [Bitmask](./dynamic_programming/
- [Abbreviation](./dynamic_programming/
- [Rod Cutting](./dynamic_programming/
- [Knapsack](./dynamic_programming/
- [Max Sub Array](./dynamic_programming/
- [Fibonacci](./dynamic_programming/
- [Minimum Partition](./dynamic_programming/
- [K Means Clustering Tensorflow](./dynamic_programming/
- [Coin Change](./dynamic_programming/
- [Subset Generation](./dynamic_programming/
- [Floyd Warshall](./dynamic_programming/
- [Longest Sub Array](./dynamic_programming/
- [Integer Partition](./dynamic_programming/
- [Matrix Chain Order](./dynamic_programming/
- [Edit Distance](./dynamic_programming/
- [Longest Common Subsequence](./dynamic_programming/
- [Longest Increasing Subsequence O(nlogn)](<./dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py>)
- [Longest Increasing Subsequence](./dynamic_programming/

## Divide And Conquer

- [Max Subarray Sum](./divide_and_conquer/
- [Closest Pair Of Points](./divide_and_conquer/

## Strings

- [Knuth Morris Pratt](./strings/
- [Rabin Karp](./strings/
- [Naive String Search](./strings/
- [Levenshtein Distance](./strings/
- [Min Cost String Conversion](./strings/
- [Boyer Moore Search](./strings/
- [Manacher](./strings/

## Sorts

- [Quick Sort](./sorts/
- [Selection Sort](./sorts/
- [Bitonic Sort](./sorts/
- [Cycle Sort](./sorts/
- [Comb Sort](./sorts/
- [Topological Sort](./sorts/
- [Merge Sort Fastest](./sorts/
- [Random Pivot Quick Sort](./sorts/
- [Heap Sort](./sorts/
- [Insertion Sort](./sorts/
- [Counting Sort](./sorts/
- [Bucket Sort](./sorts/
- [Quick Sort 3 Partition](./sorts/
- [Bogo Sort](./sorts/
- [Shell Sort](./sorts/
- [Pigeon Sort](./sorts/
- [Odd-Even Transposition Parallel](./sorts/
- [Tree Sort](./sorts/
- [Cocktail Shaker Sort](./sorts/
- [Random Normal Distribution Quicksort](./sorts/
- [Wiggle Sort](./sorts/
- [Pancake Sort](./sorts/
- [External Sort](./sorts/
- [Tim Sort](./sorts/
- [Sorting Graphs.png](./sorts/sorting_graphs.png)
- [Radix Sort](./sorts/
- [Odd-Even Transposition Single-threaded](./sorts/
- [Bubble Sort](./sorts/
- [Gnome Sort](./sorts/
- [Merge Sort](./sorts/

## Machine Learning

- [Perceptron](./machine_learning/
- [Random Forest Classifier](./machine_learning/random_forest_classification/random_forest_classifier.ipynb)
- [NaiveBayes.ipynb](./machine_learning/NaiveBayes.ipynb)
- [Scoring Functions](./machine_learning/
- [Logistic Regression](./machine_learning/
- [Gradient Descent](./machine_learning/
- [Linear Regression](./machine_learning/
- [Random Forest Regression](./machine_learning/random_forest_regression/
- [Random Forest Regression](./machine_learning/random_forest_regression/random_forest_regression.ipynb)
- [Reuters One Vs Rest Classifier.ipynb](./machine_learning/reuters_one_vs_rest_classifier.ipynb)
- [Decision Tree](./machine_learning/
- [Knn Sklearn](./machine_learning/
- [K Means Clust](./machine_learning/

## Neural Network

- [Perceptron](./neural_network/
- [Fully Connected Neural Network](./neural_network/fully_connected_neural_network.ipynb)
- [Convolution Neural Network](./neural_network/
- [Back Propagation Neural Network](./neural_network/

## Data Structures

- ## Binary Tree

- [Basic Binary Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [Red Black Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [Fenwick Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [Treap](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [AVL Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [Segment Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [Lazy Segment Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/
- [Binary Search Tree](./data_structures/binary_tree/

- ## Trie

- [Trie](./data_structures/trie/

- ## Linked List

- [Swap Nodes](./data_structures/linked_list/
- [Doubly Linked List](./data_structures/linked_list/
- [Singly Linked List](./data_structures/linked_list/
- [Is Palindrome](./data_structures/linked_list/

- ## Stacks

- [Postfix Evaluation](./data_structures/stacks/
- [Balanced Parentheses](./data_structures/stacks/
- [Infix To Prefix Conversion](./data_structures/stacks/
- [Stack](./data_structures/stacks/
- [Infix To Postfix Conversion](./data_structures/stacks/
- [Next Greater Element](./data_structures/stacks/
- [Stock Span Problem](./data_structures/stacks/

- ## Queue

- [Queue On Pseudo Stack](./data_structures/queue/
- [Double Ended Queue](./data_structures/queue/
- [Queue On List](./data_structures/queue/

- ## Heap

- [Heap](./data_structures/heap/

- ## Hashing

- [Hash Table With Linked List](./data_structures/hashing/
- [Quadratic Probing](./data_structures/hashing/
- [Hash Table](./data_structures/hashing/
- [Double Hash](./data_structures/hashing/

## Other

- [Detecting English Programmatically](./other/
- [Fischer Yates Shuffle](./other/
- [Primelib](./other/
- [Binary Exponentiation 2](./other/
- [Anagrams](./other/
- [Palindrome](./other/
- [Finding Primes](./other/
- [Two Sum](./other/
- [Password Generator](./other/
- [Linear Congruential Generator](./other/
- [Frequency Finder](./other/
- [Euclidean Gcd](./other/
- [Word Patterns](./other/
- [Nested Brackets](./other/
- [Binary Exponentiation](./other/
- [Sierpinski Triangle](./other/
- [Game Of Life](./other/
- [Tower Of Hanoi](./other/
See our [directory](
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion ciphers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,4 +18,6 @@ def Atbash():


if __name__ == '__main__':
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion ciphers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,4 +59,7 @@ def main():
elif choice == '4':
print ("Goodbye.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion other/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
def loadDictionary():
path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))
englishWords = {}
with open(path[0] + '/Dictionary.txt') as dictionaryFile:
with open(path[0] + '/dictionary.txt') as dictionaryFile:
for word in'\n'):
englishWords[word] = None
return englishWords
Expand Down

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