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Software Architecture


1. Evolution of Software Architectures

  • Over the years, software development moved away from traditional monolithic architectures because of the complexities with tight coupled and interconnected code.
    • As a result, microservices are adopted many projects with using cloud native approaches that enable distributed computing through multiple smaller services.

Evolution of Software Architectures

1.1. Monolithic to Serverless

Monolithic to ToServerless

1.2. Architecture Design Vertical Considerations

Architecture Design Vertical Considerations

2. Way to Design Software Architecture

Way to Design Software Architecture

3. Common Software Architecture Design Problems

3.1. Increased Traffic, Handle More Request

  • Problems
    • Our E-Commerce Business is growing.
    • Need to handle greater amount of request per second.
    • Provide acceptable latency for users.
  • Solutions
    • Scalabilitiy.
    • Vertical and Horizontal Scaling.
    • Scale Up and Scale Out.
    • Load Balancer.

3.2. Break Down Application into Microservices

  • Problems
    • Our E-Commerce Business is growing.
    • Teams wants to agile and add new features immediately to compete the market.
    • Required Independent Scale and Deployments.
    • We should clearly identify microservices which parts could be independent scale and deploy.
  • Solutions
    • Microservices Decomposition Patterns.

3.3. Direct Client-to-Service Communication

  • Problems
    • Direct Client-to-Service Communication.
    • Cause to chatty calls from client to service.
    • Hard to manage invocations from client app.
  • Solutions
    • Well-defined API Design.
    • Microservices Communication Patterns.

3.4. Inter-service communication makes

  • Problems
    • Network performance issues on inter-service communication.
    • Backend Communication performance requirements.
    • Real-time communication requirements.
    • Streaming requirements.
  • Example Use Case
    • Add Item into Shopping Cart that need to calculate with up-to-date discounts.
  • Solutions
    • gRPCAPIs scalable and fast APIs.
    • Able to develop with different technologies with RPC framework.

3.5. Chat with Support Agent

  • Problems
    • Business teams request to answer Customer queries by chatting with Support Agents.
    • Real-time communication requirements.
    • Sending/receiving messages in Chat window.
  • Example Use Case
    • E-commerce Online Agent help customer preferences as per product features on website.
  • Solutions
    • WebSocket APIs: Build real-time two-way communication applications.

3.6. Service-to-Service Communications Chain Queries

  • Problems
    • HTTP calls to multiple microservices.
    • Chain Queries.
    • Visit more than a few microservices.
    • Increased latency.
  • Solutions
    • Aggregate query operations.
    • Service Aggregator Pattern.

3.7. Long Running Operations Can't Handle with Sync Communication

  • Problems
    • HTTP calls to multiple microservices.
    • Chain Queries.
    • Visit more than a few microservices.
    • Increased latency with Highly Coupling Services.
    • Performance, scalability, and availability problems.
  • Best Practices
    • Minimize the communication between the internal microservices.
    • Make microservices communication in Asynchronous way as soon as possible.
  • Solutions
    • Asynchronous Message-Based Communications.
    • Working with events.

3.8. Database Bottlenecks when Scaling, Different Data Requirements For Microservices

  • Problems
    • Database are stateful service.
    • Scaling stateful services are not easy.
    • Vertical scaling has limits need to scale Horizontally.
    • Different Data Requirements For Microservices.
  • Solutions
    • Scale Stateful Application Horizontal Scaling.
    • Service and Data Partitioning along Business Boundaries - Shards/Pods.
    • Use NoSQL Database to gain partitioning.
    • Identify Database Requirements following best practices.
  • Question
    • How to Choose a Database for Microservices?

3.9. Cross-Service Queries and Write Commands on Distributed Scaled Databases

  • Considerations
    • Cross-services queries that retrieve data from several microservices?
    • Separate read and write operations at scale?
  • Problems
    • Cross-Service Queries with Complex JOIN operations.
    • Read and write operations at scale.
    • Distributed Transaction Management.
  • Solutions
    • Microservices Data Query Pattern and Best Practices.
    • Materialized View Pattern.
    • CQRS Design Pattern.
    • Event Sourcing Pattern.

3.10. Manage Consistency Across Microservices in Distributed Transactions

  • Considerations
    • Distributed Transactions that required to visit several microservices?
    • Consistency across multiple microservices?
    • Rollback transaction and run compensating steps?
  • Problems
    • Distributed Transaction Management
    • Rollback Transaction on Distributed Environment
    • Run Compensate Steps if one of service fail
  • Solutions
    • Microservices Distributed Transaction Management Pattern and Best Practices
    • Saga Pattern for Distributed Transactions
    • Transactional Outbox Pattern
    • Compensating Transaction pattern
    • CDC - Change Data Capture

3.11. Handle Millions of Events Across Microservices

  • Considerations
    • What if we have thousands of microservices that need to communicates with millions of events?
    • If multiple subsystems must process the same events.
    • Required Real-time processing with minimum latency.
    • Required complex event processing, like pattern matching.
    • Required process high volume and high velocity of data, i.e. IoT apps.
  • Problems
    • Decoupled communications for thousands of microservices.
    • Real-time processing.
    • Handle High volume events.
  • Solutions
    • Event-driven architecture for microservices.

3.12. Database operations are expensive, low performance

  • Considerations
    • Event-driven architecture comes with latency when publishing and subscribing events from the Event Hub.
    • Sync REST APIs communication make expensive calls to a database that reduce performance.
    • How can we make more faster that increase performance of communications in Microservices Architecture?
  • Problems
    • Slowliness and Low Performance Communication.
    • Latency when publishing and subscribing events.
    • Rest APIs make Database calls that are expensive, low performance.
  • Solutions
    • Distributed cache.
    • Storing frequently accessed data in a distributed cache.

3.13. Deploy Microservices at Anytime with Zero-downtime and flexible scale

  • Problems
    • Business teams wants to add new features immediately.
    • Innovate and experiment with new features.
    • Deploy features immediately, not waiting for deployment dates.
    • Flexible scale for market peek times.
  • Considerations
    • Ensure continuity of service and minimize disruption.
    • Allow for continuous delivery.
    • Support high-traffic environments.
  • Solutions
    • Containers and Orchestrators.
    • Deployment strategies; blue-green deployment, rolling. deployment, and canary deployment.
    • Kubernetes Patterns; Sidecar Patterns, Service Mesh Pattern.
    • DevOps and CI/CD Pipelines and Infrastructure as code (IaC).

4. Choosing the Right Architecture for your Application

  • Every Architecture has Pros and Cons
    • Understand that every architecture has benefits and also drawbacks.
    • Consider every architecture style as a SA (Software Architecture).
    • What is the Right Architecture for your Application?
      • It Depends..
  • Monolithic Architecture and Microservice Architecture are architectural patterns.
  • No architecture pattern is better than other.
  • Design your system with focusing on context and non-functional requirements (-ilities)
  • WRONG: Microservices > Monolithic

4.1. Design for Business Requirements

  • Every design decision must be justified by a business requirement.
  • To avoid over-engineering the application architectures, keep to drive design for business requirement.
  • Engineers are tend to be over-engineering with latest architecture styles, use latest tools.
  • It becomes an experimental application that use all latest fancy tools and architectures.
  • We should clearly define functional and nonfunctional requirements.
  • Define our limits, constraints and assumptions of the application and define business objectives clearly.
  • Start and Grow Application with Metrics
    • How many Concurrent Users that our application handle?
    • What is the target of expected Requests/second Latency?
    • What level of application outage is acceptable?
  • Business requirements drive these design considerations.

4.2. -Ilities

  • Scalability
  • Availability
  • Reliability
  • Maintainability
  • Usability
  • Eficiency
  • Security
  • Flexibility
  • Performance

5. Monolithic Architecture

5.1. What is Monolithic Architecture?

  • Traditional approach to software development.
  • Developing a complete application as a single unit.
  • Most of legacy applications are mainly implemented as a monolithic architecture.
  • Developed single codebase.
  • UI, Business and DB calls is in same codebase.
  • All application ships with single big deployment with single jar/war/dll file.
  • Can't say old style arcitecture, still valid for particular scenarios.
  • Advantages: Easy to get start and debug.
  • Disadvantages: Difficult to manage, Hard to implement new features.

Develop and implement in a team

5.2. When to use Monolithic Architecture

  • If you are building small application, still monolithic architecture is one of the best architecture.
  • They're straightforward to:
    • Build.
    • Test.
    • Deploy.
    • Troubleshoot.
    • Scale vertically (scale up).
    • Simple to develop relative to microservices.
    • Easier to deploy as only a single jar/war/dll file.
  • Others aspects
    • Small team at Founding Stage
      • If you are a startup and your team is small like 2 to 5 members, you don't need to deal with the complexity of the high-overhead microservices architecture.
    • Simple application with Predictable Scale and Complexity
      • If your application doesn't require advanced scalability and the complexity is manageable, then a monolith architecture is the best option to start.
    • Proof of Concept and Quick Launch
      • Building a proof of concept, like testing a new idea on market, that means your new products will pivot and evolve a lot over time, when you figure out what will be useful to your users.
    • No Microservices Expertise
      • If your team has no prior experience with microservices architecture, that will really hard to ship your application effectively and timely.

5.3. Benefits of Monolithic Architecture

  • Simple to develop
    • As long as the monolithic approach is a standard way of building applications, any engineering team has the right knowledge and capabilities to develop a monolithic application.
  • Easier debugging and testing
    • Monolithic applications are much easier to debug and test.
    • Since a monolithic application has a single code base, we can run end to-end testing much faster.
  • Simple to deploy
    • When it comes to monolithic applications, you do not have to handle many deployments, just one file or directory.
    • Easier to deploy as only a single jar/war/dll file is deployed.

5.4. Challenges of Monolithic Architecture

  • Become Complex over time - Hard to Understand
    • It becomes too large in size with time and that's why its difficult to manage.
    • Application grows with adding new functionalities, a monolithic codebase can become extremely large and complex.
  • Hard to Making New changes
    • It is harder to implement new changes in such a large and complex application with highly tight coupling.
    • Any code change affects the whole system.
  • Barrier to new technology adoption
    • It is extremely problematic to apply a new technology because the entire application has to be re development due to the interlocking dependencies found in a monolith.
  • Difficult to Scale
    • You can't scale components independently, the only option is the scaling the whole application. You can't scale individual components.

5.5. Design principles - KISS, YAGNI, DRY

Design principles

5.6. Assessment Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic Architecture

  • Benefits
    • Easy Development.
    • Easy Debug and Test.
    • Easy to Deploy.
  • Drawbacks
    • Highly tight coupling.
    • Hard to Splitting the code.
    • Violate Separation of concerns.
    • Interlocking Dependencies without Layers of isolation.
  • Solutions
    • Separate UI, Business and Data Layers as logical layers.
    • Layered Architecture.
    • SOLID Design.

6. Layered (N-Layer) Architecture

  • The layered architecture pattern is the most commonly used architecture pattern.
  • Known as the n-tier architecture style or the multi-layered architecture style.
  • Organize the components of an application with similar functionalities into horizontal logical layers.
    • Each layer performs a specific role within the application.
  • Still using Monolithic architecture separating horizontal logical layers, components are interconnected but don't depend on each other. (Attention point)
  • Organizing code for separation of concerns (SoC).
  • Layers of isolation that layers can be modified and the change won't affect other layers.

6.1. Components of a Layered Architecture

  • Presentation Layer
    • Responsible for user interactions with the software system, for example, a web app.
  • Application/Business Layer
    • Handles aspects related to accomplishing functional requirements including use case implementations.
  • Database Layer
    • Responsible for handling data, databases, such as a SQL database.
  • Models
    • Models can be a cross-cutting concern between layers.
      • ATTENTION: Avoid Anemic domain model

Layered Architecture

6.2. Design principles - Separation of Concerns (SoC)

  • Separation of concerns(SoC) is one of the core software design principle.
  • Separation of concerns is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections.
  • Isolate the software application into separate sections, manages complexity by partitioning the software system.
  • Distinguish between the concepts of layer and tiers with certain responsibilities.
  • Elements in the software should be unique.
  • Limits to allocate responsibilities.
  • Low-coupling, high-cohesion.

Separation of Concerns other points of view

6.3. Design principles - SOLID


6.4. Layered Monolithic Architecture evolution

Layered Monolithic Architecture evolution

6.5. Assessment Layered Monolithic Architecture

  • Benefits
    • Easy Development, Debug and Deploy.
    • Horizontal Logical Layers.
    • Separation of Concerns.
  • Drawbacks
    • Layers Dependent each other.
    • Highly Coupling.
    • Hard to maintanance.
    • Complexity of codebase.
    • Hard to Change libraries; i.e. Change orm tool with different library Requires to modify business layer.
  • Solutions
    • Clean Architecture.
    • The Dependecy Rule.

7. Clean Architecture

  • Separates the elements of a design into circle levels.
  • Clean architecture was created by Robert C. Martin and promoted on his blog, Uncle Bob.
  • Organize code with encapsulates the business logic.
  • Keep the core business logic and application domain at the center of the solution structure that independent with presentation and data access layers.
  • Clean architecture divided into two main elements:
    • Policies: They are the business rules and procedures
    • Details (mechanisms): They are the implementation code to carry out the policies
  • Focus on the policies and business logics that build on project requirements
  • The internal layers contains the business rules and has not dependency of any third-party library.

7.1. The Dependency Rule

  • The dependencies of a source code can only point inwards. alt
  • Code dependencies can only move from the outer levels inward. alt
  • Code on the inner layers can have no knowledge of functions on the outer layers.
  • Inner layer cannot have any information about elements of an outer layer.
  • Classes, functions, variables, data format, or any entity declared in an outer layer must not be mentioned by the code of an inner layer.

7.2. Layers of Clean Architecture

  • Entities or Enterprise Business Rules or Domain Layer
    • It is includes plain domains and business rules.
    • In this layer we add objects or entities with NO framework and annotations.
  • Use Cases or Application Business Rules or Application Layer
    • These layer include application business rules and decision making codes.
    • That means we develop our core business and application logic codes into this layer.
    • In this layer, we don't know who trigger or how the result will be presented.
    • However, based on the services, we keep business logic independent from the UI or database layers.
  • Interface adapters, controllers and gateways or Presentation Layer and Infrastructure Layer
    • This layer is a communication layer that provides to convert data desired format for storing into external source like database file system, third parties, and so on.
  • Frameworks and drivers or Infrastructure Layer
    • This is the implementation layer for infrastructure and external interfaces.
    • This is the most outer layer in this clean architecture, which changes frequently based on the technologies, for example, updating like database, web frontend frameworks and so on.
    • In this layer we have technology related codes that provide the actual implementation code to the UI layer and the database layer.

Clean Architecture Clean Architecture cone view Clean Architecture cone view

7.3. Benefits of Clean Architecture

  • Independent of Database and Frameworks
    • The software is not dependent on an ORM or Database.
    • You can change them easily.
  • Independence of UI
    • The UI can change easily, without changing the rest of the system and business rules.
  • Testable
    • It is naturally testable. You can test business rules without considering UI, Database, Mock servers, etc.
  • Independence of any external agency
    • In fact, your business rules simply don't know anything at all about the outside world.

7.4. Assessment Layered Monolithic Architecture

  • Benefits
    • Easy Development, Debug and Deploy.
    • Loosely Coupled Independent Layers.
    • Flexible Logical Layers.
    • Testable and Independent changable to 3rd parties libraries.
  • Drawbacks
    • Layers are independent but those are technical layers:
      • Domain, Infrastructure, Application and UI Layer
    • Vertical business logic implementation codes required to modify all layers: i.e. add to basket, checkout order use cases
    • It is still Monolithic and has Scalability Issues
      • How many concurrent request can accommodate our design?
  • Solutions
    • Scalabilitiy.
    • Vertical and Horizontal Scaling.
    • Scale Up and Scale Out.
    • Load Balancer.

8. Vertical Slice Architecture

  • Pain Points of Clean Architecture
    • Context Switching
      • When we were working on a feature and needed to work on any combination of data access, domain or application logic, we had to switch contexts into different software project.
      • We had to remember and re-visit codes from other folder and continue with totally different code base.
      • The folder structure requires DDD-bounded contexts approaches.
    • Vertical Slices
      • When adding a feature in an application, we are developing into almost all layers in the application code.
      • Changing the user interface, adding new Use Case classes into Application Layer, adding fields to models, modifying Data Access Codes, and so on.
      • So that means we are highly couple with vertically slice when developing features.
  • Minimize coupling between slices, and maximize coupling in a slice. Jimmy Bogard

9. Scalability

  • How many concurrent request can accommodate in architectural software design?
Concurrent Users Requests/second Latency (expected)
2k 0.5k
20k 12k
100k 80k <= 2 sec
500k 300k ?
  • Scalability is the number of requests an application can handle.
  • Measured by the number of requests and it can effectively support simultaneously.
  • If no longer handle any more simultaneous requests, it has reached its scalability limit.
  • To prevent downtime, and reduce latency, you must scale.
  • Horizontal scaling and vertical scaling both involve adding resources to your computing infrastructure.
  • Horizontal scaling by adding more machines.
  • Vertical scaling by adding more power.

9.1. Vertical Scaling - Scale up

  • Vertical scaling is basically makes the nodes stronger.
  • Make the server stronger with adding more hardware.
    • Adding more resources to a single node.
  • Make optimization the hardware that will allow you to handle more requests.
  • Vertical scaling keeps your existing infrastructure but adding more computing power.
  • Your existing code doesn't need to change.
  • Adding additional CPU, RAM, and DISK to cope with an increasing workload.
  • By scaling up, you increase the capacity of a single machine.
    • And it has limits.
    • That is named Scalability Limits.
  • Because even the hardware has maximum capacity limitations.
  • For handling millions of request, we need horizontal scaling or scaling out.

Vertical Scaling

9.2. Horizantal Scaling - Scale out

  • Horizontal scaling is splitting the load between different servers.
  • Simply adds more instances of machines without changing to existing specifications.
  • Share the processing power and load balancing across multiple machines.
  • Horizontal scaling means adding more machines to the resource pool.
  • Scaling horizontally gives you scalability but also reliability.
  • Preferred way to scale in distributed architectures.
  • When splitting into multiple servers, we need to consider if you have a state or not. Horizantal Scaling
  • If we have a state like database servers, than we need to manage more considerations like CAP theorem.

9.3. Load Balancer

  • Balance the traffic across to all nodes of our applications.
  • Spread the traffic across a cluster of servers to improve responsiveness and availability.
  • Load Balancer sits between the client and the server.
  • Load Balancer is accepting incoming network and application traffic.
  • Distributing the traffic across multiple backend servers using different algorithms.
  • Load Balancers should be fault tolerance and improves availability.
  • Mostly uses the consistent hashing algorithms.
    • Consistent hashing is an algorithms for dividing up data between multiple machines.
  • It solves the horizontal scalability problems.
    • Don't have to re-arrange all the keys.

Load Balancer