Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images with imagemin
Issues with the output should be reported on the imagemin issue tracker.
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$ npm install --save-dev gulp-imagemin
const gulp = require('gulp');
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
gulp.task('default', () =>
imagemin.gifsicle({interlaced: true}),
imagemin.jpegtran({progressive: true}),
imagemin.optipng({optimizationLevel: 5}),
plugins: [
{removeViewBox: true},
{cleanupIDs: false}
Note that you may come across an older, implicit syntax. In versions < 3, the same was written like this:
interlaced: true,
progressive: true,
optimizationLevel: 5,
svgoPlugins: [{removeViewBox: true}]
imagemin.svgo({plugins: [{removeViewBox: true}]})
], {
verbose: true
Comes bundled with the following lossless optimizers:
- gifsicle — Compress GIF images
- jpegtran — Compress JPEG images
- optipng — Compress PNG images
- svgo — Compress SVG images
These are bundled for convenience and most users will not need anything else.
Unsupported files are ignored.
Type: Array
Default: [imagemin.gifsicle(), imagemin.jpegtran(), imagemin.optipng(), imagemin.svgo()]
Plugins to use. This will overwrite the default plugins. Note that the default plugins comes with good defaults and should be sufficient in most cases. See the individual plugins for supported options.
Type: Object
Type: boolean
Default: false
Enabling this will log info on every image passed to gulp-imagemin
gulp-imagemin: ✔ image1.png (already optimized)
gulp-imagemin: ✔ image2.png (saved 91 B - 0.4%)
MIT © Sindre Sorhus