'polymorphic.py' is an add-on module that adds fully automatic polymorphism to the Django model inheritance system.
The effect is: For enabled models, objects retrieved from the database are always delivered just as they were created and saved, with the same type/class and fields - regardless how they are retrieved. The resulting querysets are polymorphic, i.e. may deliver objects of several different types in a single query result.
Please see the concrete examples below as they demonstrate this best.
Please note that this module is very experimental code. See below for current restrictions, caveats, and performance implications.
Django 1.1 and Python 2.5+. This code has been tested on Django 1.1.1 with Python 2.5.4 and 2.6.4 on Linux.
The repository (or tar file) contains a complete Django project that may be used for testing and experimentation.
To run the included test suite, execute:
./manage test poly
'management/commands/polycmd.py' can be used for experiments - modify this file to your liking, then run:
./manage syncdb # db is created in /tmp/... (settings.py) ./manage polycmd
Copy polymorphic.py (from the 'poly' dir) into a directory from where you can import it, like your app directory (where your models.py and views.py files live).
To make models polymorphic, use PolymorphicModel instead of Django's models.Model as the superclass of your base model. All models inheriting from your base class will be polymorphic as well:
from polymorphic import PolymorphicModel class ModelA(PolymorphicModel): field1 = models.CharField(max_length=10) class ModelB(ModelA): field2 = models.CharField(max_length=10) class ModelC(ModelB): field3 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
Most of Django's standard ORM functionality is available and works as expected:
>>> ModelA.objects.create(field1='A1') >>> ModelB.objects.create(field1='B1', field2='B2') >>> ModelC.objects.create(field1='C1', field2='C2', field3='C3')
>>> ModelA.objects.all() . [ <ModelA: id 1, field1 (CharField)>, <ModelB: id 2, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField)>, <ModelC: id 3, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField), field3 (CharField)> ]
>>> ModelA.objects.instance_of(ModelB) . [ <ModelB: id 2, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField)>, <ModelC: id 3, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField), field3 (CharField)> ]In general, including or excluding parts of the inheritance tree:
ModelA.objects.instance_of(ModelB [, ModelC ...]) ModelA.objects.not_instance_of(ModelB [, ModelC ...])
For example, cherrypicking objects from multiple derived classes anywhere in the inheritance tree, using Q objects (with the slightly enhanced syntax: exact model name + three _ + field name):
>>> ModelA.objects.filter( Q( ModelB___field2 = 'B2' ) | Q( ModelC___field3 = 'C3' ) ) . [ <ModelB: id 2, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField)>, <ModelC: id 3, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField), field3 (CharField)> ]
Querysets may now be regarded as object containers that allow the aggregation of different object types - very similar to python lists (as long as the objects are accessed through the manager of a common base class):
>>> Base.objects.instance_of(ModelX) | Base.objects.instance_of(ModelY) . [ <ModelX: id 1, field_x (CharField)>, <ModelY: id 2, field_y (CharField)> ]
Third party models can be used as polymorphic models without any restrictions by simply subclassing them. E.g. using a third party model as the root of a polymorphic inheritance tree:
from thirdparty import ThirdPartyModel class MyThirdPartyModel(PolymorhpicModel, ThirdPartyModel): pass # or add fieldsOr instead integrating the third party model anywhere into an existing polymorphic inheritance tree:
class MyModel(SomePolymorphicModel): my_field = models.CharField(max_length=10) class MyModelWithThirdParty(MyModel, ThirdPartyModel): pass # or add fields
Relationship fields referring to polymorphic models work as expected: like polymorphic querysets they now always return the referred objects with the same type/class these were created and saved as.
E.g., if in your model you define:
field1 = OneToOneField(ModelA)then field1 may now also refer to objects of type ModelB or ModelC.
A ManyToManyField example:
# The model holding the relation may be any kind of model, polymorphic or not class RelatingModel(models.Model): many2many = models.ManyToManyField('ModelA') # ManyToMany relation to a polymorphic model >>> o=RelatingModel.objects.create() >>> o.many2many.add(ModelA.objects.get(id=1)) >>> o.many2many.add(ModelB.objects.get(id=2)) >>> o.many2many.add(ModelC.objects.get(id=3)) >>> o.many2many.all() [ <ModelA: id 1, field1 (CharField)>, <ModelB: id 2, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField)>, <ModelC: id 3, field1 (CharField), field2 (CharField), field3 (CharField)> ]
>>> ModelA.base_objects.all() . [ <ModelA: id 1, field1 (CharField)>, <ModelA: id 2, field1 (CharField)>, <ModelA: id 3, field1 (CharField)> ]Each polymorphic model has 'base_objects' defined as a normal Django manager. Of course, arbitrary custom managers may be added to the models as well.
For creating a custom polymorphic manager class, derive your manager from PolymorphicManager instead of models.Manager. In your model class, explicitly add the default manager first, and then your custom manager:
class MyOrderedManager(PolymorphicManager): def get_query_set(self): return super(MyOrderedManager,self).get_query_set().order_by('some_field') class MyModel(PolymorphicModel): objects = PolymorphicManager() # add the default polymorphic manager first ordered_objects = MyOrderedManager() # then add your own manager
The first manager defined ('objects' in the example) is used by Django as automatic manager for several purposes, including accessing related objects. It must not filter objects and it's safest to use the plain PolymorphicManager here.
The current polymorphic models implementation unconditionally inherits all managers from the base models. An example:
class MyModel2(MyModel): pass # Managers inherited from MyModel >>> MyModel2.objects.all() >>> MyModel2.ordered_objects.all()
Manager inheritance is a somewhat complex topic that needs more thought and more actual experience with real-world use-cases.
The PolymorphicManager class accepts one initialization argument, which is the queryset class the manager should use. A custom custom queryset class can be defined and used like this:
class MyQuerySet(PolymorphicQuerySet): def my_queryset_method(...): ... class MyModel(PolymorphicModel): my_objects=PolymorphicManager(MyQuerySet) ...
The current implementation is pretty simple and does not use any custom sql - it is purely based on the Django ORM. Right now the query
result_objects = list( ModelA.objects.filter(...) )
performs one sql query to retrieve ModelA objects and one additional query for each unique derived class occurring in result_objects. The best case for retrieving 100 objects is 1 db query if all are class ModelA. If 50 objects are ModelA and 50 are ModelB, then two queries are executed. If result_objects contains only the base model type (ModelA), the polymorphic models are just as efficient as plain Django models (in terms of executed queries). The pathological worst case is 101 db queries if result_objects contains 100 different object types (with all of them subclasses of ModelA).
Performance ist relative: when Django users create their own polymorphic ad-hoc solution (without a module like polymorphic.py), they will tend to use a variation of
result_objects = [ o.get_real_instance() for o in BaseModel.objects.filter(...) ]
which of course has really bad performance. Relative to this, the performance of the current polymorphic.py is rather good. It's well possible that the current implementation is already efficient enough for the majority of use cases.
Chunking: The implementation always requests objects in chunks of size Polymorphic_QuerySet_objects_per_request. This limits the complexity/duration for each query, including the pathological cases.
PolymorphicQuerySet can be optimized to require only one sql query for the queryset evaluation and retrieval of all objects.
Basically, what ist needed is a possibility to pull in the fields from all relevant sub-models with one sql query. In order to do this on top of the Django ORM, some kind of enhhancement would be needed.
At first, it looks like a reverse select_related for OneToOne relations might offer a solution (see http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/7270):
This approach has a number of problems, but nevertheless would already execute the correct sql query and receive all the model fields required from the db.
A kind of "select_related for values" might be a better solution:
ModelA.objects.filter(...).values_related( [ base field name list ], { 'modelb' : [field name list ], 'modelb__modelc' : [ field name list ] })
Django's lower level db API in QuerySet.query (see BaseQuery in django.db.models.sql.query) might still allow other, better or easier ways to implement the needed functionality.
Regardless how these queries would be created, their complexity is the same in any case:
With only one sql query, one sql join for each possible subclass would be needed (BaseModel.__subclasses__(), recursively). With two sql queries, the number of joins could be reduced to the number of actuallly occurring subclasses in the result. A final implementation might want to use one query only if the number of possible subclasses (and therefore joins) is not too large, and two queries otherwise (using the first query to determine the actually occurring subclasses, reducing the number of joins for the second).
A relatively large number of joins may be needed in both cases, which raises concerns regarding the efficiency of these database queries. It is currently unclear however, how many model classes will actually be involved in typical use cases - the total number of classes in the inheritance tree as well as the number of distinct classes in query results. It may well turn out that the increased number of joins is no problem for the DBMS in all realistic use cases. Alternatively, if the sql query execution time is significantly longer even in common use cases, this may still be acceptable in exchange for the added functionality.
Let's not forget that all of the above is just about optimizations. The current simplistic implementation already works well - perhaps well enough for the majority of applications.
- aggregate() probably makes only sense in a purely non-OO/relational way. So it seems an implementation would just fall back to the Django vanilla equivalent.
- annotate(): The current '_get_real_instances' would need minor enhancement.
- defer() and only(): Full support, including slight polymorphism enhancements, seems to be straighforward (depends on '_get_real_instances').
- extra(): Does not really work with the current implementation of '_get_real_instances'. It's unclear if it should be supported.
- select_related(): This would probably need Django core support for traversing the reverse model inheritance OneToOne relations with Django's select_related(), e.g.: select_related('modela__modelb__foreignkeyfield'). Also needs more thought/investigation.
- distinct() needs more thought and investigation as well
- values() & values_list(): Implementation seems to be mostly straighforward
- Diamond shaped inheritance: There seems to be a general problem with diamond shaped multiple model inheritance with Django models (tested with V1.1). An example is here: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10808. This problem is aggravated when trying to enhance models.Model by subclassing it instead of modifying Django core (as we do here with PolymorphicModel).
- The name and appname of the leaf model is stored in the base model (the base model directly inheriting from PolymorphicModel). If a model or an app is renamed, then these fields need to be corrected too, if the db content should stay usable after the rename. Aside from this, these two fields should probably be combined into one field (more db/sql efficiency)
- For all objects that are not instances of the base class type, but instances of a subclass, the base class fields are currently transferred twice from the database (an artefact of the current implementation's simplicity).
- __getattribute__ hack: For base model inheritance back relation fields (like basemodel_ptr), as well as implicit model inheritance forward relation fields, Django internally tries to use our polymorphic manager/queryset in some places, which of course it should not. Currently this is solved with hackish __getattribute__ in PolymorphicModel. A minor patch to Django core would probably get rid of that.
- "instance_of" and "not_instance_of" may need some optimization.
There are a number of subtleties that have not yet been fully evaluated or resolved, for example (among others) the exact implications of 'use_for_related_fields' in the polymorphic manager.
There may also well be larger issues of conceptual or technical nature that might basically be showstoppers (but have not yet been found).
It is important to consider that this code is very experimental and very insufficiently tested. A number of test cases are included but they need to be expanded. This implementation is currently more a tool for exploring the concept of polymorphism within the Django framework. After careful testing and consideration it may perhaps be useful for actual projects, but it might be too early for this right now.
- http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/ModelInheritance
- http://lazypython.blogspot.com/2009/02/second-look-at-inheritance-and.html
- http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1031/
- http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1034/
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_frm/thread/7d40ad373ebfa912/a20fabc661b7035d?lnk=gst&q=model+inheritance+CORBA#a20fabc661b7035d
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/9bc2aaec0796f4e0/0b92971ffc0aa6f8?lnk=gst&q=inheritance#0b92971ffc0aa6f8
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/3947c594100c4adb/d8c0af3dacad412d?lnk=gst&q=inheritance#d8c0af3dacad412d
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/52f72cffebb705e/b76c9d8c89a5574f
- http://peterbraden.co.uk/article/django-inheritance
- http://www.hopelessgeek.com/2009/11/25/a-hack-for-multi-table-inheritance-in-django
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/929029/how-do-i-access-the-child-classes-of-an-object-in-django-without-knowing-the-name/929982#929982
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1581024/django-inheritance-how-to-have-one-method-for-all-subclasses
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/cbdaf2273781ccab/e676a537d735d9ef?lnk=gst&q=polymorphic#e676a537d735d9ef
- http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/52f72cffebb705e/bc18c18b2e83881e?lnk=gst&q=model+inheritance#bc18c18b2e83881e
- http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10808
- http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/7270