The Adapter Receiver receives Telegraf metrics, filters unsupported value and converts them to corresponding OTEL metrics before passing down to OTEL processors and exporters. This is intended to be used when Telegraf input plugins are still intact.
Status | |
Stability | [stable] |
Supported pipeline types | metrics |
Distributions | [amazon-cloudwatch-agent] |
Convert Telegraf Metrics with the following type (Counter, Gauge, or Untyped)
Metric {
TagList (each tag with key, value)
FieldList (each field with key, value)
Type (Counter, Gauge, Summary, Histogram, or Untyped)
to OpenTelemetry Int64DataPoints
, DoubleDataPoints
metrics datapoints
Metrics {
ResourceMetrics: list of {
Resource: {
Attributes: map of {key: value}
InstrumentationScopeMetrics: list of {
InstrumentationLibrary: {Name, Version}
Metrics: list of {
DataType (None, Gauge, Sum, Histogram, Summary)
depending on DataType, e.g. Gauge: {
DataPoints: list of {
Attributes: map of {key: value}
Type (None, Int, Double)
The following receiver configuration parameters are supported.
Name | Description | Default |
collection_interval |
is the option to set the collection interval for each plugin | "1m" |
alias_name |
is the option to set the different name for each plugin. | "" |