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Releases: jedib0t/go-pretty


10 Aug 16:02
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Changes from v3.0.0:

  • more documentation; better files
  • table: fix auto-indexed columns for multi-line rows
  • progress: fix rendering issue with PositionLeft


30 May 18:17
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Changes from v2.0.0:

  • Remove external dependencies as much as possible (v2.1.0)
  • Table: more colorful styles in table/style.go (v2.2.0)
  • Progress/Task Tracker progress/writer.go (v2.3.0)
  • Table: sort rows by any column (v2.4.0)
  • Table: page rows every X number of rows (v2.5.0)
  • List: refactor and simplify styles in list/style.go


23 May 16:48
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You can limit then number of lines rendered in a single "Page". This logic
can handle rows with multiple lines too. Here is a simple example:


to get:

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |


22 May 04:16
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Support sorting tables by any of the columns. The sorting directives can be specified using the Column Name (needs a header row with the Column Names) or the Column Number (1-indexed).


	tw := table.NewWriter()
	tw.AppendHeader(table.Row{"#", "First Name", "Last Name", "Salary"})
		{1, "Arya", "Stark", 3000},
		{11, "Sansa", "Stark", 6000},
		{20, "Jon", "Snow", 2000, "You know nothing, Jon Snow!"},
		{300, "Tyrion", "Lannister", 5000},
		{Name: "Last Name", Mode: table.Asc},
		{Name: "First Name", Mode: table.Dsc},
		{Number: 4, Mode: table.DscNumeric}, // corresponds to the "Salary" column

results in:

│   # │ FIRST NAME │ LAST NAME │ SALARY │                             │
│ 300 │ Tyrion     │ Lannister │   5000 │                             │
│  20 │ Jon        │ Snow      │   2000 │ You know nothing, Jon Snow! │
│  11 │ Sansa      │ Stark     │   6000 │                             │
│   1 │ Arya       │ Stark     │   3000 │                             │


20 May 23:45
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Track the Progress of one or more Tasks (like downloading multiple files in parallel).

  • Track one or more Tasks at the same time
  • Dynamically add one or more Task Trackers while Render() is in progress
  • Choose to have the Writer auto-stop the Render when no more Trackers are
    in queue, or manually stop using Stop()
  • Redirect output to an io.Writer object (like os.StdOut)
  • Completely customizable styles
    • Many ready-to-use styles: style.go
    • Colorize various parts of the Tracker using StyleColors
    • Customize how Trackers get rendered using StyleOptions

Sample Progress Tracking:

Calculating Total   #  1 ... done! [3.25K in 100ms]
Calculating Total   #  2 ... done! [6.50K in 100ms]
Downloading File    #  3 ... done! [9.75KB in 100ms]
Transferring Amount #  4 ... done! [$26.00K in 200ms]
Transferring Amount #  5 ... done! [£32.50K in 201ms]
Downloading File    #  6 ... done! [58.50KB in 300ms]
Calculating Total   #  7 ... done! [91.00K in 400ms]
Transferring Amount #  8 ... 60.9% (●●●●●●●●●●●●●●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌) [$78.00K in 399.071ms]
Downloading File    #  9 ... 32.1% (●●●●●●●○◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌) [58.50KB in 298.947ms]
Transferring Amount # 10 ... 13.0% (●●○◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌◌) [£32.50K in 198.84ms]

Real-time playback of the demo @


15 May 06:08
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This minor release includes a lot more Colored styles for Table.

Run go run cmd/demo-table/demo.go colors to check it out:



15 May 01:38
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This release removes the dependency on fatih/color. The text/color.go file now implements a coloring logic that makes more sense for use in cases like colored tables within colored tables.

This does change table.Style.Color in a backward-incompatible way. AutoIndexColumn and FirstColumn are now logically collapsed into a single IndexColumn variable inside table.Style.Color.


14 May 02:04
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This release changes Table in a backward-incompatible way (table.Style changes a lot) and hence the Major version bump.

  • table.Style is not a flat struct anymore; and provides a lot more configuration options
  • TableWriter exposes a few more interfaces to set Alignment/VAlignment for the Header/Footer
  • TableWriter now supports rendering "colored" tables/content within "colored" tables
  • Colored-text within cells align and wrap without any issues
  • Other minor bug-fixes and code cleanup


08 May 03:42
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This release contains a feature-packed Table and List packages.


Pretty-print tables into ASCII/Unicode strings.

  • Add Rows one-by-one or as a group
  • Add Header(s) and Footer(s)
  • Auto Index Rows (1, 2, 3 ...) and Columns (A, B, C, ...)
  • Limit the length of the Rows; limit the length of individual Columns
  • Alignment - Horizontal & Vertical
    • Auto (horizontal) Align (numeric columns are aligned Right)
    • Custom (horizontal) Align per column
    • Custom (vertical) VAlign per column (and multi-line column support)
  • Mirror output to an io.Writer object (like os.StdOut)
  • Completely customizable styles
    • Many ready-to-use styles: table/style.go
    • Colorize Headers/Body/Footers using
    • Custom text-case for Headers/Body/Footers
    • Enable separators between each row
    • Render table without a Border
  • Render as:
    • (ASCII/Unicode) Table
    • CSV
    • HTML Table (with custom CSS Style)
    • Markdown Table


Pretty-print lists with multiple levels/indents into ASCII/Unicode strings.

  • Append Items one-by-one or as a group
  • Indent/UnIndent as you like
  • Limit the length of the Lines/Items
  • Support Items with Multiple-lines
  • Mirror output to an io.Writer object (like os.StdOut)
  • Completely customizable styles
  • Render as:
    • (ASCII/Unicode) List
    • HTML List (with custom CSS Class)
    • Markdown List


06 May 04:49
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v0.1.0 Pre-release

The first (pre)-release with a feature packed TableWriter - Pretty-print tables into ASCII/Unicode strings:

  • Add Rows one-by-one or as a group
  • Add Header(s) and Footer(s)
  • Auto Index Rows (1, 2, 3 ...) and Columns (A, B, C, ...)
  • Mirror output to an io.Writer object (like os.StdOut)
  • Limit the length of the Rows; limit the length of individual Columns
  • Alignment - Horizontal & Vertical
    • Auto (horizontal) Align (numeric columns are aligned Right)
    • Custom (horizontal) Align per column
    • Custom (vertical) VAlign per column (and multi-line column support)
  • Completely customizable styles
    • Many ready-to-use styles: table/style.go
    • Colorize Headers/Body/Footers using
    • Custom text-case for Headers/Body/Footers
    • Enable separators between each row
    • Render table without a Border
  • Render as:
    • (ASCII/Unicode) Table
    • CSV
    • HTML Table (with custom CSS Style)
    • Markdown Table
|   # | FIRST NAME | LAST NAME | SALARY |                             |
|   1 | Arya       | Stark     |   3000 |                             |
|  20 | Jon        | Snow      |   2000 | You know nothing, Jon Snow! |
| 300 | Tyrion     | Lannister |   5000 |                             |
|     |            | TOTAL     |  10000 |                             |

A demonstration of all the capabilities can be found here: cmd/demo-table