This project tries to provide a Python scripting interface for the CMA-ES and MO-CMA-ES algorithms implemented in the SHARK ML library. Its purpose is to create a simple python interface to the MO-CMA-ES algorithm. For more elaborate solutions have a look at the DEAP or chocolate project. The wrapper for the single-objective CMA-ES algorithm has been implemented for didactic purposes. For production calculations using Python I recommend the implementation by Nikolaus Hansen.
In order to use this wrapper you have to have a working Shark installation. Please make sure, that Shark is build as shared library. This wrapper has only been tested with Shark release 3.1.4. In addition at least Python 2.7, including numpy and ctypes are needed. If you want to use the provided example for the MO-CMA-ES algorithm the optproblems package has to be installed.
In order to install the code follow the following steps:
git clone
cd pyshark
mkdir build
cd build
cmake "-DShark_DIR=/PATH/TO/SHARK" ../src/.
cd ../pyshark
ln -s ../build/libsharkwrapper .
In addition, make sure that the pyshark directory is in the PYTHONPATH.
Two examples showing how to use the code are given in the examples subdirectory.
The file
use CMA-ES to optimize a three dimensional sphere function.
Run the example by the help of the following command:
At the end it will print the final solution after 500 iterations.
The file
uses the multi-objective variant of CMA-ES to optimize
the DTLZ2 objective function in dimension three using two objectives. The example
can be run by executing the following command:
At the end it will print the solutions after 2500 iterations. In addition a file
called pareto.dat
is created holding the values of the optimal solutions.
- Prof. Tobias Glasmachers for a great lecture on Evolutionary Algorithms and for initial help with wrapping Shark.