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get_player Windows installer

This document contains instructions for building the get_iplayer Windows installer and provides additional notes for installer developers. The information below is current for version 4.9 of the installer.

Building the Installer


  1. Strawberry Perl


    Version: (32-bit)

    The installer is built with the Strawberry Perl portable distribution. Launch the appropriate version of portableshell.bat to build the installer. Only use the 32-bit edition of Strawberry Perl.

  2. Perl Modules

    Additional modules must be installed into the Strawberry Perl distribution used to build the installer:

    • PAR::Packer (1.020) - Used to build installer
    • HTML::Parser (3.71) - Used for downloading embedded clips (only install from CPAN if distributed version lower than 3.71)
    • MP3::Info (1.13) - Used in localfiles plugin
    • MP3::Tag (1.24) - Used to enhance MP3 tagging
    • Authen::SASL (2.16) - Used for SSL secure email
    • Net::SMTP::SSL (1.01) - Used for SSL secure email
    • Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintained (0.24) - Used for TLS secure email

    The modules may be installed with the CPAN client provided by Strawberry Perl.

  3. NSIS


    Version: 2.46

    Select the Full installation option to install all components.

  4. NSIS Plugins


    The installer requires the following additional NSIS plugins:

    • Inetc
    • Locate
    • Nsis7z
    • ZipDLL

    Information on installing NSIS plugins:

  5. 7-Zip


    Version: 9.20 (select 32-bit .exe installer)

    The installer build scripts use the command-line interface to 7-Zip to compress/expand archive files. However, it is not necessary to install the separate statically-linked version of the 7-Zip (7za.exe). The GUI version has its own command-line interface.

Build Setup

In the instructions below, replace with C:\installer with an appropriate location for your system

  1. Download get_player Source

    This can be a clone of the infradead git repository ( or a downloaded snapshot.

    Location: C:\installer\get_player

  2. Check Build Scripts

    The files below should be in C:\installer\get_player\windows:

    • get_iplayer_setup.nsi - NSIS installer script
    • make-init.cmd - Common initialisation code for other scripts
    • make-installer.cmd - Main installer build script (calls make-perlfiles.cmd)
    • make-perlfiles.cmd - Builds archive of Perl support files for installer
    • make-perltgz.cmd - Create archive of Perl support files as tarball

    There are other files in that directory, but they are primarily of use in development and testing of the installer and are not necessary to perform the default build. See the Developer Notes and Manifest below.

  3. Check Build Configuration

    The script make-init.cmd sets the locations of Strawberry Perl, NSIS, and 7-Zip used for the build. Edit the relevant values appropriately before attempting to build the installer.

  4. Check Installer Version

    If you are building a new installer to incorporate changes in get_iplayer or the installer script, be sure that the installer version number has been incremented. The installer version number can be found in the !define VERSION statement near the top of get_iplayer_setup.nsi.

  5. Create Build Folder

    Create an empty folder to use for building the installer:

    C:\>MKDIR C:\installer\build

Installer Build

  1. Open a command prompt and make the build folder the current directory

    C:\>CD C:\installer\build

    The installer may be built in any directory, but the build folder must be the current directory for your command prompt.

  2. Run the installer build script


    The build script creates 4 files in the build directory:

    • get_iplayer_setup_4.9.exe - get_player installer application
    • - Archive of Perl support files included in the installer
    • perlpar_4.9.exe - PAR (Perl ARchive) file used to create
    • make-installer.log - Log of output from build script

    In the event of an error, the temporary folder used by the script (make-installer.tmp) will remain in the build directory.

  3. There is no step 3. For deployment information, see Deployment Notes below.

Build Notes

  • will contain the Perl core libraries (as determined by PAR::Packer), plus the additional modules specified above. However, make-perlfiles.cmd strips some large files from the "unicore" package in order to save space. These files are input and test files for generation of Unicode character tables and are not required for get_iplayer.

  • The Perl XML parser modules listed below are forced into via the pp command line:

    • XML::LibXML::SAX
    • XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser
    • XML::SAX::PurePerl
    • XML::Parser
  • The use of the XML parser modules requires that the DLL files listed below (from the Strawberry Perl distribution) must also be included in

    • XML::LibXML::SAX

      • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\libiconv*.dll
      • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\libxml2*.dll
      • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\zlib*.dll
      • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\liblzma*.dll
    • XML::Parser

      • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\libexpat*.dll
  • The secure email modules (SSL and TLS) require that the DLL files listed below (from the Strawberry Perl distribution) must also be included in

    • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\libeay*.dll
    • %PERLDIST%\c\bin\ssleay*.dll
  • Subsequent invocations of make-installer.cmd will use an existing if it is found in the current directory. To force the Perl support archive to be completely rebuilt, add /makeperl to the command:

    C:\installer\build>C:\installer\get_iplayer\windows\make-installer /makeperl

  • must be generated in Windows in order for the proper Win32 modules to be included in the archive. However, the archive may be used to build the installer on Linux/OSX (see below). To that end, a separate script (make-perlfiles.cmd) may be used to generate only the Perl support archive. It is also invoked by make-installer.cmd to build the archive.

  • Subsequent invocations of make-perlfiles.cmd will use an existing perlpar.exe if it is found in the current directory. To force the Perl support archive to be complete rebuilt, add /makepar to the command:

    C:\installer\build>C:\installer\get_iplayer\windows\make-perlfiles /makepar

    Invoking make-installer.cmd with /makeperl will have the same effect.

    In the event of an error, the temporary folder used by the script (make-perlfiles.tmp) will remain in the build directory.

  • See the Script Reference below for a full list of command-line options accepted by make-installer.cmd and make-perlfiles.cmd.


  • A shell script (get_iplayer/ was written to build the get_iplayer Windows installer on Linux/OSX. However, since tarball (.tar.gz) support is the de facto standard for Unix-based systems, the shell script expects to find the Perl support archive in that form. If you should need to build the installer on Linux/OSX, you can create the tarball in Windows and transfer it to the other system. After building the Perl support archive (see above), execute an additional script:


    The script creates in the current directory (if necessary) and copies its contents to perlfiles.tar.gz.

  • Building the installer on Linux/OSX is similar to building in Windows. Assuming that you have the get_iplayer source in $HOME/installer/get_iplayer and are using $HOME/installer/build as your build folder:

    1. Copy perlfiles.tar.gz into the build folder

      $ cp /path/to/perlfiles.tar.gz $HOME/installer/build

    2. Make the build folder your current directory:

      $ cd $HOME/installer/build

    3. Execute the build script:

      $ $HOME/installer/get_iplayer/

    The installer application will be copied into the current directory. As in Windows, the installer may be built in any folder, but the build folder must be the current directory for your shell.

## Deployment Notes

The installer application is deployed in the directory corresponding to The following steps are necessary to deploy a new installer (with placeholders for actual directory paths):

  1. Make deployment directory current

    $ cd $WEBROOT/get_iplayer_win

  2. Copy the installer application (e.g., get_iplayer_setup_4.9.exe) into the directory

    $ cp $BUILDPATH/get_iplayer_setup_4.9.exe .

    NOTE: For installers version 4.2 and earlier, the application MUST be named in the form get_iplayer_setup_N.N.exe in order that it can be downloaded by those earlier installers. Versions 4.3+ will download new installers via the symbolic link (below)

  3. Update the get_iplayer_setup_latest.exe symbolic link to refer to the new installer

    $ ln -sf get_iplayer_setup_4.9.exe get_iplayer_setup_latest.exe

  4. Update the contents of the installer version file with the new version (e.g. 4.9)

    $ echo -n "4.9" > VERSION-get_iplayer-win-installer

    NOTE: For installers version 4.2 and earlier, the version file MUST NOT contain a trailing newline character after the version number (thus the -n option for echo). A trailing newline character will break the installer update mechanism. This is fixed in versions 4.3+.

Configuration File

By default, the installer employs a configuration file (INI format) to retrieve the download URLs for the various helper applications. The configuration file is downloaded whenever the installer is executed in order to look for updates. If the configuration file cannot be retrieved, the version built into the installer will be used (though it may be out of date).

The configuration file is named get_iplayer_config.ini and is found in the windows directory of the get_iplayer Git repository along with the other installer-related files. The script is deployed in the directory corresponding to Deployment is performed as follows (with placeholders for actual directory paths):

  1. Make deployment directory current

    $ cd $WEBROOT/get_iplayer_win

  2. Copy the latest version of the configuration file into the directory

    $ cp $SOURCEPATH/get_iplayer_config.ini get_iplayer_config_20110828.ini

    NOTE: Use a file name in the form get_iplayer_config_YYYYMMDD.ini to distinguish the new version from previous versions.

  3. Update the get_iplayer_config_latest.ini symbolic link to refer to the new configuration file.

    $ ln -sf get_iplayer_config_20110828.ini get_iplayer_config_latest.ini

The configuration file only needs to be changed when the release version and/or download URL for a helper application changes. The user will only receive an update notice in the installer if the version string changes. See the Auxiliary Files Reference below.

CGI Script

Prior to version 4.3, the installer required the assistance of a CGI script to retrieve the download URLs for the various helper applications. The CGI script would be accessed by the installer for every helper application selected for installation. The former behaviour can be restored if the installer is built with /NOCONFIG (see Useful Options below).

The CGI script is named get_iplayer_setup.cgi and is found in the windows directory of the get_iplayer Git repository along with the other installer-related files. The script is deployed in the directory corresponding to Deployment is performed as follows (with placeholders for actual directory paths):

  1. Make deployment directory current

    $ cd $WEBROOT/cgi-bin

  2. Back up the existing CGI script

    $ cp get_iplayer_setup.cgi get_iplayer_setup_20110828.cgi

    NOTE: Use a file name in the form get_iplayer_config_YYYYMMDD.ini to distinguish the backup from previous backups.

  3. Copy the latest version of the CGI script into the directory

    $ cp $SOURCEPATH/get_iplayer_setup.cgi .

    NOTE: Installer version 4.2 and below used a CGI script named get_iplayer.cgi. Versions 4.3+ will expect the script, if deployed, to be named get_iplayer_setup.cgi.

The CGI script only needs to be changed when the download URL for a helper application changes. See the Auxiliary Files Reference below.

## Developer Notes

The notes below provide additional information relevant to working with the installer as a developer. This discussion uses the example directory structure described above.

Expand Perl Support Archive

The installer script requires an expanded version of the Perl support archive ( in the build directory. make-installer.cmd creates a temporary expanded archive, but for development work you should create a permanent version. You can expand it using 7-Zip, or you can use make-perlfiles:

C:\installer\build>C:\installer\get_iplayer\windows\make-perlfiles /expand

In either case, the expanded archive should now be in C:\installer\build\perlfiles.

Using Git

Any changes to the installer source or build scripts should ultimately be propagated to the Git repository at If you are developing on Windows, msysgit ( is a good option for Git-based development workflows. Useful installation instructions can be found here: Git for Windows Developers.


Although the scripts described above may be used to build the installer during development, it is easier to use the MakeNSISW utility provided with NSIS. To launch MakeNSISW, Open the "NSIS Menu" application via "NSIS" on the Start menu, then select "Compile NSI Scripts".

Build Configuration

The compilation of the installer script is controlled by global symbols defined by /D options for the makensis.exe command line (see script reference below) or in the MakeNSISW settings dialog - see the NSIS documentation. The most important options are those that determine the location of files used in the build process:

  • BUILDPATH - Location for compiled installer application (C:\installer\build)
  • SOURCEPATH - Location of get_iplayer source distribution (C:\installer\get_iplayer)
  • PERLFILES - Location of expanded Perl support archive (default = ${BUILDPATH}\perlfiles, but may be overridden)

Invoke the MakeNSISW Settings dialog via "Tools->Settings" (Ctrl+S). Enter the values for BUILDPATH and SOURCEPATH described above. The settings will persist through multiple invocations of MakeNSISW. Note that you can create sets of options that may be saved and reloaded.


You can open get_iplayer_setup.nsi via "File->Load Script..." (Ctrl+L). There is also an option in the Windows Explorer context (right click) menu for .nsi files named "Compile NSIS Script", which will open and compile the script in MakeNSISW. Once opened, the installer script can be compiled and tested from within MakeNSISW via the commands on the "Script" menu.


#### Useful Options

There are a number of options available to compile the installer script in different configurations:

  • WITHOUTPERL - This option omits the Perl support archive from the installer. If your development machine has a fully-working Perl installation, it isn't necessary to include the Perl support archive in development builds (get_iplayer will use the system Perl).
  • WITHSCRIPTS - This option will embed, get_iplayer.cgi, and plugins into the installer and will prevent those files from being downloaded or updated from This is useful for working with updated versions of those scripts that have not yet been released.
  • NOCONFIG - Reverts to use of CGI script to retrieve helper application download URLs
  • NOCHECK - This option will prevent the online check for a new installer version. The online check is usually unnecessary during development.
  • PRERELEASE - Configures a warning dialog that pops up when the installer runs telling the user that he is using a pre-release build of the installer.

Additional options are available to create a "standalone" build of the installer. Standalone builds have all dependencies embedded within the installer and do not download or update them from These builds are intended to model a unitary installer that could be distributed without the need for external sources of dependencies. Standalone builds are useful in working with portions of the installer related to the unpacking and configuration of helper applications since they don't incur the overhead of downloading archive files at run-time. However, the compile time is longer and the resulting installer is much larger due to the inclusion of the helper application archives.

  • STANDALONE - This option is a synonym for WITHSCRIPTS and WITHHELPERS
  • WITHHELPERS - This option will embed archived versions of all get_iplayer helper applications into the installer (see below).
  • HELPERS - Location of helper application archives (default = ${BUILDPATH}\helpers, but may be overridden).

Helper Applications

The contents of ${HELPERS} must be as follows:


Note that all files use the short name for the application (without version strings). Note also that all the archives MUST have ".zip" as the file extension regardless of whether the file is in PKZIP, 7-Zip, or EXE format. This scheme follows the way archives are named when downloaded by the installer. The installer won't necessarily know if a downloaded file is in PKZIP, 7-ZIP, or EXE format, so ".zip" was adopted as the extension most likely to be useful in working with the files in Windows Explorer. The installer doesn't need to know the file format beforehand - it will try all three.

The ${HELPERS} folder may be populated using a script:


This script will compile and run a small NSIS installer application that allows you to select a target folder and then downloads all the helper application archives into that folder and names them appropriately. The default location used is helpers in the build folder (C:\installer\build\helpers). The source for the NSIS application can be found in C:\installer\get_iplayer\windows\make-helpers.nsi. The download URLs are embedded in the source, so they should be updated to match the URLs in get_iplayer_config.ini if required.

Build Script Options

All of the NSIS options described above may also be specified on the make-installer.cmd command line. For example, adding the /withscripts parameter to the command line will translate into /Dwithscripts being added the the makensis.exe command line used in building the installer. For the full list, see the script reference below.

## Script Reference

As a reference for available parameters, the help screens for all build scripts are shown below.

Generate NSIS installer for get_iplayer

  make-installer [/keeptmp] [/makeperl] [/withoutperl]
    [/withscripts] [/withhelpers] [/standalone]
    [/offline] [/prelease] [\path\to\]
  make-installer /? - this message

  /keeptmp       - retain contents of temp directory
  /makeperl      - force rebuild of Perl support archive
  /withoutperl   - omit Perl support from build
  /withscripts   - embed get_iplayer Perl scripts in build
  /withhelpers   - embed get_iplayer helper apps in build
  /standalone    - /withscripts + /withhelpers
  /noconfig      - use CGI script for download URLs instead of config file
  /nocheck       - no installer update check (testing only)
  /prerelease    - prerelease build with warning dialog at launch

Input (in current directory):
  perlfiles     - expanded Perl support archive
  OR (if expanded archive not found): - Perl support archive file [output from make-perlfiles]
    (override by specifying Perl archive file on command line)
  helpers       - folder with helper app archives (/withhelpers only)

Output (in current directory):
  get_iplayer_setup_N.N.exe - installer EXE
    (N.N = installer version)


Generate archive of Perl support files for get_iplayer

  make-perlfiles [/keeptmp] [/makepar] [/expand] [\path\to\perlpar.exe]
  make-perlfiles /? - this message

  /keeptmp - retain contents of temp directory upon completion
  /makepar - force rebuild of PAR file (re-run pp)
  /expand  - expand Perl support archive in current directory

Input/Output (in current directory):
  perlpar.exe - PAR file [output from pp]
    (override by specifying PAR file on command line)

Output (in current directory): - Perl support archive

Required Perl modules (install from CPAN):
  MP3::Info   - localfiles plugin
  MP3::Tag    - MP3 tagging
  PAR::Packer - archive creation


Generate tarball of Perl support archive (to build installer on Linux/OSX)

  make-perltgz [/keeptmp] [/makeperl] [\path\to\]
  make-perltgz /? - this message

  /keeptmp  - retain contents of temp directory
  /makeperl - force rebuild of Perl support archive

Input (in current directory):
  perlfiles     - expanded Perl support archive
  OR (if expanded archive not found): - Perl support archive file [output from make-perlfiles]
    (override by specifying Perl archive file on command line)

Output (in current directory):
  perlfiles.tar.gz - Perl support tarball


Generate and run NSIS installer to download get_iplayer helper applications

  make-helpers [/rebuild]
  make-helpers /? - this message

  /rebuild - force rebuild of installer
## Auxiliary Files Reference

The cofinguration file is in INI format, with a section defined for each of the get_iplayer helper applications, with the short name of the application used as the section name. Within each section are 3 values:

  • version - Version string (required)
  • url - Download URL (required)
  • doc - Documentation URL (optional)

Version strings must be changed in order for the installer to show an update notice to the user. Version strings generally should reflect the release numbering used by the developers of the helper applications. However, the version string can have any value. So long as it is different from the installed version (or the application is not installed), the user will be notified. This may be useful if a download file is changed by the developer without changing the associated version number. For example, AtomicParsley's version string in the configuration might be changed from from "0.9.4" to "0.9.4-reinstall1" to signal the user that it should be re-installed, even though it is still at version 0.9.4.

Example of get_iplayer_config.ini:


CGI Script

The CGI file is a UNIX shell script that responds to a fixed set of query string values by redirecting the requesting application to the download URL for the corresponding helper application.

Example of get_iplayer_setup.cgi:


# CGI script to support get_iplayer Windows installer
# Redirects to download URLs for Win32 helper applications
# corresponding to pre-defined keys passed as query string.
# This script must be available at:
# Example:
#   Request :
#   Redirect:


case "$QUERY_STRING" in

if [ "$TARGET" == "" ]; then
    cat <<EOF
Content-Type: text/html

You requested '$QUERY_STRING' but that isn't one of the known downloads.

cat <<EOF
Location: $TARGET
Content-Type: text/plain

Redirecting to $TARGET
## Manifest

Below is a complete list of installer-related files located in the windows directory of the get_iplayer Git repository.

  • - This document (Markdown format)
  • get_iplayer_config.ini - Configuration file for installer
  • get_iplayer_setup.cgi - CGI script for installer
  • get_iplayer_setup.nsi - NSIS installer script
  • make_helpers.cmd - Builds and runs make_helpers.nsi
  • make_helpers.nsi - NSIS application to download helper apps for testing
  • make-init.cmd - Common initialisation code for other scripts
  • make-installer.cmd - Main installer build script (calls make-perlfiles.cmd)
  • make-perlfiles.cmd - Builds archive of Perl support files for installer
  • make-perltgz.cmd - Create archive of Perl support files as tarball