Search a repository using the Github API.
- Make a search screen that allows the user to search for repositories on Github ✅
- Do NOT use any third party libraries i.e RxSwit / Moya ✅
- Implement network throttling ✅
- Setup Repo + CI ✅
- Setup UI + API base ✅
- Call github search API ✅
- Implement network throttling ✅
- Implement debounce on tap ✅
- Write some tests with some mocks ✅
- Moya & Alamofire and RxSwift are really powerful. It was really interesting to see how they operated and see what I could do.
- I tried to make something simple, efficient and tested with 8 hours.
- Due to the position, I did not polish the UI but I did prefer work on the core feature and its robustness (no leaks).
- I setup a CI because it shows really quickly an idea about the seriousness of a development.
- A lot of features could be added and make something much more abstracted as Moya, RxSwift and Alamofire are doing. Futhermore a cache is welcome too.
- Use new Swift 5 features as Publisher and Subscriber, It may be really excited to work with, I did not experiment it yet.